Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/441

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417 with ?&, unto Moses Nu io 4 (P); to the door of the tent of meeting v 3 (P); with ->y, unto Solomon iK8 f =2Ch5 l ; against Yahweh Nu 1 4 s6 1 6" 27 s (P). Po'el Pf. i s. *rtf> (for MT *qffl>) i S 2 1 3 sq. ace. pers. + ^K of place, ace. to © We Dr Kit Bu. Hiph! Impf. 'D TJjt* Je50 44 =W^ 'D 49 19 =: ,| 3Tyii <D Jb 9 19 v)ho will make me meet him at the appointed place (of judgment) 1 i.e. who will summon or arraign me 1 Hoph. Pi. ^sb DHJUD Je 24 1 6e set, placed be/ore; ni"iyD TpJD HJN Ez2i 21 whither thy face is set.

1 W n.f. congregation (prop, company 

assembled together by appointment, or acting concertedly) — 'y Nu l6 2 +85 t,; cstr. rny Ex i2 3 +52t.; sf. 'rny Jb 1 6 7 + 9 1. sfs.;— l.SprSj ^82' congregation of El, of company of angels (llDV^K 3np3); B^ 'y 7 8 congregation of peoples; E , i? , ' : !S 'V i 6 congregation of the righteous; || DT^J 1.D ,u»; || fop Pr 5"; ^Jr- 5 ? Jb 16 7 (of Job's circle of dependents) ; in a bad sense, D^O 'V company of evil doers ^22 17 ; D'S^y'y 86"; «13n 'y Jb 15 34 ; rnp "S company of Korah Nu 26' 27 s (P), so imy, ^rny l6 5.6.n.i6 1? 5 ^ and nyy 26 , 273 ^. ffV3K 'y ^ io6 17 , cf. v 18 . 2.'of animals "2 , T?« ^68 31 (fig. of nobles); Dnitt 'y J u I4 « «  swarm of bees. 3. elsewhere of Israel Ho 7 12 DJ Piy : i-e. the whole assemblage of them ; 1K8 1 ( = 2 Ch 5 6 ) Tr my fo of those gathered to Sol. ; 1 2 20 myn of assembly at Shechem ; Je 6 18 (text very dub.); Irny 3 o 20 of restored people ; ^jrny f74 2 (Ihniru D3B>); elsewhere in P, except possibly Nu 20" (R), in technical sense, of the company of Israel of the Exodus, the congrega- tion ( 1 1 5 t.), esp. in the phrases tflW 'y Nu 2 7 17 31" Jos 22 1617 ; +fo-ib"'y Ex i 2 '« 19 « Lv 4 13 Nu 16 9 32* Jos 22 1820 ; fi^b" 93 'y Ex 16 1 " 910 17 1 jgU* Lv l6 s I9 2 (H), Nu i 2M 8 9 - 20 i 3 2 « ,«" i5 25 - 26 i7 6 i9 9 25 6 26 2 27 20 3 i 12 Josi8 l 22 I2 ;nnyn Lv8 4 + 2 9 t.(cf. Ju2o" 21 10 ); 'yrrfo Lv8 3 + 33 t. (cf. Ju2i 13 ); t'y(H) WbO ;w i MCM «,/ tAg congregation~Exi6^ NU4 34 i6 2 3i 13 32 2 Jos 9 1518 22 s "; IS tNfrfrfy Ex 3 4 3 '; W 'Jfl «fcfo. s 0/ t"fo congregation Lv 4 1S (cf. Ju 21 16 ); fl12N 'inn 'yn Nu 3 1 26 . njno fjris n.m V-102. 14 appointed time, place, meeting ; 'o Ex 9 5 4- 1 83 t. ; njfo Dt 3 1 10 ; Vryto Nu 9 2 + 2 t.; inyb La 2 6 +3 t. + 5 t. sfs.; pi. O'lKiD Dn i2 7 +6 t. ; DHyb Zc 8 19 1 Ch 2 3 31 ; ninyio 2 Ch 8"; cstr. Hjnb Lv 23 J + 6 t.; Vffib Lv2 3 "; sfs. v ?y;,BEz44 24 '; 03Hyb Nu l5 3 +6t. sfs.; — tZ. aj>]>oinled time: a. in general with prefix ?, at an or the appointed time Gni8 14 Ex 1 3'° (J), Ex 23 16 34 18 Jcs 8' 4 (all JE), Gn 1 7" 2 1 3 (P), 1 S 9 24 1 3 8 (after -m insert either ION © X or Db> Dr), v 11 2 K 4 1617 Hb 2' Dn 8™ n 2 " 9 -"*. in 'DP a< i7»e <t»ie appointed with David 1 S 20 35 (Thes SSplace appointed); c. prefix 3 H02" Lv2 3 4 Nu 9 2 - 3 - 713 2 8 2 (P) ; c. ft? 2 S20 6 ; 19 ny ny

16 wwto the time appointed (but dub., v. Dr); 

c. vbs. 'e Nl ^ 102 14 ; 'D npb 75 3 ; 'o D*b> Ex 9 s (J); 'en ->vjyn Je 46 17 ; the stork 'd nyp Je 8 7 knows her appointed time; "7DKV 'd Dt 1 6" time of thy going forth (from Egypt). b. in par- ticular (cf. Ex 13'" 23 15 34 18 ), sacred season, RV usu. set feast or appointed season (wider than SO, which was only a feast celebrated by a pil- grimage), '» (iO<) DV day(s) of appointed season (i.e. festivals) Ho 9 5 12 10 La &*; sg. indef. i 4 ; of the feast of booths Dt3i 10 ; || T& Win jn H02 13 ; Ty0 La2 6 ; usu. pi. ,T,,T 'o LV23 2 - 4 - 37 - 44 (P), 2 Ch 2 3 Ezr 3 s ; with sfs. referring to '» Lv 2 3 2 (P); '»3Nui 5 3 2 9 39 (P), E Z3 6 38 4 6 9 ; nnp 'd c% o/owr «&Z«mni<i«8(sacred seasons) Is 33 20 ; a"3,D'Di» Zc8 19 ; |[niri3E'Ez44 24 ; || D'EHn Isi 14

Ch 23 s1 2 Ch 8 13 31 3 Ne io 34 ; || D*jn Ez 46"; 

D'Bhn D'jn Ez 45 17 ; || D3Bhn ^K"l Nuio'°(P). — Notes. It is most probable that in Gn i 14 (P), where 'O || nhk, the reference is to the sacred seasons as fixed by the moon's appearance ; and so also 'tb m* nb>y he made the moon for sacred seasons ^ 104 19 , although many Lexx. & Comm. refer these to the seasons of the year. — 1]nnb 'Xm DHyiD Dn 1 2 7 for a set time, times, and a l M tf='S appointed times = half the prophetic week of years, cf. Br " p «"_ ' Dri n« ^ax'l they ate throughout the sacred season (of Massoth)

Ch 30 22 AV RV, but Thes SS Be Ke Ot they 

ate the offerings of the sacred season; © ^>3?1 . 2. appointed meeting: 'D"?^ 'D JV3 Jb 30 23 house of meeting for every living (of She'ol) ; 'D ,N 1i? Nu 1 6 2 (P) ca'fet/ to the assembly = ^IP "iyn ; 'D 'i?y Nip La I 15 called a festal meeting against me; 'D 3ip3 V' 74 4 in the midst of thine assembly; ^D nn I 8 14™ mount of meeting or assembly (of the gods; the mountain of the gods in the extreme noith, the oriental Olympus, Persian Alborg, Hindu Meru, Babylon. Aralli, cf. Len 0^ ' l! ' nesll ' cb • l, ). 3. appointed place: a. the temple, || i3b/ La 2 6 , 'DO >?« afflicted (and driven) ./rom rt« place of assembly Zp3 18 (cf. Br MF22! ). b. synagogues, pN? Np^O^| aZJ e e