Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/567

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deprive of, sq. ace. Gn42 M (E); sq. acc. + fO, Gn 44 s " (DVP; J), i K i i 34 V 51"; "™ B& " ^ bj» lt«S ^2"' M «6o«< to tayfe away thy lord from over thy head, so v 5 ; cf. abs. IM'W D'nbN W« 'in? Gn 5 24 (P); more oft. without i«?, Gn 27 3615 3 o ,61i 31 1 (all J), Ju 1 i 13ls 15 6 18" 1 S 12 33 2 S 12 4 1 K 11 34 Jb 12 20 ; abs. Jb i 21 ; yroya n^ <bk3 •£» «|Jr|ng Hoi 3 » ; of the sword, taking away its victims Ez 33 4 6 ; fig. of taking away understanding Ho 4". d. esp. take away life 1 K 19 1014 1/^ 31 14 Pr i 19 Jon 4 s . 4. take to or for a person : a. for oneself, sq. ace. + p, ^appropriate to oneself Dt 7 25 Nu 8 16 (P), Dt22 7 2Ki2 6 ; c. ? as dat. comm., Zen 7 ; B*Ti# & ^ ^nx *> 2 K 4 1 to take my two sons for himself for slaves; so (without i> reflex.), Dpij? xjjft unjjn Jb 4q28 wilt thou t J. e him as slave for ever? h. = procure, get, sq. ace. + p, ?3PI D3p inp Ex 5 11 (J) get you straw; Jvi? v T$> Pr 9 7 ^MetA to himself shame ; so oft., esp. Jp ng, etc., Gn6 21 12" 16 21 45" + ; with- out ?, Ne 5 2 Ze< w« procure corn, and eat and live; of acquiring a field Pr3i 16 . c. take possession of, sq.acc, of land Dt 20/ Jos 11 1623 (all D), 2 Ch 16 6 ; cf. "VIS n^ frVlpB ^ 109 8 to o^sce Ze< another take; fig. ?BS< *nPli£ tOnn nWffl Jb 3 6 that night — let darkness take possession of it ! d. = select, choose, " 'S> D3nsi Dt 4 20 , cf. v 34 ( + 6), 1 K n 37 ; of men Dt i» Jos 3 I2 (JE; + B3?)J + » Dt i 23 Jos 4 2 (JE). e. esp. take in marriage : (1) for another, esp. a son, c. i>,

  • ??? nE'N nrippl Gn 2 4 4 onrf i!AoM aAafc tofce a

wife for my son, so v 7 - 38 - 40 - 48 (all J), 21 21 (E), Je 29 6b ; (2) more oft. for oneself, usu. c. b reflex. (sts. + ne*8<p), Gn 4 " 6 2 11 29 i2 u (all J), +oft.; without p Gn 20 23 (E), etc. f. =receive, accept, esp. a bribe, gift, ransom, etc., 1 S 8 3 i2 3c4 (both sq. ft?),Am5 12 2K5 1516 - 2 °- 23M - 26 ^i5 5 ; interest-money Ez i8 I317 2 2 12 ; inheritance Jos i 3 8 i8 7 (both D), Nu 34 14 ^(P); of earth, receiving Abel's blood Gn 4 n (J) ; chastisement Is 40 2 ; of perceiving a sound, Jb 4 11 mine ear received a whisper of it; receive mentally: npbl Vbya Ex2 2 ,0 (E) i.e. shall accept the oath Is satisfactory; Wlgb -pa Nu 23 20 (JE), i.e. / have received (commandment by revelation) to bless; receive instruction Pr 24 s2 Je 2 30 -f; entanglements of temptation Pr 22 s5 . g. take as preliminary to further action : Gn 3i 34 (E), npb sfie took them and put them ; Ju 3 s5 take key and open ; Jos 2* she took the two men and hid them ; 1 K 1 8 4 Obadiah took 100 prophets and hid them; 19 21 Elisha took the yoke of oxen and slew them, cf. 2 Si7 l9 i8 18 ; sts. wholly redundant, .IBHn npjjf &$ irtp x g 6 7 take and prepare a new cart, etc.; somewhat different is WJJ ttKn DjW? D<np>n Je2 3 *U. they take (=make use of) their own tongues, and talk oracles. 5. take up, upon=put upon, sq. bj>: SfWrSj* 1DN nori ngft] 2 S 13 19 and Tamar put ashes upon her head; "liBPirrby nn]3>1 J u jg^- cf. WBj; VDJ3 fch£ Dt 3 2» he ^'eadeth his wings, he taketh him up. 6. = fetch : *U -, np OVrtSgD $ iKij" _/&* TOe , jrcy, a Jfcfc »"««•, cf. v 1111 , 2 K 2 20 4 41 ; "Sj , 3B' DBto ^rnp D^V Gn 2f and fetch me thence two kids, cf. v 13 (J)i + , TJ3 1S21 9 ; an offering Lv 1 2 8 (P; || Wgn v 6 ); c. human obj. oft. nearly =summon, 2pb «p«nEp »3* Nu 33" (JE) to curse mine enemies did I summon thee, Ju 11 s i g i6 u ; Hp} n^ VK folk 1 S 20" sewci and bring him unto me; 2 K3 1S 6 I3 + ; of", summoning his people from exile, .i£ Qtsto Dt 30 4_ 7 take= i ead> con . duct (with or without contact): JB'TIt? ngjl to? V33 Gn 4 8'; W^ Danps D3 Exi2 32 (bothE); toy n^ ? toy-nxi Ex i4 6 (J) and Ms people he took with him; cf. v 7 (J), Jos 8 1 (JE), Ju 4 s ; iriK DipD-bK inipN Nu2 3 27 /W« tab thee unto another place, cf. v 1428 (all JE); '> subj., ngNI Q? , ?« , l? Jos 2 4 3 (E) and I took your father Abraham from beyond the river; O'npi* blfn niB? Pr 24" rescue those led to death. 8. take= capture, seize : np T tri3 'rinpb x S 2™ I will take by force, sc. flesh ; of spoils, 6 s6 f|D3 J)X3 Ju 5 19 S'a*'* 0/ silver they took not; of capture of ark 1S5 1 ; bronze 2S8 8 , etc.; territory Gn 4 8 22 (E), Dt 3 14 ; cities Nu2i 25 (JE), Dt 3 14 Jos 11 19 (D), i g 7 14 2 g 8 l ; of capture of hip- popotamus Jb 40 24 ; of seductions of woman n^BysyS ^rr^l P r 6 s5 and let her not capture thee with her eyelids. 9. take=carry of: a. as booty Gn 14 11 1 S27 9 30' 61819 - 20 1 X I4 ™-™. b. as prisoners Gn 14 12 2 K i8 32 =Is36 17 , 2 K 2 3 M = 2 Ch 3 6 4 . 10. in phr. take vengeance : §QQ WriBpi nripj] J e 20 >» anrf «« will take our vengeance upon him; abs. HgN Dp T 3 Is 47 s ven- geance will I take. tNipli.i'/ npi» !g 4 ^. np^3 4 iiEz33 6 ; 3 f 8 . nn^a 1 s 4 17 ; 7wp/ 3 f s . npbni Est 2 816 ; 1 a. np_?K