Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/483

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ba he will appear in his glory ty 102 17 , his glory will be revealed in a march through the wilder- ness to the holy land Is 40 6 , the land will see it Is 35 2 , shine with it EZ43 3 , and it will dwell in the land ^ 85 10 ; it will be to the rearward of Israel Is 58 s ; it will arise and be seen upon Jerusalem Is 6o ,J ; Yahweh will be the glory in the midst of her Zc 2 9 ; the temple will be filled with it Hg 2"; the earth will be filled with a knowledge of it Hb 2", and with it Nu 14 21 (JE) yjr 72"; it will be declared among the nations and all will see it Is 66 181919 1^ 97 s and peoples and kings revere it ^ 102 16 Is 59 19 ; '» will reign before his elders in glory Is 2 4 s3 ; the resting-place of the Messiah will be 1ta3 Is 1 1 10 . 3. honour, dignity of position '30 JI30 withhold from honour Nu 24" (E); '31? TV descend from Je 48 18 ; '3 "UIN TVV? send after Zc 2 12 ; '33 Dn ^ 1 12»; '33 33B> Is 14 18 ; '3 TOT Pr 2 9 s3 ; '3 H3 "V Dn 1 1 M ; '3 np? take me to honour ■»/^ 73 24 ; not becoming to fools Pr 26 1 ; '3 ^D? nuy before honour (goeth) humility Pr 1 5 s3 1 8 12 ; antithesis }V?p H04 7 Hb2 ,6 Pr 3 35 , flXft Hb2 16 ; 1133 is used as collective, of honoured men, dignitaries,nobility7V.'W^ 1133 Mi 1 15 ; elsewhere as cstr. before various nations or with sfs. only Is5 13 8 7 io 16 16 14 17 34 21 16 22 M . 4. honour, reputation, of character, of man '3p ;>"fc01 2 Ch 26 18 neither will it be for thine honour ; || ttean Ec io 1 ; npTi Pr2i 21 ; antith. nB?3 ^ 4 3 ; "1133 0133 TBJJj Pr 25" and searching out of their glory is (not)glory &*& '3 Pr 20 3 ; Bv6k '3 "ni ipn D'3^0 '31 1^1 iritpn Pr 25 s the honour of God is to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings is to search out a thing. 5. my honour, poet, of the seat of honour in the inner man, the noblest part of man || ^tS'Di Gn49 6 (poem) V' 7 6 ; IP i' 16 9 108 2 ; it is called upon to 1BT

  • 30 13 (rd. ni33 for 1133); 7YVIS f 57'. 6.

honour, reverence,glory, as due to one or ascribed to one: a. of men, due to a father Mali 6 ; honour done to David by Nathan's prophecy 1 Ch 17 19 ; i> '3 nfe>y 2 Ch 32 s3 do honour to; j> '3 jri3 Pr 2 6 8 ; || y& + 6 2 8 . b. of God, nlaa the honour due to me (Yahweh) Is 42 s 43' 48 11

  • JDB> '3 ,j, 79 »; J» '3 JT13 1 S 6 5 Je i3 16 Mai 2 2

+ XI5»J b '3 D'W Jos7 19 (J), l8 4 2 12 ; '3 D'S? 1n?nn f 66 2 ; )> TW '3 aw ^ 29 1 9 6 7 = 1 Ch 16 28 ; b lD^ '3 3n» ^ 29 2 96" = 1 Ch 16 29 ; tap* '3 1BT ^66 2 ; 0*133 1TI33 1SD f 9 6 3 =i Ch 16 24 ; IDX iniapo '3 ^ 145"; cm ni33 jna Ez 39 21 ; ni33 10K ^ 29" say Glory; '33 «?£ exult with (ascriptions of) glory ty 149'. 7. glory as the object of honour, reverence and glorifying, , "li33 |, 3 4 my glory (the one whom I glorify); 01133 ^ 106' 20 their glory; WSJ Je 2". I PIT123 n.f. abundance, riches Ju 18 21 . See also 1. [1133]. JTtnS n.f. heaviness, '33 injjW Ex 1 4 2S (J) anc? $ey drave them with heaviness (difficulty). T [Tl J JJ vb. be quenched, extinguished, go out, of fire or lamp (NH id.; Aram. N33 id. of light of eyes (rare)) — Qal Pf. 3 pi. *33 Is43 17 ; Twip/. H33> 1 S3 3 Pr2i 18 ; 3 fs. n33H Lv 6 5 + 10 t.; Inf. cstr. ^33 Ez 32 7 @@93 Co (MT'33Pi.) — be quenched, extinguished (c. neg. exc. 1 S 3 s Pr 26 20 Is 43"), of lamp (D^N 13) in sanctuary 1 S 3 s ; of altar-fire Lv6 46 ; of itl3 Pr 3 1 18 ; of bodies of renegade Israelites Is 66 24 (cf. 03n-|3 K); subj. C*N fig. of contention Pr26 M ; fig., subj. fire kindled by Ez2i 34 ; subj . wrath (nen) of '•> 2 K 2 2 17 = 2 Ch 3 4*, Je 7 ■ ; wrath under fig. of fire (lP?$) Je- 1 7 s7 ; so of burn- ing land of Edom Is 34 10 ; of annihilation of Yahweh's enemies Is 43 17 (nWB3; ||^$?1), cf. Pharaoh Ez 32 7 (v. supr.) Pi. Pf. *331 consec. 2S14 7 ; Imjif. 3 ms. sf. n|33J Is 42 s ; 2 ms. H33ri 2 S 2 1 ,7 ; V?$ 2 Ch 2 9 7 ; Inf. DISS Ct 8 7 ; also'MT ^ni33 EZ32 7 (butcf. supr.); Pt. H33D Isl 31 -(-3t. ; — quench, extinguish, fig. except 2 Ch 29 7 (of extinguishing lamps, nilj, in temple); sq. b&to) 13 (fig. for life of David)

S 2 1 17 ; sq. PlpDJ (coal = family -hope) 2 S 14 7 

(of killing widow's only son) ; sq. i"iri3 HFIgte Is 42 s dimly-burning wick (fig. of spiritually weak) ; implied obj. ref. to wrath of Am 5* Je4 4 2i 12 ; to people and idols Is i 31 ; sq. love nanK Ct 8 7 (subj. D'3i D?D); Ez 32 7 cf. supr. 1. city on border of Asher 

Jos 19 27 , mod. Kdbul, 4 h. (9 miles) SE. from Akko, Rob BB * ■ Guerin a "-'- 422t 2. ?«3 flft district in Galilee 1 K 9" containing 20 cities given by Sol. to Hiram (popular etymol. poss.

as + ?3 = ?3 not, i.e. as good as nothing, cf. v 12 , 

so Ew Th; Klo conject. 7?| p«), Buhl G ~P'» u «.

(^f hll.=bind; NH ?33 bind, 733 

fetter; Aram. 733 id., fcoas id., ^£3, JLaa ; Ar. Jl^ bind, JJ!i fetter. ibzi n.[m.] fetter(s), late;— sg. coll. «V V731 '33 ^ 105 18 they humbled his feet with