Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/459

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® D^l.seeGes* 76 ®'); Imv. HT 2 K 13"; Inf. abs. '"IT Ex 19 13 ; cstr. tSf^? f n 2 64 6 ; Pt. nV p r 26 18 ; pi. D^i- 1 Ch 10 s ; CTf 2 Ch 3s 23 ; — 1. throw, cast, with ace: cast lots Jos 18 6 (E) ; army into (3) the sea Ex 1 5 4 (song). 2. cast ( = lay, set), corner-stone Jb 38 s ; pil- lar Gn 3 1 51 (E; v. Zinj. supr.) 3. shout arrows, abs. Ex ic; 13 (E) 2 K 13 17 ; ace. of arrows

S 20 3637 Pr 26 18 ; ace. pers. Nu 2 1 30 (song, E) 

V'64 5 : with p pers. 1 i 2 ; n 11 "]^ archers 1 Ch io 3

Ch 35 2S . 4. throw water, rain: H06 3 , but v. 

tTfi 1 early rain (cf. Hiph. 3). Niph. Impf. T?." sliot through (with arrows) Ex 19 13 (E). Hiph.i'/.3ms.sf. , nfl Jbso 19 ^ Baer); vnifl 2K12 3 ; wtin ^,1 1 9 '« 2 ; 1 s/n^ini Ex4 15 i S I2 23 ; sf. Tn^.'n Pr 4 U ; WW Ex 4 12 ; /rop/ rni" ^ 25 s + 5 t. ; n*! 2 K 13 17 (for this and other forms see Ges ,76 < 2>e ); Tft Pr 4 4 ; tf# Ju 13 s +2 t.; yp V-- 25 12 Is 28 26 ; Vr#H Ex 15 25 ; DT" 2 K 17 27 f 64 s ; 2 f.sf. T]in f 45 5 ; JQh Jbi2 7 - 8 ; 2 m.sf. CHta iK8 36 =2Ch6 27 ; 1 s. nV.M 1S20 20 Jb 2 7 n ; sf. TJ* ^32 8 ; 3 mpl. niDt24 8 +3 t.; ITl< 2S11 20 2Ch 3 5 23 ; Vn' f 64 s ; irrt' Dt i7 10 + 2 t.; 7mr. sf. "31'n Jb 34 32 ; T!'n f 27"+ 2 t.; pi. sf. "STtin Jb 6 s4 ; /«/. ertr. niin Gn 4 6 28 + 3 1.; ornin Ex 24 12 ; Pt. nfo 1 s 2o 36 +5 t.; rrjb Pr 6 13 ; pi. Dnin 1 S 3 i 3 + 2 t.; sf. "QIC Pr 5 1 ' 3 ; TT° Is 30 20 - 20 ;— 1. «A«w, ca*<, with i>, into the mire Jb30 19 . 2. sAoo< (arrows) 1 S 20 20 - 36 2 S 1 1 20 2 K 13 17 i 9 32 =Is 37 s3 ; with b, of pers. 2 Ch 3s 23 ; ace. pers. ^ 64 s8 ; D^io archers 1 S 3 1 33 1 Ch io 3 . 3. throw water, rain: nT>1 D3? pTS? Ho io xl and rain righteousness for you (Thes al. under 5) ; hence >Tlto early rain (cf. Qal 4). 4. point out, shew : 1"3si> rninp njB'J On 46 s8 (J) to point out before him (the way) to Goshen; Vnyaxtta rnb p r 6" pointing out with his fingers ; ace pers. et rei Ex 15 25 (JE) ijr 45 s Jb 6 24 . 5. direct, teach, instruct : a. of men, abs.Bezalel in handicraft Ex35 S4 (P); c. ace. pers., a father Lis pod Pr 4 4 ; the ai.eients Job Jb 8 10 ; the animals and the earth, the friends of Job 12 78 ; c. 2 ace. Is 28"; *TyP in the way 1 S 1 2 a fr 25 s 32 s Pr 4"; ?S"T3 concerning tlte Juind of El Jb 27". — "W "TO teaching lies is used of prophet Is 9 14 . b. specially of the authoritative direction (v. HTD) given by priests on matters of ceremonial observance, with ace. rei and S> pers. Dt 33 10 (song), they teach thy judgments to Jacob, and thy direction (law) to Israel; double ace. 17 1011 according to the direction, wherewith they direct thee; 24 s (on rrwi leprosy), Lv io" (P), abs. 14 57 (P), 2 Ch 15 s rrjte fnb, e*44" the Zadokite priests rr*wnK ?hp BHp p3; Mi 3" the priests give such 'direc- tion' for hire; less technically, of Moses Ex 24" (E),of Jehoiada 2 K 1 2 3 , of the Samaritan priests 2K 17 s7 - 28 . c. of God: c. ace. pers. Is 28 26 V' IX9 102 ; double ace. Ex 4 12I6 (J)> Ju 13 8 Jb 34"* I K V(m1[flp b« 2 Ch 6 21 ), f 27" 86" 119 33 ; ace. pers. ^."13 ^ 25 12 ; 1 , 3"V ! !'? of his ways Is 2 3 = Mi 4 2 . d. of idol-image Hb 2 18 pjjg fTito), v 19 . T ~ni ' "* '03 one of the families of the restoration Ezr 2 18 (© Ovpa, lapa) = *pn Ne 7 24 (© Aptup). Ti 't lV n. [m.] early rain, which falls in Palestine from the last of October until the first of December, opp. Bnp^P : Dt 1 1 14 Je 5 24 Ho 6 8 (where MT makes f Pt., or Hiph. Impf., but v. We) ; cf. also 1. rniD. Vid. further Rob BBI.4S91 Chap]in rEF1883.e'«f. £,<,}„ 2PV h, 72f. fi. n-li": n.m.* 8, - 7 (early)rain(cf.n-)^) ; _ Jo 2 s3 (|| DOT, Bnpj>D) v 23 (del. We), ^8 4 7 . fii. iTV^D a.m. 1 ' 30 - 20 teacher;— abs. in rniD ffa$ Gn i2 6 (J) = rnb vibx Dt n 30 (Sam © P-W), </te teacher's terebinth (see P?N) near Shechem ; cf. Tjton D5?33 Ju 7 1 teachers hill near the plain of Jezreel, prob. Little Hermon, JVeit Z>aAi Bd r * 1244 ; the terebinth being a holy tree from which divine teaching was given, and the hill of the teacher the seat of a holy place whence divine teaching was given ; see also (of God) Jb36 22 ; here belong prob. likewise nto Pr 5 13 , and T?° Is 30 2020 . tmiFl n.f. Dtl ' 6 direction, instruction, law(poss. in first instance from casting lots, We Gi,«o i H3 91 ( less confidently Ve ski ™ n " 1 - 167 ), SSSm ATBel.O.« ; h.86 Benz Arch.«6]Sr ow Arch.lI.97 ) Qpp by Kq - Off.Db. li. 347 ■ Baud rn«t.rth,m. 207^ ; _' n> Ex I 2 49 + 88 t.J cstr.niin Ex i3 9 +65t.; sfs/n^n ^ 78'+ i6t.; !jnnn j e 32 s3 ; innh 44 23 + 3 4t. sfs.; pi. nhin Ne 9"; nT.n Is 2 4 5 +2 t.; sf. *tft» Ez 44 24 ; imin 43 11 44 5 + 5 t. sfs.; — 1. instruction: a. human : of a mother Pr i 8 6 2023 ; of a father 3' 4 2 7 2 ; of sages 13 14 28 4 - 47 - 9 29 18 ; of a poet f 78 1 ; TDn niin kind instruction (of a wise wife) Pr 3 1 2 ' 6 . b. divine Wm Jb 22 K ; through his servants Is 3 o 9 Je8 8 ; HrnONIss 24 ; |WIn»; II rrriyri 8 W »; || |itn La 2 9 ; pi. nmn Dn 9'°. c. a body of prophetic (or sometimes perh. priestly) teaching Is 42 21 " 4 Je 9 12 16"; in the heart Is 5i r F f 2