Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/361

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Mish. |jn -iB3). e. Wfifn B*N head of a prophetic guild, |jn 'JS J e 35*. ' (favoured; cf. As. I/anunu, king of Gaza COT on 2 K is 89 );—!, an Am- monite king 2 S io 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 1 Ch iff** 4 *. 2. Jewish chiefs, contemporaries of Nehemiah : a. Ne 3 13 . b. Ne 3 s0 . T|12n adj. gracious, only used as an attribute of God, as hearing the cry of the vexed debtor Ex 2 2 26 (covt. code), || Dirvg ^ 1 1 6 s ; elsewhere in the earlier phrase psm Dirn Ex 34 6 (JE) = i/,86 15 103 8 , or the later birni pan 2 Ch 30 9 Ne 9 ,7S1 yj, 1 n 4 1 1 2 * 1 45 s Jo 2 13 Jon 4 2 . tnr^n n.f. favour HJ^n Dab ffiKT6 /w»7Z shew you no favour Je 1 6 13 (v. on form Ba NB m ). + L T^X^n (favour of El; cf. Ph. /jnjn, JTipPDJn (Hamilcar) /awwr 0/ Melqart; Nab. bton Vog N ° 10 ) — 1. prince of tribe of Manasseh Nu 34 23 . 2. a chief of the tribe of Asher 1 Ch 7 s9 . T7N3:n (El is gracious; cf. Ph. ?y2J3n, pi"l7X, etc.) — name of a tower at Jeru- salem Je 31 s8 Zc 14 10 Ne 3 1 12 39 . t"n;n (fn+TTIl favour of Ha- dad) — Levite chief Ezr 3" Ne 3 1824 io 10 . t "02J1 (perh. abbrev. from foil.) ; — 1. father of the prophet Jehu 1 K 16 17 2 Ch 16 7 19 2 20 s4 . 2. brother of Nehemiah Ne i 2 7 2 . 3. a chief musician of David 1 Ch25 42S . 4. a chief musician in time of Nehemiah Ne 12 s6 . 5. a priest of Ezra's time Ezr io 20 . TirP32n, iTOXI C 11 hath been gra- cious) — © 'Kvavlas; *MgJ : (ei VtWl on Israel, seal, Ganneau JA,F,,v -- M '™ 1883 ' I28 - ,, °- 1 )_l. father of a prince under Jehoiakim Je 36 12 . 2. captain of Uzziah's army 2 Ch 26". 3. chief of one of the divisions of musicians of David 1 Ch 25 s3 = rPMPl v 4 . — rn?n : 4. a false prophet of Jere- miah's 'time Je 28 1 - 5101112131616 ". 5. one of the three companions of Daniel Dn i 6 - 71119 . 6. grandfather of an officer of the guard in Jeremiah's time Je 37 13 . 7. a son of Zerub- babel 1 Ch 3 1921 . 8. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8 24 . . various postexilic persons, a. Ezr io 28 . b. Ne 3 8 . c. Nes 30 . d. Ne7 2 . e. Ne io 24 . f. Ne i2 12 - 41 . t]j~£n place in the tribe of Zebu- lun Jos 19 14 ; © Afio>8, AEvva0a>6, ©L Avada>6 ; site unknown; ace. to Cornier =Talm. Caphar ppn Hanania (Nbr **'- "'™) en the border of Upper and Lower Galilee, mod. Kefr' Anan, Survey WPI - 205 - 207 . t L ^jnri n.f. favour, supplication for favour;— 'n Jos 1 i M -r 4t.; cstr.ri3nn t k 8 3o.» wnri Je 3 7 20 +5t.; onvtinn 2Ch6 3 »etc. + iot! sf.J — 1. favour, shewn by Israel Jos n J0 (D); HUT nXD Ezr9 8 . 2. supplication for favour, from God 1 K 8 aM 2 Ch 33 13 ^ 119 170 ; || n^eri

k 8 28 = 2 ch 6», * 6» 55 2 ; wnn(i) rbm  k 

S .«.49. M _. 2 Ch 6 nMM lKg Z. t,l, ann -^ , fl , K »(= JWW 2 Ch 6 21 ); <$ 'n %n let Os sup- plication fall before, Yahweh Je 36 7 , the king Je 37 20 , Jeremiah Je 42 s ; ^B? 'T ;»3n present supplication before, Yahweh Je 42 s Dn 9 s0 , the king Je 28™. f 11. i"Tjnri one in the line of Judah

ch 4 12 . T 

^[P-D^] n.[m.]onlypl.abstr. supplica- tion for favour; — abs.D^ynn Pr i8 23 +4t.; cstr. ^qi? Je 3 21 2Ch6 21 ; 8f.i8.^«'nriV28 2 etc.,-(-9t.sf.; also VliJUnn ,/, 86 6 ;— 1. made to men : 'n Tf) (a poor man to the rich) Pr 1 8 n ; ?$ 'T1 supplica- tion unto (crocodile to man) Jb40 27 ; elsewhere . to God: || ni?sn f 143 1 Dn 9 3,7 ; ^anmete 'n

Ch 6 21 (=n»m 1 K 8 30 ); 'n bp voice of sup- 

plication f 28 s - 6 3 1 23 86 6 130 2 140 7 , also ii6 2 (for "p is old case-ending, and cstr. as © SSCheBae al.); || "33 Je 3 i 9 ; 11 <33 Je 3 J1 ; 'm jn rrn Zc 12 10 ; fis 1 ? 'n ayHQ vrm Dn 9 18 we are presenting our supplications before thee; 'n njnra Dn g a at the beginning of thy sup- plication. t n - [ j^?] be loathsome (cf. Ar. Hiii x. foetorem emisit (puteus); Syr. JxoL rancid); —only '303 *$fi Vbtn Jb 19 17 and I am loath- some to the sons of my womb (|| iTTT v. n."W), so RVm Ew De Di al. (On the tone' v. De.) t D3H Is 30 4 in Lower Egypt, on island in Nile, S. of Memphis (|| JS'3f)= Egypt. Hnnstn [*Hnense, As. JJininSi; Herodot. " 137 "Avva-is, afterward Ileracleopolis magna, now A hnds ; v. Steindorfl' BA3 '■ m . t E pv] vb - be Polluted, profane (Ar. '— » ■" incline, decline, hence i__a^». inclining to a right state, but in Heb. of inclining away from right, irreligion, profaneness, cf. ■ VI have a 1. i'Z . i.e.distortionoffoot; Syr.indeiiv. z