Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/314

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an i K 2 40 I3**"»** (v 27 " no dir. obj. expressed) 2K4 24 ; pass., also of asses, J1119 10 2 S16 1 . d. fig. = restrain, control (Germ, bandigen), abs. Jb 34 17 . 2. bind up, viz. a wound, usually in fig., of comforting the distressed, etc. ; c. sf. pers. Ho6 1 (||N?"}, opp. H3n); sq. p pers. nb-n.^3p tfarfc Is 6 1 1 ; cf. Ez 34 4 (sq. rvjaj$ ; || pin,' NS-l), v 16 (sq. id.; || P?n); sq. ace. rei tf'| ioy i23*-n« * ran is 30 s * (|| «?")); c . ace. of Pharaoh's broken arm Ez 30 21 (si vera 1. , v. supr. ; cf. Ph.); abs. Jb 5 18 ; also Is 3 7 of repairing for- tunes of people (opp. 3*On ; || rlfl = KSfi). Pi. />/ eon fimd, restrain HWU <33t? Jb 28 11 ; -P«. B>3TO foW «p c "? i|3 i f 5?? ^ 147 3 . Ptl. i 5 / Je bound up nran Ez 30 21 (metaph.) Pharaoh's broken arm; W$n Is I 6 (wounds of land of Judah). J~Qn (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. il-lC be obscure, iv. 6« lowly, submissive, o>-v»- ?oio ground). t D'THn n.[m.]pl. (NH «tf.)— some kind of flat cakes, or bread-wafers, only TCT ntJ'JfD 1 Ch 9 31 . T rCT'O n -^ flat P late > P an ' or griddle for baking, only P and late; abs. 'D Lv 2 6 +2t.; risno Lv 7 9 ; cstr. H3TO Ez 4'; — 1. used in pre- paring the (baken) mincha, preceded by "?S Lv 2 6 6" f (all P), cf. 1 Ch 2 3 M . 2. 5>JTa '» Ez 4 3 a £>Za<e of iron, signifying an iron wall, in prediction of siege of city. an, Nan v. sub jan. T ' T T D.JFT (-/of foil.; mng. dub.; poss. cf. Ar. J^s?- prevent, intervene, hide, (AaC* <Aa< which veils, conceals, hides; Syr. ki^a- shrine; hence locusts as concealing the sky ?). ti.ian n.m. Ec 12t locust, grasshopper (NH T T ^ ft/./ cf. J), prob. a non-flying species, v. Kn in Di LTii,22. 3 3nn allowed as food Lvii m (P; || naiK, Dvfjp, bVyrt), D?;n3 Nu i3 33 (JE; sim. of insignificance), so Is 40 22 ; as agent of Yah- weh's wrath psn *>i3$6 3jri 2 Ch 7 13 ; blPiV) 3jnn Ec 12 6 and the grasshopper shall be a burden; better shall drag itself along, De Hi Now EV"; De thinks 'n here fig. of the back part of the pelvic cavity (Ar. ilx 3 " is point of hip-bone, Bo, cf. Lane), and refers to stiff- ness of aged joints, so Now; but the meaning is dubious; v. other views in Comm. f 11. 2an head of a family of return- ing exiles Ezr 2" © 'Ayafi (no || in Ne 7 H ; but ©L Ne 7* has both Aya/3 and A ya /3a, cf. KJ3IJ). TNZian head of a family of re- turning exiles Ne 7 48 , © 'Aya@a (cf. also fore- going) prob. = following. fnnan head of a family of re- turning exiles Ezr 2 47 , prob. = foregoing ; ® 'Aya0a. T[JJn] vb. make pilgrimage, keep a pil- grim-feast (Ar. Li betake oneself to or towards an object of reverence ; make a pilgrimage to Mecca; Sab. Jjn make pilgrimage Sab. Denkm. g vr „^^ celebrate a feast. In Palm. Bin is Vog No61 ; cf. also Ph. >}T, nan); — Qal Pf. 2 mpl. anln Ex i2 14 +2 t. ; Jmpf. 2 ms. Jhri Ex 23 14 Dt 16 15 ; 3 mpl. tiff f 107 27 (Bo* 1,uw ); WJJ EX5 1 ; 2 mpl. «nn Lv 23 s941 ; if. inann Ex 12 14 ; Imv. f. -in N a ,1. /«/. cstr. 3h Zc'i4 ls +2t.; Pt. "in ^42'; pi. CHn 1 S 30 16 ; — 1. keep a pilgrim-feast, abs. Ex 5 1 (JE) cf one proposed by Moses; W?& v 3nn DvJT three times slialt thou make pil- grimage unto me (in the year) EX23' 4 (covt. code); of pilgrim-feasts in general Na 2 1 , the Passover Ex 12 14 (P); elsewh. feast of Booths ; all celebrated in partjby sacred processions and dances ; JJin pen ^r 42 s multitude keeping fes- tival (led by the Psalmist in procession); Jjn jn Lv2 3 39 (H), Nu 2 9 12 (P), Na2' Zci 4 161S19 ; in m Jjn Ex i2 14 (P),Lv2 3 41 (H); inNLv23 41 (H); sf. Ex 12" (P). 2. behave as at a 3!? 1 S 30 16 (of the Ainalekites when surprised by David i.e. enjoying themselves merrily, Dr; others, circling in the sacred dunce). 3. reel, in giddiness on the sea ^ 107 27 (cf. NJH Is 19 17 ); this either points to an earlier meaning of V ; or better, the ^ being late, means reel as from festival excesses (||-»3Bb W). tan n.m. Isau festival-gathering, feast, pilgrim-feast (NH id.; Aram. )4^., ^0 ; Ar. Li pilgrimage; Sab. >n UHM Ep ' grDo " km - 3 '; ■KI-- ZMG 1887. 719. p o Proph. Lect. U. n. 6 . ^ ^y e Bkizzen ill. 106,

sacred dance) — 3D abs. and cstr. Ex io 9 + 

36 t.; Jn Nu 2 8 17 +i3t.; sf. -in Ex 23 18 ; 13H Dt 16 14 ; ™n Ho 2 13 ; W3.n y,8i 4 ; pi. DW Is 29'+ at.; sf. TXU Na2'; D3'5.n Am 5 21 -f-2t.; — 1. feast, esp. one observed by a pil- grimage (Ex 23 1417 ): a. special feast to the golden calf Ex 32 s (J; where there was a