Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/443

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fn. N7J^, TY7V2. liead of a family of returning exiles, *ty* Ne 7 M =n;>JF Ezr 2 66 . 07JT v. sub D^y. < i. }J^ prep, and conj. v. sub I. my. ii. TV in J5£ nj"! 2 S24 6 v. supr. p. 193. UP (Vof foil.; ace. to Ges Ew 00A im - N °- * Aram. ^ vl, |i *vl avidus, cupidus ; hence 1"I3 >yy* = daughter of greed, of ostrich as voracious bird; but Wetzst ^ Jb "• " = daughter of the desert or steppe, from aj_cj AarcZ, unproductive «oi7/ cf. the Arab, name ujl^ai y father of the plains.) T [jy*'] n. [m.] ostrich (i. e. voracious one f) ;— only pi. abs. 131?? D"1V *3 La 4' Kt; Qr n'3^3. t PCST n.f. greed (?) ;— only in fUJPrrna Lv ii 16 DtTi 4 15 ; njjrrtJ? Mi i 8 +5 t.;— ostrich, (vid. VT supra); as wailing (sim. of mourning) Mi i 8 (||D , ?R); symbol, of loneliness Jb 30 29 (X nh 5/1.1 D»?n? «TWI ns) ; of desolation, as dwelling among ruins Is 1 3 2 ' 34 13 (|| D'?!?), Je 50 39 ; dwelling in desert Is 43 20 (|| D^fl); unclean fowl Lvii 16 Dti4 16 . "W v. sub n:y. f I. [H,!^] vb. be weary, faint (Ar. ijiij rim and shew weariness) — Qal Pf. '3JH consec. Je5i 58M ; Impf*y IS40 28 ; tyU^*; «*£ 40 30 ; W^ v 31 Je 2"; *$ Hb 2 13 ;— 6e or grow weary Je 2 M (in seeking) ; = exhaust oneself fruitlessly Hb 2" ( || yr), hence Je 5 i 5864 (repeated by error from v 58 ); of (neg.) Is 40 28 ( || yj') j youth 40 30 (|| id.); the god-fearing v 31 (|| id.); be faint from lack of water 44 12 ( || 03 fX from hunger). Hoph. Pt. wearied Dn 9 21 ^3 H|0 (v. SJjJ). TF|y^ adj. weary, faint; — always as subst., exc. Ju 8 15 D'ys>n f^M (of physical fatigue from lack ofbread); IS*? 2 S 16 2 (from lack of drink); of mind and spirit Is 40 29 (|| D^iK p«), 50 4 . TF|J n _ »■[»»■] weariness, faintness (Ara- maism, ace. to Lag BNm ); — 1^3 ^yp weary vnth weariness, utterly weary Dn 9 21 (from winged flight, said of Gabriel). II. HJ' (■/ of following; cf. Ar. Aju ascend a mountain, xju hill). ' [pEV^Fi] n.f. eminence ; of towering T horns (1 v. Di) & DN") nayins Nu 23 12 24 s , sim. of strength of Israel ; of peaks i? Dnn nisyin f 95 4 (Unjr^W). of silver Jb 22 K 1D3 'H? TVByifl, very dubious, perhaps heaps or 6ar* (ingots). t jJ vb. advise, counsel (only twice in Hex) (Aram. By* ; Ar. laij exhort, admonish) — Qal Pf. 3 ms. Hi: Is 7 s + 1 1 1. ; )•£ 1 4 27 + 2 t.; sf ^ ^ 1 6 7 ; FIX JP Is 2 3 9 + inxr Baer 2 Ch 1 o 8 ; 3 pi. ttj£ V 62 s ; sf. W$n 1 K'i2 s + 2 t. (inch

( h io 9 ,Baer Vȣ), etc."; /mp/. nxy/N ^ 32 s 

(01 Che ^jTK); Tf^ Ex 18 19 Nu' 2 4' 4 (not elsewhere Hex), Je 38 15 , cf. also foregoing ; qsy* 1 K i 12 ; Pt.act.yV}" Is 3 3 + 9 t.; etkr.ft Na i ll ,r5?i*2Si5 12 ;^xyiMi4 9 ;pl.D7yiJbi2 17 +

t.; D'Xy* Ez 1 1 2 ; cstr. ^ Is 1 9" + 2 t., etc.; 

fs.sfjFIXyi* 2 Ch2 2 3 ; Pd.^ass.f.nxw; Isi 4 26 ;— advise, counsel, c. ace. Is32 7s 23 s (subj. ) Mi 6 5 ; sq. ^3 Na i 11 7 5 (sq. ^ = against), i9 is (sq.i<£), 23 s (sq. id.), Hb 2 10 (sq. p); oft. c. ace. cogn. 2 S 16 23 17 7 Ez ii 2 ; sq. ?N against Je 49 20 50' 5 (in both of '"); sq3y a^aim** 49 30 Is l9 17 (of '"); cf. pass. pt. Is 14 26 ; c. ace. cogn. -f-sf. pers. 1 K I2 s.i2.i3 2 Q n io s. c _ acc p erg 2 S 1 7 15 ^ 16' Ex " Nu 24" ( + rel. cl.) Je 38 15 ; abs. (of '") Isi4 24 (c. adv. ntsto), v 27 ; of man 2 S 17" (DNT31 riNf3), v 21 (H33 + i»y) ; sq. inf. f 62 s 2 Ch 25 16 (of D'nps); sq. cl. without connective 2 S 1 7 11 ; sq. neon jfy Jb 2 6 3 ;— M'V ybv nxy'x ^ 32 s (v. supr.). — .ft. ac<. as subst. = counsellor, king's adviser2Si5 12 iCh2 7 33 2Ch2 2 4 25 ,6 Ezr7 28 8 55 Is 19"; so fem. 2 Ch 2 2 3 ; prob. also 1 Ch 27 s2 (|| iSiDI |"3D (N«); c f. Mi 4 9 ,alsoIsi 26 (II D*DBb), Jb 12 17 (|| t'<i.); — in these three, of importance for people ; so also Is 3 s Pr 1 1 4 = 24"; cf. Jb 3", and particularly J*)?^ N?9 Is 9 s wonder of a counsellor, of the ideal ruler predicted. More generally, counsellor, adviser Pr 15 22 ; ??2'3 'V 1 Ch 26 14 (specific reason for title unknown); '$?' DW Pr 12 ™;=prophet Is 41 28 , nearly =agents (hired by adversaries of Judah) Ezr 4 s . Niph. (reflex, or recipr.) Pf. H>iJ Is 40"; 1XJJ13 ^ 71 10 83 s ; Impf. r^?l 1 K i2 B + iot.; IXy;^ L145 21 ; XS$V!i 2Ch3o a ; OXJjy Ne6 7 ; Pi." pi. D'Xyi3

K 1 2 6 + 4 t.; — consult together, exchange coun- 

sel, of king with advisers, sq. "ns 1 K I2 6 ' 8 =

Ch io 68 ; and so of Is 40"; sq. ~b« 2K6' 

2Ch20 21 ; sq.Dy iChi3'2Ch32 3 ; abs. consider

K 12 28 2 Ch 25 17 30 2 ; cf. 1 K 12 6 (sq. inf.) = 
Ch 1 o 6 , 1 K 1 2 9 (sq. Impf. + 1 subord.)= 2 Ch 

k e 2