Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/310

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won 286 marg. nj3ri; c f. Baer's note on Ezr 2 61 ; ® Ezr Aa/3f«j, ©L QBovta, A 0/3ma, ® Ne E/9«a, ©L A/3ta, K Adnti). JT'Sn, PP^n v. foregoing. TOPP v. nan su b nan. T' , 3n: a Naphtalite, one of the Hebrew spies Nu 1 3 4 (P). t[J3Iin] vb. beat off, beat out (NH id., strike, beat, Ar. WI£, Aram, fc^--, &5D) — Qal Imp/, can: is 27"; 3 fs. tsanni Eu 2 17 ; 2 ms. oanri Dt 24 20 ; P«. can j u 6";— 1. 6<?a< off, tyl Dt 24 20 . 2. beat out (grain), Gideon nia D'tsn Can J u 6", so Ru 2 17 , of small quanti- ties ; — distinct fr. threshing on open floor, with cattle; fig. of '»'s judgment, and subsequent gathering of Isr. Is 2 7 12 (no obj. expr.), so Che Di Du; Ges Hi KnBrd place sub 1 ; VB un- decided. Niph. Impf. Ban* Is 28 s7 fennel (nsp) beaten out nBB3.

  • ^ti, iron, rron v . sub nan.

tt -:' t • -: tt t: ]i' , in v. sub nan. fl. [73111] vb. bind, pledge (Ar. jj^ bind; cf. Aram. *^JL. , ^-LL travail; bin pledge (but rare and dub.); esp. 11-.T. cord, field, toan corrf, JLw, K?an pain, esp. of travail; Sab. 73n border-territory, or _^eZcZ, Sab.Denkm. 48<9 ; Eth. rfiflrt; Zim BP93 °-, comp. As. nahbalu, rope, snare (but A=_.))— Qal Pf. inn Ez 18 16 Impf. bn: Dt 2 4 6 ; 2 ms. b'anri Dt 2 4 ' 7 ; bsnn Ez 22^ Jb 22"; ^an: Jb 24 s ; &irr jb

s ; Imv. sf. Inban p r 2 o" 27 13 ; 7»i/ abs. bin 

Ex 22 25 ; P<. act. bh Dt 24 s , cf. DS>3h Zc ii 714 (name of Sl>0); jrass. Q'i'an Am 2 8 ; — 1. bind, only in Evan, name of one of Zee's symbolic staves, Zc 1 i 714 symbol, of fraternity. Esp. 2. bind by taking a pledge of, hold by a pledge, sq.acc. pers. Pr2o 16 27 13 Jb 22 6 ; take or hold in pledge, sq.acc.reiEx22 25 (JE),Dt24 6 - 6 - 17 Jb 24 s ; sq. ace. cogn. bhri Ez 18 16 ; ^air ^j^J* Jb 24° prob. pregn. (v. Di) takepledges (getting power) overthepoor; Q?3n DHJ3 Am 2 s garments taken in pledge. ITiph. Impf. b 7MJ Pr 1 3 13 becometh pledged to it (i. e. pledged to pay the penalty, opp. Dk ; ;), so Ew Hi De Now Str RV m VB. >sub II. ?an q. v . Pi. pf 3 f g . r6an Ct 8 s ; yfef) Ct 8 s ; Impf. "ban; f f*;— writhe, twist, hence travail; of mother Ct 8" (c. ace. of child; IIT!^'); metaph. of wicked man

■«£ 1V1 boj im rarijw* & • 7 is

'VIT *fj T T Tt; 'v^t v - . T / ' f I. Vnn n.m. Jos2 - I4 f. 4Z » «• ■ (but v. infr.) cord, territory, band ; 'n abs. Jos 2 15 + ; cstr. Dt 3 4 + , bsn Jos io 2 "; sf.^an jb 18 10 ; pi. cbn 2 S 8 2 + iot. +EZ47 13 Jb2i 7 v.infr.; cstr. ^an Jos «7*+5t.J '.^n ^u6 3 +2 t. + f i8 5 (rd. nsBto v. infr.); sf. I^aq Is 33 s3 ; vbn Is 33 2 °;— 1. cord, rope, by which men were lowered Jos 2 15 (JE), Je 3 8 6 ' 112 > 3 , or stones dragged 2 S 17 13 ; of tents Is 33 20 ; tackling of ship v 23 ; for bind- ing Ez 27" Jb 40 25 Est i 6 ; symbol of captivity or subjection 1 K 20 3132 ; fig. of snare for wicked Jb i8 10 (||in"]3J>0), set by wicked f 140' (|| H§); yjr 1 1 9 61 cords of wicked men have surrounded me; of wicked held inXEn ^3n3 Pr 5^; Tl N lf n Is 5 18 cords (ropes) of wickedness (|| ni3J?3 n ^n); of cords of distress (ty) Jb 3 6 8 (|| ffR); so njD i^3n (prob.) y- 1 16 3 , Jte' ban ^ i8 6 =

S 22 6 (|| DID 'B'piD);— for DID »|£n ,/, 18 5 rd. 

na^D, v . 2 S 2 2 5 and II ^b bflJ, De Che Bae; to draw D"1« vans Ho ii 4 (i.e. humanely, kindly); of cord of life ^DBn ?3n Ec 1 2 s . 2. measuring-cord, line n'TO'n Zc 2 5 ; so Tl alone 2 S 8 2 - 22 Am 7' 7 Mi 2 5 ^ 78 s5 ; fig. (of favoured life) yff 16 5 ; in gen. of one's portion, fortune Jb 2 1 17 ace. to X Thes Add. Ew Di al., but < v. ?9 n . Thence 3. measured portion, lot, part, region, IT^JJ Tl inherited portion Dt 32° 1 Ch 1 6 18 = V' 105 11 ; also 'n alone Jos 17 514 19 9 EZ47 13 (B^an ; 93 3; rd. as dual, v. Ew Sm Da al. ; Co del. on intern, grounds); of particular regions aa")S ti Dt3 41314 1K4 13 ; an?8 Ti Josip 29 (si veral., ^WMM"-"'); D T >n / nZp 2 5 ; also v 6 , but 'n nn'n here dub.; Sta prop. 2 fs. T)n, and del. Cn 'n; without D^n, v 7 . 4. band, company of prophets 1 S io 510 . — 11. 72n v. sub n. 33IJ. t^n n.m. J" 66 ' 7 (but v. Je 4 9 24 ) pain, pang; — 'nabs. Is 66'; elsewh. pi. Q'^n Is 13 8 + 3t. + Jb2i ,7 v. infr.; cstr. 'ban Ho 13"; sf. v^an is 2 6 17 ; anb3ri Jb 39 3 (on sf. v. Ges Sis6.6,bi^. — p a i ni pang: 1. pains of travail: a. obj. of nin^n Jb 39 s meton. for offspring (II W~!?- ," v. Di ; of goats and hinds), b. sim. of distress of exiles Is 26 17 ; fig. of anguish of