Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/339

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rraan 315 io 8 16 21 ; D?n aS Ec 8 4 ; of the son Pno'= 15 s0 , 13 1 23 s4 Ec 2 19 ; 'n 1?' Ec 4" wise boy; 'n n3J Jb 3 4** wise mum; 'n IT3U3 wise rejtrover Pr 2 $ ]i . b. = subst. : (1) as a wise learner in school of wisdom, he fears God and departs from evil Pr 14 16 ; is silent Pr 17 2R ; hearkens to counsel Pr 1 2 15 ; hears and increases in learning Pr I 5 ; his ear seeketh knowledge Pri8"; he receives it Pr2i"; and stores it up Pr 10"; his ears hearken to the reproof which giveth life Pr 15 31 ; and he becomes wiser through it Pro^ 9 . (2) as a wise teacher, a sage, he does not answer with windy knowledge Jb 15 2 ; he tells the ex- perience of the past Jb 1 5 48 ; has knowledge Jb 34 2 ; teaches it Ec 1 2 9 ; disperses it Pr 15 7 ; his tongue is health Pr 12 18 ; it utters knowledge aright Pri5 2 ; his mind instructs his mouth and adds learning to his lips Pr 1 6 s3 ; his words are gracious Ec io 12 ; it is good to hear his re- buke Ec 7 s ; his instruction is a fountain of life Pr 13 14 ; one walking with him becomes wiser Pr 1 3 20 . The D'Dan recall the Gk. <ro'</>oi, having their schools, pupils (J3), discipline (" 1 P ! " 3 ), principles and collections of wisdom, '"OT DV33n Pr i 6 22 17 (cf. 24 s3 ), Ec9 17 12 11 ; God himself is 33? D3n Jb 9/. (3) the wise are pros- perous: true, in sceptical view of Ec, they have no advantage over the fool Ec 6 8 ; but die as the fool Ec 2 1616 fr 49 11 ; they will not be able to find the works of God Ec 8 17 ; like others are in the hands of God Ec 9 1 ; they do not secure bread Ec 9"; but elsewhere reverse is true : precious treasure is in his dwelling Pr2i 20 ; his lips preserve him Pr 14 3 ; they inherit glory Pr3 35 ; wealth is their crown Pr 1 4 24 ; the wise man is strong Pr 24 s Ec 7 19 ; his eyes are in his head Ec 2 U ; his mind is at his right hand Ec io 2 ; he interprets things Ec 8'. (4) the wise man is a blessing to others : he wins men Pr 11 30 ; scales the city of the mighty Prai"; though poor he delivers the city Ec 9 15 ; is a reproof to scorners Pr 15 12 ; his mind is in the house of mourning Ec7 4 ; injustice makes him foolish Ec 7 7 ; Job finds no wise men among his cruel friends Jb 17 10 . tn£)~n n.f. wisdom, 'n Ex 28 3 -f 106 t.; cstr. neon Ex 35 s5 + 15 t.; sf. 'rioan Ec 2', etc. + 25 t. sf.; pi. abst, emph. DiDSPI ^ 49 * p r x » 9 1 2 4 7 ; nton Pr 14 1 (incorrectly pointed as adj. cstr.f.; rd.rfesriDe); — 1. «MZinwar Is io 13 ; in technical work Ex 28 s 31 36 Jg*"* 36 1 2 (P), cf. 1 K 7", 1 Ch 28 2 '; of sailors f 107 27 . 2. wisdom, in administration Dt 34 s Is 29 14 Je 49" 2 S 14 20 ; of prince of Tyre Ez 28 45 ' 71217 ; ^n Sol.'s wisdom included this with other forms of cleverness and shrewdness 1 K 2' 3 ffl g 910 ""** 10 «.«.J.».ss.M_ 2C i 1 9 w.a.9 ,Ku 41 2 Chi 10 ""; the Messiah is to have nr3* n ?? n D*" 1 Is 1 1*. 3. shrewdness, wisdom, 2820 s2 1 K 5 1010 Je 9 M ; withheld by God from the ostrich Jb 39" ; of magicians and prophets Is 47 10 Dn i 417 - 20 . 4. wisdom, prudence in religious affairs Dt 4° ^37 30 5i 8 9o 12 Prio 31 Is 3 3 6 Je8 9 . 5. wisdom, ethical and religious : a. of God, as a divine attribute or energy; his wisdom is in the skies Jb 38 36 ; by it he numbers the clouds Jb 38 s7 ; founded the earth Pr3 19 ; and made all things Je io l2 =5i 15 , ^ro4 M ; it is with him Jb 12 13 ; not to be found by the most persevering human search Jb 28 1220 ; he alone knows it Jb 28^; gives it Pr 2 6 ; and shews its secrets Jb 11 6 . b. the divine wisdom is personified: she was begotten before all things to be the architect and counsellor of God in the creation (Pr 8 22 * 31 ) ; the builds a palace and spreads a feast for those who will receive her instruction 9 ' (cf. v 2 " 5 ); she teaches in public places i 20 8 l - 5I112 (v. context); givesher pupils the divine spirit I 23 ; by her discipline simple become wise, rulers rule wisely, and those seeking her are richly rewarded 8 14 (cf. v 1 " 21 ). c. of man : to get wisdom is principal thing Pr 4"; its fundamental principle is to fear God ^ III 10 Pr 15 33 Jb28 28 (|| nra VIO-WD); and know '», the All Holy Pr 9 10 30 3 ; it is of inestimable worth Jb 28' 8 Pr8" 16 1 i7 16 23 2

7 ; beyond the 

reach of scorners Pr 14 6 ; God giveth it to the good Ec 2 26 ; men are to incline the ear Pr 2 2 ; attend unto wisdom Pr 5 1 ; seek Ec 7 2S ; know Pr24 14 Ec i 17 8 16 ; behold Ec 2 12 9 13 ; get her Pr4 57 ; treat her as sister Pr7 4 ; happy the man who finds her Pr 3 13 ; he who lias wisdom is nrori b»k p r i *>. paa p r io 13 14 33 ; P 31 ? Pr

24 ; cf. also ^ 49 4 Jb4 21 12 2 

Pri 2 a 7.M 33 s

3 28 M 29 315 3 1 2 

.23 Ql ,. 18 " 11' 13' , , 3 » i5° 18 4


2I 30 Ec , ,- io 110 ; — on Solomon's wisdom

v. supr. "Prrapn (wise) — 1. father of one of David's warriors 1 Ch 1 1". 2. father of the tutor of David's sons 1 Ch 2 7 32 . t^Dpnri adj. gent. 2 S 23 8 = 'Jinan [3 1 Ch 1 1 11 ';' id. ^bann "Ye Klo Dr VB. ?n v. Wi sub I. hn. Sh v. sub III. i>?n.