Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/493

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ST13 ,1 A,na9 *);— 1. ist 'son' of Dn Gn io M (P)= i Ch I 8 - 9 , © Xour, 93 Chus, from whom descended ace. to these w. the southernmost peoples known to Hebrews. 2. land and people of southern Nile-valley, or Upper Egypt, extend- ing from Syene (Ez 29 10 ) indefinitely to the south, © AiBioma, AiBwirfs : a. the land Is ii" 18 1 Zp 3 10 Ez 29 10 Jb 28 19 Est i 1 8 9 . b. the people Is 20 4 Je 46" Ez 38*; personif. ^ 68 32 . C. indeterminate, either land or people, or in- cluding both : Is 20 35 43 3 45 14 2 K i9 9 =Is 37' Na 3 s1 Ez 30 4 ' 5 - 9 + 8f (® a6s Ai8ion<oi>). 3. in Gn io 8 (J)= 1 Ch 1 ,0 BHS is eir. for E*3=Bab. Kassu, ace. to Schr COT on Gn I0 6 ,Dl p * 51ffT!t and most Assyriol. ; so perh. also Gn 2" (J), yet V JJpt" berLduM<!er ' 1894 " 5 ' No15 fn. tlfiS a Benjamite, i/<- 7 1 (title), ® Xoucm viov l(fi(P€i. fi. "^3 adj. gent, of 1. t?tt;— m. "&& Je 13 s3 + 13 1.; f. n^?. Nu 1a"; pi. D'eto Zp 2" + 6 t.; D^ Dn n 43 ; D'|e>3 Am g 7 ;— a. sg. agreeing with noun Nu 1 2 11 (E; only here fem.). b.=subst., a Cushite Je 13 23 . c. id. c. art., the Cushite, of Joab's adjutant 2 S i8 21 - 21 (where rd. '30 , for MT '3, We Dr Kit Bu), v 2 " 3 - 31 - 31 - 32 - 32 ; in appos. with Je 38 710 ' 2 39 16 2 Ch 14 8 . d. pi. D"tW3(n) a S ubst. Zp 2 12 2 Ch 12 3 14 11 12 16 8 21 16 ; so 0^3 Dn n 43 , D«B>3 (si vera 1.) Am 9'. fn. tCTS © Xown— 1. Je 36 14 great-grandfather of **pn), q.v. (perh. orig. appellat. Cushite). 2. father of prophet Zephaniah Zp 1 '. t JOta), gent, vel terr., only '3 ^nx Hb 3 ?T (|| ?^»), © A<<Wa> V . tDT^UTJ |tPl3 king of Aram Naharaim Ju 3 8 - 81010 ; otherwise unknown, © XovaapaaOaifi, © L Xovaavpffrapad. rvntijis v. [n-jEfo] su b i?3. ti~tfYl3, JT)3 whence king of Assyria (Sargon) transported colonists into N. Israel, nTOD 2X17", n«-^3« v so ; Bab. Kut'A, Ktite, mod. Tel-Ibrahim, c. 20 m. NE. fr. Babylon, v. COT 2 ""' 84 DF" 217 M-A JBL,892 - xiM< '. I [-1T3] vb. lie, be a liar (Ar. C> JJ ; Aram. 313, o^a id. chiefly Pa.; NH 3]3)_Qal Ft. 3p' D-JSn-i'3 ^ 1 16" (cf. 3J3 62 10 ). ITiph. Pf

fs. ri3Tp3 inpnh Jb 41' Aia /tope has been made 

deceptive, i. e. been shewn to be so; 2 ms. consec. J-I2T331 Pr oo 6 lest he convict thee and thou be " .at: : o proven a liar. Pi. Pf. 3ms. 3J3 Mi 2 11 ; 7ny>/ 3ms.3W^ Hb2 3 Pri 4 5 ; 3?3'1 Nu 23", etc.; /m/ cstr. sf. D33J3(3) Ez 1 3 19 ;— 1. lie, tell a lie, abs., Nu 23 19 (JE), Mi 2 11 Jb 6™ 34 6 Pr 14 5 Is 57 11 ; sq. i> pers. Zie to Ez 13 19 ^ 78 s6 89 36 ; sq. 3pers. tell a lie with, i.e. in intercourse, conversation with 2 K 4 16 . 2. disappoint, fail, of a divine revelation Hb 2 s ; waters of a spring Is 58". Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. sf. Wtrr Jb 24 25 who will make me a liar f i. e. prove me to be so (cf. Niph.) T3T3 n-m.-^ 2 ' 4 lie, falsehood, deceptive T T thing; — abs. '3 Ho I2 2 + 19 t.; pi. abs. D^TS Ju i6'°+ 9 t.; sf. D0'>3t3 Am 2 4 ;—lie, falseliood, c. 13 , I Jui6 1013 H07 13 Zp 3 13 Dnn 27 f 5 7 58 4 , so Ez 13 8 Co (by transp. '3 with ¥tff, cf. v 6 - 79 ); c. rVBJ (in Pr) Pr 6 19 14 625 19"; of false prophecies (divinations) c. "tpN, '3 DC|5B Ez 1 3"; c. Dpi? v 9 2i 34 2 2 s8 + 1 3 6 © Co ('3 DtojJ, for MT '3 nop); c. VPf 13", trga V' 4 3 ; c. nsn deZ^fa in 62 s ; so in the phr. '3~l3"n Pr 30 8 , '3 ** 1 9 22 = liar, D^TS 1JJ 21™= false witness; of idols as a Zi'e (res ementita) Am 2 4 , so prob. '3 ^tpB" </tose turning aside to a lie ^ 40 5 (cf. f}K, ?yN, ?3n, ipB*); then of empty human pretensions BjTj; Teh '3 Ho 1 2 2 , Is 2 8 16 ( || 1^), v 17 ('3 HDnp),

  • 62 10 (|| ^3n ; c f. 3p 1 16 11 ); ra$j or6 Pr 23'

= deceptive (disappointing) bread. T3^T3 in plain of Judah Gn38 5 , © Xocr/Si, = 3M3S 1. v. infr. tMajS 1 Ch 4 22 © 2o>x^«. A@L Xajfr^ = 3V3K 1. v. infr. t^STS a woman of Midian Nu 25 1518 , © Xaa0(()t. TQT3N adj. deceptive, disappointing (da- tive ; opp. fri'X q.v. sub |iv) — only abs. sg. : — Mi i 14 (with play on a'pK); of a decep- tive, disappointing stream (cf. Is 58 11 ) Je 15 18 (||«CX3 t6 D^O ; on meaning cf. Jb 6 uff ) ,^3^ 1. in lowland of Judah Jos 15 44 (® Aj«ef« (tai Kf£«0, ©L A X C(>P), Mi I 14 (© oiKovs ixaraiovt; V. also 3 ,| |3, S3J3). 2. in Asher Ju i 31 (® A<r X aff<), and (n:H3K) Jos