Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/479

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ins Note. — 3 is rarely prefixed to preps., the only exx. which occur being the idiomatic nmnpf, tJu2o 32 1K13 6 Is i 26 J«33 TU ; n^nnas in the || clause tls lc -; vras ti S 14 14 (apparently corrupt); D'EHn e>^D3 fGn 38 s4 (and prob. BHHD3 r g I0 W®)j »jBjy + Lv i6 w ; t ?5?| (late): a. pleon. for 3 (??= according to), IS63 7 n'E'v 5 f %f ^| ^y?, 59 18 tfok* i>ys rttc| i>ys iAe Ti^e 0/ their deeds is <Ae Me 0/ (that which) he will repay (ellipse of rel., as JD34 32 , etc.); b. = as over js iiy u , = as concerning 2 Ch 32 19 . Where logically a prep, would seem to be required after 3, it is in Heb. regularly omitted (Ges 5m3B ), the nature of 3, as explained above, not in fact admitting it; thus Is i 26 1 will purge away thydross 133 [not, as in Engl., like as with lye, but] (with) the like of lye (3 being an accus. defining the mode in which rpxx takes place); 5 17 E"3 3, 13 in Engl, as in their pasture, Ju 20 39 , Di'3 as in the day of, Is 9 3 1^ 95"+ , 'O 1 ? Jb 29 s who will set me as in the days of old ! Is 5 1 9 + , 13 1^3 as at, etc., 17 s : so with *? ^83'° Jb29 23 , 7S 3° 5 - 3 is used also pregnantly with substs., ^ 1 8 34 who maketh my feet like hinds (for like the feet of hinds), Is 29* 63 s m3 "pn3 "fill, Je 50 9 Jb 40 9 al. Cf. Ges» 11&6 ' •*•«*• tt}N3 conj. according as, as, when (cf. for the combin. Aram. **]3, 13) — 1. according to that which, according as, as : a. Gn 34 12 1 will give ^K VlONn 1W3 according as ye shall (or may) say unto me, 44 1 Ex8 a Nu 22 s 1 S 2 16 ; Gn34 22 if we are circumcised 0^103 DH "IB'SO; 4 1 21 n?nn3 itWO as at the beginning, so '3 rewfena Jos8 5 - e 2 s 7 10 ; Exs 13 pnn nwo "«to: Gn 7* they came in two by two DTl^N niX 1B>K3, o» God commanded Noah ; so, or similarly, very oft, esp. in P, v" 8" 12* fj a M« Ex 16 24 39 1 57 Nu 3 1642 etc.; '"> -V lt?N3 Dt i 21 2 1 6 319 + oft. Dt. b. answered, for increased emph., by J3 (cf. 3 2 d), Gn 50 12 D^S nt?K3 p lfe>jn, Ex 7 1020 ; Gn 18 5 (J) rrOT -it?N3 H5?yn (3, Ex io 10 (iron.), Am 5 14 (do.); in opp. order, Ju i 7 TPSW IB'NS ^ Di'B' p, Ex 7 6 Vcy p "i niV "lt5>tO, cf. 12 28 ' 60 39 43 Nus 4 17 26 3 6 10 (all P); with impf. (freq.) Nu2 17 (P) iyD> p Wf IB'NS; of degree=<Ae more ...the more, Ex I 12 W3T p 1DK UJT ntS'tOI pa» pi, cf. 1 7 11 ( JE) 'ie* -13:1 . . , d^ neta rmi according as he held up, etc., Israel prevailed ; in an oath or solemn promise, Nu 14' 8 iO DN RfcVM p Birun -ie>N3, Dt 28 s3 (Je 3 1 28 ), 1 K i 30 Is 10" 14 24 52"' + (v. J3 2 b). c. answered by! (Dr* 127 ')tEx 16 34 Nu 1". d. similes (sq. impf. of habit) Ex 33" !?N B*N "OfT* 1tit3 injn, Nu 1 1 12 Dt i 44 Is 9 2 de 20 -*- , answered by f? Is 3 1 * 55 10 66 s2 Am 3 12 + ; a second verb is, in such cases, in the pf. with 1 consec. (Dr Jns ) Dt 22 s8 Is 29" ppni . . . cbw -1E>K3, 65 s Am 5". e. 7f S3 "J!? (cf. 3 r«J) to be a* i/, Jb 1 o 19 "leto .thk wn t6, Zc io 6 D-nrar t6 "leto vni. 2. with a causal force, tn so /ar a«, since (Germ. demgemdss dass), Gn 26 29 if thou doest us no harmluyjj tfi) "lt^O according as, in so far as, we have not touched thee ; Nu 2 7 " DTl'iD nB*X3

  • B inasmuch as ye have defied my mouth, Ju6 w

1 S 2 8 18 (answered by p by), 2 K 1 7 M Mi 3 4 . 3. with a temporal force, when, Gn 18 33 and Y. went away ."6s it^NS wfora he had finished, etc., 3 2 3 32 1 S 8 6 2 S 1 2 21 + ; answered by - (Dr * lz ">), 1 S 6 6 1 2 8 ; ... -wtt2 W and it came to pass, when . .. Gn 12" 20 13 24 22 - 52 27 30 Ex 32 l9 + oft.; Gn43 14 Tbatf Tbltf "1B>K3 when I am bereaved, I am bereaved ! an expression of resignation, so Est 4 16 WISH VH3M "IBfcO. Jos 2 7 -ie>N3 nrw is a ' conflate ' reading, omit either nriN or 3. Of future time, Gn 2 7 40 40 14 ~]b 30" lEfrO, Ho 7 12 Ec 4 17 5 3 , and without a verb Is 23 s -IB>N3 Bmtth yDB>. — Mi 3 3 iptO is simply as that which, Jb 29 s5 as one who. i?D3 adv. and conj. like, as, when (lit. the like of what (viz.) . . ., a pleon. form of 3 (v. to), and, like it, prop, a subst. : cf. Aram. ND3 like yfr 78 s8 Levy, usually 1. N»3 like as; Ukj>l"(i.e. )jo w»r) K^« w^a<, KAe, usu. sq. ? Zt'Ae a«; Sam. St^ia; Ar. Ci; Eth. hO«>; kama, like as, Di 0r>IB » Sab. 103 z*o *».<»)_ U8 ed 1. (56 1.) as an indep. word (exc. Gn 19 15 Ne 9", only in poetry); 2. as an equivalent for 3 before sfs., always before light ones, and occasionally before heavy ones (v. 3 ad init.) : — 1. a. adv., as poet, syn. of 3, like, as, Ex 15 s they went down PN103 like a stone (hence in prose Ne 9 11 ), v 8 (f 78"), is 30 22 51" (v. p), 26 17 vym rrjn ios n l?? ( see ? * c ( 2 )> on the constr. : so 41 25 V' 58 6 - 8a - 9 ), v 18 we have brought forth tlie like of, as it were, wind, Je 13 21 15 18 50 26 Ez 16 57 (1?03 ny as at the time of: v. 3 Note), H07 4 8 12 13 7 Hb 3 14 (as it were), Zc 9 15 io 2 - 7 (as with wine : v. ib.) Elsewhere chiefly in ^rr ( 1 9 t.) and Jb (1 1 t.), as ^ 29 s 61 7 63" 78 s9 79 5 88" 90 9 , Jb 6 i6 I0 m.s2 I2 3 -,t, x , D3 fhe li]ce y t/iese things, 14* Ct 6 10 7 2 La 4 8 yjn 103 (in prose yns). Repeated,