Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/414

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390 thropomorphism ; as strengthening Joseph Gn 49 M (poem in J); as stretched out (rb&) to smite Ex 9 15 (J); so of * tJKjjp 2 S 24 16 , sq. ace. + p inf., opp. *|T ^J§ v 16 ; as smiting (3 r^JD) 1 S 6 9 Jb 19 21 ; as against (3 among, in) cattle, etc., V s (J); city 1 S5 9 ; the murrain v s (J); m.T-T as lieavy against (H? rTUD) 1 S5 6 ; IITM Of v"; ^5? nriE'^ v 7 ; f withdrawal of Vs chas- tising hand D30 hj TDn 1 S 6 s ; and ('< subj.) D ?h» "r"? $£ v 5 ; of '»'„ power to deliver hispeople :— fT pjn Ex 1 3 31416 (all JE)t; nggj T 6(JE),i3»(JE),'Dt6 21 7" Jos 4 24 (D); es'p.'in* phr. rnbi. $?rn(3)i np T tn v(a) Dt 4 34 + (v. y*nt p. 284); nprnT + i>na nbEx 3 2 n (JE),Nei 10 ; rn "*£>n "• Nu 1 1 23 (JE) is the hand of) shortened ? Is50 2 SP^both sq. |Q); rWtM T b judgment l8 9 »-»*io 4 ; py'PV T rrrm of grasp of v s hand in prophetic inspiration Ez i 3 3 22 37 1 40 1 K3 15 ; npm »^ ">™r Ez 3 M ; bo"W nejna i b8 h. of God's (Vs) g-ood /i«nrf = favour, (late) T (V)bv nato (V)n!>K Ezr 7 s 8 18 Ne 2 818 ; without rata Ezr 7 6 - 28 8 22 - 31 ; sq. inf. nr6 nr6 arbtm T

Ch 30 12 ; h;p ^Ta 1 Ch 29"; in gen. *JT3 

rrjUM nb v 12 ; of protection IT i>X3 Is 49 2 fa //te shadow of his (s) Aa»irf.

. Fig. = strength, power : — D?T Dro ,Tn &6 

DU? Jos 8 20 (JE) tJiere was not in tliem strength to flee; DWT ^PT j ^ y^ 1NXO N^ 7 6 6 none of the men of might have found their Imnds, i. e. their powers are paralyzed in death (|| 0n:p 103); with ref. to pecuniary ability : n'B> »J IT JJ'jri Lv 5 7 (on this and others c. , :! v. "T p. 1 9 1 ) ; IT yan Dn^n Vltyi> v " if his hand do not reach to two turtledoves; T$Q T J"S 14" if his hand be unable to reach; so combinations with }feo Hiph.: v 22 - 30 - 31 - 32 Nu6 21 (all foregoing P), Lv 2 5 26 - 47M 2f (all H), Ez 4 6 7 ; V D3TO3 Dt i6 17 ac- cording to the giving of his hand, i.e. his ability; similarly IT flflO EZ46 511 ; on *TJ i^?"** Gn 31 s9 , etc.. v. 11. -W p. 43" supr.; other phr. c. prep. v. infr.; of dominion of king 3 T ywrb 2 S8 3 rd. prob. as || 1 Ch 18 s 3 hj SHflfy establish his dominion at; hand=display of strength, action of* f 78" Jb 27" Dt 34 12 ; esp. •» rfcy-isto npnan n;n Exi 4 31 (J)=«A e ? rea< achievement which /f > did. . Fig. = «'cfe : a. of way TV7 T 1 S 4 13 Qr (Kt T ; but rd. prob. "Wfl T§ v. Dr). b. of gate ly^T TJ? 1 S 4 18 (txt. dub., v. Dr). c. of stream or wady P3I bm T"!)3 Dt 2 s7 . Esp. du.: d. of land, tS^J naffl pS Gn 34 21 (P) <A* land is wide of (on) both hands, i.e. in both directions, Ju 18 10 Is22 is 1 Ch4 40 ; of city Ne7 4 ; of sea^io4 25 ; of streams D?T 'Drn I833 21 ; trri3 TO Nu2 4 24 (JE) from "the direction of Kittim. — Other phr. c. prep. v. infr. e. side =place, properly place at one side WTIIJI T1 njjpfc fvap <jp Dt 23 13 ; Vr-nx b*k j e 6 3 eacA (m) his place; so iT"^ BNJ"^| Nu2 17 (P);— v. other phrases c. prep. infr. . 1J is used in various special, technical senses: — a. sign, monument 1 S 15 12 2 S i8' 8 . tb. part, fractional jiart or share: of seed Gn 47 24 ( J ); sn are in king 2S19 44 ; of fighting men 2K11 7 ; of people Neii 1 . fc. time, repetition Gn 43 s4 (J), Dn i 20 . Also (only in fig. senses) : — td. axle-trees 1 K 7 32 - 33 (@ Jfcet^cf ). te. stays, supports for laver 1 K 7 35 - 36 ; stoy« at sides of throne 1 K io I919 = 2 Ch 9 1818 . tf. tenons on sides of boards of tabernacle fliT >Ff Ex 26 17 (P), also v 1919 3 6 22 - 24 - 24 . g. nnn T is 578 acc to Hi De Che 0r Brd Du and most = a phallus thou beholdest; this favoured by context but without support in Heb. usage; Di a (beckoning) Jiand. . T with prep. :— a. T^f :— (i ) after vb. of motion, into the charge, custody, o/Est2 38 - 814 ; (2) ll'bx by the side o/gate 2 S 18 4 ; *Tfa by my side, next to me 14 30 ; fffl T^K EZ48"; "OH Tr^ v b (but on txt. v. Co); cfl also T_J>, 1??$. b. TJ3 into the Juind: (1) T„3 fnj pfat mto /A« /*o»Mi 0/, lit., Gn27 17 ; (2) into the possession of T3 fflj Exio 2S (JE); esp. (3) T3 ]T:= give into the jiower of deliver over to Jos 6 2 7 7 (both JE), Dt i 27 Ju 2 14a 13 1 is 12 1 K 22 6 2K18 30 19 10 ; T3 130 sell into the hand of Ju 2 ,4b 3 8 4 2 - 9 io 7 ; T.3 %) fall into the hand of I5 18 2 S24 14 ; D^a 'T3 DnptW Jb8 4 and he delivered them into the power of their transgres- sion, gave them over to it ; also Is 64", which read U?.?DTn for MT UJICPn ; (4) T2 JD3 — entrust to Qn^ 32 17 . c. T3 in the hand of: (1) lit. T3 1S*« ^tSD Gn 38 18 (J) thy staff which is in thy hand, Ex7 17 (J), i7 9 (E), 32" NU22 23 - 31 J0S5 13 8 18 (all JE), 1 S 13 22 14 27 17 50 18 10 20 10 2 K ii 811 =2 Ch 23 7 , Am 7 7 Is 6 s Ez 40 35 47 s Zc 2 5 8 4 ; S|^J I^J n^3 pN i S 14 12 there is not in my Jiand evil or transgression (orig. prob. of stains of blood, or other evidences of crime); n ¥l "'I' 3 "'" 10 26 18 ; (2) fig. in the possession of, Ex 2l 16 "(JE); 'T3 NSO? 1 S 9 8 there is found