Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/571

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nas מלחמה n.f. appar. wardrobe, wearing apparel (Etli. i$"l: tunic); — only in ויאמר לאשר על הט' הוצא לבוש 2 K io 22 ; © ArJ toO [otitou] fifadaaX (fii<rfl / ) ; 33 super vestes. ■]n7(v'offoll. ) mng.unkn,cf.Lag 0tU - !Br ). T^jri7 n.[m.] a barley-measure (NH id., a corn-measure); only in C"!)K> '71 D'Hife'-iBn Ho 3 s ; ace. to 53 = £13= £ ion ( q . v .), cf. Mish. (Levy IfHWB "- sn ), but this tradition is uncertain (cf. Now 4 "*-'- 203 ); ® w'/3.X oiW, for V '?.


Q , D , Jl/em, thirteenth letter ; used as numeral 40 in postB. Heb. •Q v. no. 'Qy. pp. v UNb v. axis. [W3N»] v. D3K. (NO ( /of following As. ma'ddu, be many, increase; ma'adu, many; ma'adii, in abun- dance, Dl HWR888t ; cf. Sab. 1KB to add, DHM ZMG1883,342f. JJ^SBd-Ar. Chr. 127. Af fc J^ <() groio, of plant). ~TN?p n.m. muchness, force, abundance, exceedingly (cf. As. mu'du, abundance, Horn ZMo 1878,711 ('treasures ana mu'di, in abundance') D1 HWB399 ) : — 1. /orc«, mt>A<, tLH6 5 ^Br^M and with all thy might ; hence 2 K 23 s5 . 2. in diff. idioms (298 t.) to express the idea of exceedingly, greatly, very (whether of magnitude or degree): a. (so mostly) as adv. ace, qualify- ing both adjj. and obs., Gn i 31 "INB 3iB good exceedingly, 4* "1NB ] s $0 "Wl and Cain was wroth exceedingly, 7 18 1KB «T*} tf& ravi,

2" 1 3 2 niipm -to "133 trjaVj, v 13 "ikb ^ B*mpn, 

18 20 io 3 - 9 21" 24 1635 , +oft., ^ 4 6 2 ni-un n-jTj? "1KB NSB3 as a help in troubles, to be found ( = prest'iit) exceedingly; with an inf. Is 47 s 1N8 -jnan nosya despite of thy spells being very numerous, Jos 9 13 "to Tjn'nn a 1 !!?, 1 K7 47 ; "to nanri Gn 15 1 41 49 Dt 3'* + , for which in the later language is found "1KB 3i;> +Zc 1 4 14 2 Ch 4 18 9" (in 1 K io 10 "to firm), 24 « jo* and even 1KB nj"jn£ +2 Ch n 12 16 8 . 1KB is not usually separated from the word it qualifies by more than one or two words (as Gn 20 8 1N"1«1 "1KB MSteOT, Nu 11 10 1KB '1 f]N "WVl); see, however, Dt3o' 4 Jui2 2 2S12 5 iKn"^3i 1! . It precedes its verb, +Vm7 10 n ?Vl "to (hence '), 92 s . b. "to~"iy up to abundance, to a great degree, exceedingly, f Gn 27^ HT13 nTin 'B~iy, v « 1 s n 15 'a "W . . . neb*!, W 36 «m 'B-iy "fctf 2 S 2 17 1 K i 4 Is 6 4 8 (cf. La 5 s2 ), v"' f 38 7 - 9 1 1 9 8 «-"iw Dn 8 8 1 1 25 . c. "toirnu ( v . p "l$?)t 2Ch 16 14 . d. duplicated (Ges' 133 *), tGn 7 19 'B 'B VIM D$g] , 3 o« Nu 1 4 7 1 K 7 47 2 K 1 o 4 Ez 37 10 . e. "to "to3 lit. w&A muchness, muchness, tGn I7 2 - 6 - 20 Ex i 7 (all P), Ez 9' 16™. . JTNO n.f. hundred (NH &; MI 20 T ■• 583 V * jriNB (du.); SP T1NO, O'TIKD (du.); Ph. riNB, DriKB (du.); As. me (prob., DP 75 ), TelAm. me-af Wkl T..Am M .. Ar _ Jj^. Sab _ nND) DnND Qs ZMG X. 1856, 49 ; CIS I,. 1.6. 4,46.6. j^q Eut 8 '" 457 ; Eth. TXt:; Aram. HND, JJo£> ; Palm. HNB n^D 300 Yog r.im6,4. Nab.HXB Eut N * bs - 9 );— '8 Gn6 3 + 144 t.; cstr. T1KB 5' + 30 t. (on T1KB Ec 8 ia v. 2dinfr.); pi. abs! Tito Gn5 9 + 3 2 4 t.' (TIN? only 5 4S0 ); niton Kt 2 K n 4 +3 t. 2 K 11; du. DTIKB (DVJ-) Gn 1 1 19 + 76 1. (but 1 S 18 27 rd. .1KB (nKB) ® WeDr KitBu HPS);— hundred .— 1. as simple number: a. abs. sg., (1) foil, by sg. of noun enumerated : nB ,- E>i? flNB Gn 33 19 Jos 2 4 32 (both E); Wit "B Ju 7" 1 K 18" 2 K 4 43 ; ns« 'B 1 K 7 2 Ez 4o l9 + ; 133 'B 2 K 2 3 33 2 Ch 25* 27 s 3 6 3 Ezr 8 M ; »1^K 'B= 100,000 1 K 2 o M + 6 t. K Ch ; cf. also Gn 1 7 ,7 (P), 2 S 8 4 Is 65 2020 , and sq.n. coll. 33T 2 S8 4 =iChl8 4 , [NX 1K5 3 ; (2) less oft. sq. pi. C^Vf HNB Gn 26 IS (J), D'BVS 'B 2 S 2 4 3 = 1 Ch 2 1 3 , B^M '8 1 K 18 4 , etc.; (3) seldom, and late, preceded by HSB D»3'Bin J e 52 23 , nKBn TliBK Ez 42 2 , cf. Ezr 2 6 ' 2 Ch3 16 4 8 2 9 32 ; (4) exceptional is *1M »Jj Dn33p nXBEzrS 26 ; also, with ellipsis, *1D3 HNB Dt22 19 (i.e.shekels); K!2 HKB 2 Si6'(i.e.cakes);

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