Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/458

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(JlS)the heavens Am 9 s ; Edom,from (ft?) nest in rocks Je 49 16 Ob 4 ; cf. of Isr.D^Otfn f)iy3 Ho 7 12 ; c. ace. of limit ()*v?) Ob 3 ; bring down (from Babylon) into (3) ships Is 43 14 (v.VB). b. send down rain (D3'3l 1 ) Ez 34 s6 , cf. Jo 2 n =cause to flow down, obj. spittle, tyrbl* Vvn TJ*1 1 S 2 1 "; tears nvc' 5 } ?ri33 '•"Viin La2 18 ; water-streams OK nH-|| Tjfa ^ 78' 6 . C. = Zay prostrate, prostrate SRJJ :JEP T*)in Am 3 11 (where however We rds. T3«g, cf. Pr 21 22 ; D^E^ "WWJ infcO Is io 13 ; of God's casting down peoples ^ 56" Is 63 s (sq. F$); «n™i> EMJ8 T "!to 2S22* P3*|3 in || i/e 18 48 ); so perhaps Babylonians, like lambs, ni2Bbje5i 40 ;so^59 l2 (siveral.;(SiOT?ni make them vagabonds, v. Lag Pr0I>hcb * ld(,872, ' ll " lL VB Hup Now Che Bae Dr 2815 ' 20 ). d. bring down to She '61! bjM i^ T"liD WW rvDD '" 1 S 2 6 ; sq. ty)Mp also 1 K 2 ; sq. nSiK^ (obj. grey hair) Gn 42 18 44 2931 (all J); cf. Ez 26 30 31 16

18 ; sq. nnB* -ik:6 ^ 55 ™ ; nrjjfe Ez 28 8 . 2. 

<a£e (foum (from cart) i S 6' 5 ; the sea from upon (??*?) the brazen oxen 2 K 1 6 17 ; corpse from (!*?) tree Jos 8 s9 , and (^S?) io 27 (both JE); the |3f» Nu i 51 (P); the TpB Nu 4 s (P); take of orna- ments <|7$9 Ex 33 5 (JE). 3. ?e< down V$ HT-by PPJ3 Gn 2 4 ' 8 , so, with n^VO v 46 , to give one a drink ; HSIS tanntpWrnN B*K ITJ&l Gn 44" (all J); obj. pers. Jos 2 18 , ?&nn ip Sana v 15 (both JE); |#nn nya 1S19"; cf. also rt*)

d&tV riSira JB'ST H?£ La 2 '° t/ie virgins of Jerusalem have bowed down ilieir lieads to the ground. tHoph. Pf. T3TI Gn 39'+ 2 1.+ 1 S 30 34 Kt (Qr Qal Pt.); T|W) consec. Zc 10"; 2 ms. rrpjini Ez 31 18 ; Impf. 2 ms. T3M Is i4 16 ;— 1. be brought down nonXO Gn 39 1 (J); non!>Ba 1 S 30 24 Kt (v. supr.); to She'61 qj)«| 7*$ T2*l Is 14 11 (of king of Babylon); TJ» btoffy ■fa^O^rr-^ v is. rvnnn n?"^? §73*') Ez 3 1 ' 8 ; "WB>K |isa mini Zcio 11 .— In AmfVe rds. "]DD "Him (v. Hiph. supr.) 2. 6e <aiew doton, of the (3^t?Nuio 17 (P). fTY! 1. son of Mehall'el, fourth generation from SethGn 5 "•»•»•»; "T^r 9 1 Ch i 2 ; © I 0/ )«8 (v. Lag BNr ). 2. TK man of Judah 1 Ch 4 18 ; © id. T"nV2 n.[~m.] descent, slope; abs. 'ID Mi J 4 + 2 t.; cstr. ~l~liO Jos 10" Je48'; — 1. descent, slope, as designation of locality Jos 7 6 10" ('E3 pirnV3; bothJE); D^ilH 'm Je48 6 ; + &ph Tjtei ins. in 2 S 13 34 © We Dr; in gen. tTD3 Titoa Dnao Mi i 4 . 2. ~i^i» nkw 1 K y» wor& of descent, i.e. lianging-work (VB). 'fn" 1 Jordan (ace. to Rel 01* 215c , fr. VC with J— for orig. J—, cf. © 6 IopSawjt ; = river as flowing downward, descending, then of particular stream as river kot c£oxi)v. See also Sta sa4 ° (|— for J—, but name ace. to Sta non-Hebr.)) — abs. alw. "Ijn in prose Gn 13'° + i62t.; c. n loc. njT)>n J u 8 4 +3t.; ?TT- only f 4 2 7 Jb 40 23 ; cstr. ]V;_ Nu 26 3 + 1 1 t. Nu Jos + 1 Ch 6 m : — the river of Palestine : in all periods, chiefly Hex ( 1 2 2 t. : Gn 5 t. J ; Nu 20 t. P, 1 1. JE ; Dt 26 t.; Jos 34 t. JE, 20 t. D, i6t.P),Ju(i2t.),andS(i8t.); inKi3t.; Ch 7t.; elsewh. 10 t.;— mn |T)jn Gn 3 2 n (J), Dt ■f 3 1 2 Jos i 211 4 22 (all D); fyijn nap Gn 50 1011 (J), Jos f 2 4 8 (both JE), +2ot.D + Ju 5' 7 io 8 1 S 3 1 7 ; P has also JTpi? 135?D Nu 32 19 , and |Tj4 '!«? v 19 - 32 35" Jos 14 3 , also Jos 17 5 (JE), 18 7 (D), Ju 7 25 1 Ch 12 37 26 30 ; in P pecu- liarly 'rnj plT ^ Jordan of (at) Jericho, with ^5? Nu 26 3 ' 63 31 12 33 4850 35 1 36 13 , with b 13PO Nu 2 2 1 34 16 Jos 13 32 20 8 (= 1 Ch 6 ra ), with JD Jos 1 6 1 (E 1) ; m'n n3J? Is 8 s3 Dt 4 49 Jos 1 f (P) ; see sub "W; IT}5J *8 Jos 3 ,3 - ,3 4 18 - 23 (all JE), 3 8 S^bothD); H"!!lIWD 4 7 (JE); '^n |iw J e 1 2 6 49 19 50 44 Zcii 3 (v. J1NJ p. 145 a, supr.); T)Sf 'Tn 2 K 2 13 ; nr£n T byi D^n-^y 3B*i' Nu 1 3 s9 (JE ; elsewh. inNu, P); }T1»n 133 <Ae ««,& 0/ Jordan, i.e. the plain about JerichoGn I3 10I1 (J), 1 K 7" 2 Ch 4 17 ; ^?n nhsvp J u 3 s8 1 2 5 - 6 /wrf* of the Jordan; 7*"$*. 'J? 1??"^ H1^ n^^^ Jos 2 2", cf. v 10 (both P ; v. ni Wa supr. p. 1 65) ; fTK rW V' 4 2? (without art. only here and in foil.); Wr>|j IT?!?3; Jb 40 23 a Jorrfow bursteth forth into his mouth. t n*"P vb. throw, shoot (NH shoot, Hiph. teach; Aram. Aph/'liN teach; Eth-WdtDijecit; Amh. ware is information, news,v. No ZMni886,724 ; As. drU, lead, guide, D1 HWB241 ; tertu, law, Dl HA49 ; Zinj. n' set, found, DHM 8<! '" lKh - 57 , cf. 2 infr. — Buhl distinguishes ly vlff: Lis throw, cf. mod. Ar. warra; n. Hiph.=;OTotsiere, cf. rrn; in. Hiph.=<eac/t, cf. nxn, Ar.^l^, ujj', but evidence for this division hardly sufficient) —Qal Pf. 'T? Ex i5 4 + 3 t.; is. WT, Gn 31" Jos 18 6 ; Impf. 1 pi. sf. tiyfl Nu 21 80 (88 after