Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/464

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tfwn . cause (others) to possess or inherit, then gen. dispossess: a. sq. ace. gent, vel pers., Jos 13" 1 6" (both JE), Ju ,«"»•»•*•» (all opp. M(» 2-1)53), Jos i4 ls (JE), i7 13 (JE; to»»^n K^ chin), Jui"(mL); opp. n« »* Jos 15 63 ; opp. a SP Ju i" 27 ; alsoNu 2i 3J Qr, 3 2 s » Jos i7»(aUJE), 13" (D), Ju i 19b 2 2S ; also "WH^ Bh'l i 19 * (= inn 'aehmtt see v b ), Dt 7 17 V' 44 3 ; onfli™ W?l 3 $ n l Dt9 s ; sq. M&+Mf9 EX34 24 Nu 32 1 " Jos3 1<; (t^1VBnin; all these JE), Dt4 38 o 4 - 5 18 12 Jos 13 6 2 3 9 (both D), Nu 33 s2 " (both P), Ju 2 21 1 i OM 1 K 1 4* 2 1* 2 K 16 3 1 f 2 i 2 (all D), 2 Ch 28 s 33 2 ; ace. + ":)?&? Dt 1 1 23 Jos 23 6 - 13 (D; 11*11?), 2Ch20 7 ; acc. + D#0 j 08 I5 » (JE) = Ju i 20 ; of cities (i.e. their inhabitants) Jos 8 7 17 12 ; so of a land=Xi 33* (P), see v** [@ + '3W], b. sq. ace. rei, i>K WT iJBao Jb 20 16 (?orf sA«M cas< </i«to out o//«s belly, i.e. riches (|| V?a 7?0 I3?i?!l). 3. =t»»pot»n'«A, T*t^!? B^jtenW 1 S 2 7 (song) '* impoverisheth and maketh rich; sq. ace. (of Tyre) nssni' tflK Zc 9 4 (see v 3 ). 4. nearly =bring to ruin, destroy, sq. ace. gent. 'T iCB^nin »yin pn« Ex 15 9 (poem in E); so pern, also Nu 14 12 (JE; AV disinherit; || «2K "Q"73). 5. Qal take possession of a land Nu 14 24 (JE), but rd. prob. n|fh?. TnttT^ n.f. a possession, used of nation Wtffc "vys? mfv> rrni nBnt Dh« rwj Nu 24 18 (JE). THtfVP, rUlfl'T (taken possession of, i.e. married f) mother of king Jotham : nw; 2 K i5 a =n^ 2 Ch 27 1 . Tn©*^' 1 n.f. (a) possession, inheritance;— abs. 'T Dt2 5 +7t., cstr. f#TJ Ju2i"V'6i 6 (but on text v. infr.); sf. ^jritfv 2 Ch 20 11 ; in^ Dt 2 12 f; D=nBh' Jos i lV pused of land Dt2 M - 91, " 3 a> ; T^ f% 2 12 the land of his possession, so Jos 1 15 ; further, 1 a*' Ju 2 1 (but Bu««>» rnKKO), Je 32 s f 61 6 (but < nBHK re- 9ws«, cf. Che"""), 2 Ch 20 11 . tfittH n.f.^W;— abs.TOn 1105'+ 1 1 1.; Hfi Pr i 17 ; cstr. TBft Ex 27 4 38*; sf. ^Bn Ho 7"+ 2t. ; to?h f 10' 35 8 ; Ezi 9 s ^35';— 1. net : a. for catching (birds, etc.) rniD D3n n ?^) n Pr 1 17 /o no purpose is the net spread in the eyes of any bird ; elsewhere fig. ( 1) of judgment of ' all c. ena : Ho 7 12 (|| DTniN tTfffQ «]ij?3), Ez I2 U 17 s0 (both IpnniSO), 32 8 (of catching Pharaoh, under fig. of sea-monster ; || 11. B?.D); (2) of nations capturing king of Israel under fig. of lion 1 9 s (c. BHB ; || UPMP); (3) of priests and rulers (as entangling people in sin) Ho 5 1 (|| n ?). b. spread for feet of man (fig.) : (1) by *» La I 13 (c. Ens); (2) by wicked (=plot) Pr 29 s (c. Vht), xj/ 140 6 (c. id.; || na JOB), io 9

1 ', vbpa nans nW Jb 18 8 (|| r»a£); elsewh. 

c. job + 9 16 ( II nn?'), 3 1 5 35 '(DriBn nm), v 8 ; c. fan 57 7 (|| r, C'B')- 2. brazen network foraltar of tabern. nshn Ex 27"; Tpm ~ n'B'JjO 133t? 2 7 4 = 3 8 4 (ali P).— On Inf. rish, v. B'T supr. t [tij^io] a.[m.] a possession; — cstr. B^to lap Is 14 23 a possession for bitterns ; JV3 >.tJ>V1 Dn'tjhio ng ab$>: Ob 17 and */<« Aowse 0/ /ao«i «AaZ? possess their j>ossessions (but rd. perhaps DiTB' , "ttD <AeiV dispossessors, © S3 X al.); fig. '33p ^EniD Jb 17", i.e. my cherished thoughts (|| T 1 ^!), but fig. is questionable, v. Di, who derives from BHX desire, so Buhl. tniZTli'S n.f. a possession; — '» Ex 6 8 + 8 t.;— of land Dt 33' (poem), Ex 6 8 (P), Ez n" 25'° 33" 36"; of people Ez 2 5 4 36'. tjlttjii^ apparently in neigh- bourhood of Gath Mi 1 14 (J"I3 vocative, ace. to We ; > most, who render M. of Gath) ; prob. home of prophet Micah, v. folk tVUihCiJO adj. gent, only "REnan n3*D Mi i 1 , 'ten n^D J e 2 6 18 ; v. foregoing. tttji-pri n.m. Ju9I! ' must, fresh or new wine;— abs. r*h* Nu i8 l2 +24 t.; En'R Gn 2 7 ffl + 3t. ; sf. T'rvn j u 9 13 Ho 2"; TfhW Dt7 13 + 4t. Dt ; tl^n Is 62 s ; Btfre<Pl + *;—rnust, new wine, as enlivening D'tMXI D'riPN DBbBn Tl Jug 13 ; as injurious Jrnj£ 'ni fn nU} Ho 4"; poet, regarded as contained in the grapes "SB? biaVK* 'nn I s 65", cf. 24 7 (|| fW); as yielding wine (J*), t" nntyri n^i 'ni Jos' Tjwn tib) nn Tjnnn Mi 6 16 ; usu. as a sign of fertility, or as valuable product : VtVD 1*35] 'JTj Pr 3 10 wt'<A mutf % i)a<* thall burst open ; + fM (q. v.) Gn 2 7 2837 (both J) Ho 2 11 7' 4 Zc 9 17 V' 4 8 Is 62 8 ; 'n Ho 9 2 di n' 3 . a i?:> cf. m v); 7>i "! nu Dt 33";+"H?r Jo 2 s4 Ne io 38 (+)T?? *Tf); +?H and "H7T Ho 2 10 3 24 Dt 7" ii 14 12" 14 23 18 4 28 51 Je 31' 12 Hg i" Jo i 10 2" 2 Ch 32 s8 Ne 5 n io 40 13 512 ; 'n abn Nu i8 u (v. 'n ; +id.); 'n 2 Ch 3 i 5 4- |n,inr, and BO , j; 0"«n^ DPI^i }HS 'T) JJ-J }n.K Is 36 I7 =2 K 18 32 (-rEOII TTOP Mt ps).