Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/573

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nlND 549 anything, 2 S 13 2 (euphem.), 2 K 5 20 . Used adverbially, 1S21 1 lym n« 'o VT ^N B^K let no one know of the matter in anything at all. ■riwo, [rrywo] T.m JTWjp Kt v. TVfD. ^wp, n^JNO, ri^Ssn v. btt. frot«B, D^SONO] v. ydh. [TDMO] v. ion. T[|f%U] vb. Pi. refuse (Qal perhaps be distasteful, of. Syr. JjJo taeduit, ~nguit, Aph. 6e slothful ; NH Pi., as term, techn. of girl, refuse to acknowledge marriage contract; poss. akin to Eth. «n>}J: reject ; Ar. ^ LI is sustain, maintain);— TL Pf. fKO Ex 7"+4t.; fs. HiND Jei5 ls +3t.; row? Exio 3 , etc.; Imp). RRftEx 22 16 ; Hfl^l Gn^-r^t. etc.; /«/. a6a. ft? Ex 22 16 ; — refuse, (sq. Inf. except 6t. v. infr.) human subj. Gii37 3i (J), Je3i 15 Ex22 1717 Nu 20 21 22" (all E), Dt 25' 1 S 8 19 2 S 2 23 13' 1 K 20 s5 2 1 15 Est i 13 Jeso^cf. Jb6 7 V'77 3 Pr2i 25 Jei5 18 ; without Inf. 1Ct<>! JKO;t G1139 8 48 19 (both J), 1 S28 23 ; also 2K5 16 ; esp. of refusing to obey /,? s commands Ex 4 s3 7" io ! 16 28 (allJ), Ne 9 17 ; also yjf 78 10 Pr 21' Hon 5 , v. esp. Je 3 s g 3.3 g6 9 s j ,io cf 2 .» Zc 7 n. witnout Inf _ _ ^ recusant Pr i 24 Is i 30 ; once subj. '* Nu 22 13 (E). T^'p adj. verb, refusing, sq. Inf., and alw. of disobeying '*; Ex i T ' 9- io 4 (all J), Je 38 21 . t[jHK] adj. id. pi. triKD sq . Inf., of dis- obeying '1 Je 13 10 . fl. [DKft] vb. reject (NUid.; Aram.DND reject, despise; BA K815 comp. (dub.) Ar. JLSS lightly esteem (Kam.); As. ma'&su is perhaps destroy Meissn Supp1 - 55 );— Qal Pf. 3 ms. DKD Is 8 6 + 4t.; sf. odko ^5 3 6 ; 2 ms. nose J e i 4 19 4. 3 1.; nriDSO Ju 9 s8 1 S I5 M + 22 t. Pf.; Impf DWS? Jb8 M +3t.; DXD^ 3 6 5 Jb36 5 ; sf.-JDNE>l 1 SI5 23 - 26 ; for ^D-DSM Ho 4" (so Baer, cf.' De compiut.vur.i8f.. not / x 'j V an"d.H)rd.^DNDgi ; 3rap l. DKB? Je6 ,9 + 2 t; J«Mp? Is 3 i 7 ;+ 12 t. Impf.; Inf. abs. Dto Is 7' 516 DNO Je 14" Las 22 ; «««r. D3DNO Is 30 12 ; M£0 Am 2 4 ; Pt. DNiD Pr 15 32 ; DNbls 3 3 15 , f.nDNtaEz2i 15 (textdub., Co"pNto; Berthol 'IBSCfl), v 18 (also dub., Co DnK»B»; Berthol ^BSD); — 1. reject, refuse, a. c. ace. : God rejects men Ho 4 6 9" 1 S is 2326 i6'- 7 2 K 2 3 27 Je7 ! , 4 i9..9 33 !M.26 Lv 2 6 44 (H), ^53 6 JbS 20 io 3 La5 2222 ; DNDrn nri3J ^ 8 9 : ' 9 ; men reject God Nun 20 (J), iS8 7 'io' 9 ; men 1S8 7 Jb 30 1 ; idols Is 3 1 7 , evil ^36', knowledge H04 6 , divine mm Am 2 4 Is 5 24 ; TOTI 1 S itf 3 '*, nipn Ex 20 24 , D'pruKj^ 15 ; lD10Jb5 ,7 Pr3 u ; var. things Is 8 6 Ez2i 15 ^n8 22 Jb3i B . b. c. 3 God rejects men 2 K 1 7 20 Je 6 30 3 r 37 + •j8 iM7 , that in which man confides Je2 37 ; men reject evil Is7 ls ", divine min Je6 19 , - IS30 12 Je8 9 , Lv26 15 (H); CDSira v 43 (H), Ez5 6 20 13 - 16 ; var. things, Nu 1 4 3 ' (J) Is 33 15 Je 4 30 f 106 24 . 2. despise, c. ace., God subj. D3 ( Jn 'J-|DKO 'JltUS? Am 5 21 I hate, I despise your feasts; elsewhere men subj. '2 'D DvMJJ DJ Jb 1 9 18 even young children despise me; «n "OX 9 21 1 despise my life, cf. iE>SJ DN,0 Pr 15 32 ; 13 '■a "V2X nyn rn v6r Ju g™ is not this the people that thou despisedst? D^Jf'D Is 3 3 s ; obj. om. Jb 7 16 (< join to preceding Me Siegf Du); 3 4 33 36 s 42 6 (@ Siegf pW« ; © 33 Symm Bo DNBN) Ez2i 18 (but v. supr.).— Nipb. be rejected: Impf. DNBri I s 54 s (wife) ; Pt. DNDJ Je 6 r0 (silver), jf 1 5 4 (= reprobate; opp. " 'ST); + f. nDNtpa, riDXOJ i S 15 9 rejected, i.e. tcorfA- Zess (for 4 DM) ace. to We Klo Dr Kit Bu HPS (||fOM, rd. ni; c f. DDD, QD Nipb.) tD^MQ n.rm.l refuse UD'bn 'DiND? 'no T L J ' T.J La 3 45 offscouring and refuse thou makest us. fll. [DKQ] vb. Niph. flow, run (Aram. id., but rare and dub.;^ — secondary form of DDD q.v.); — Impf 3 ms. DNB>1 Jb 7 s my skin hath hardened and run (i.e. again, afresh ; > GHoffm Du rd. DB>1, Bu DNBJ1, ^DDD); 3 mpl. 1DNB? D^D iC3 ^ 58 s (fig. of annihilation of wicked). [n-rN'?] v. HSN. b-2^72, rVhBNQ v. i»BK. t^KQ (°f- A- r - u^^ a ^' n( ^ °^ w hi te camel, whence Lag BN29 prop. fNO for the difficult fQX (D'JfCN) Zc 6 37 ). t["1^Q] vb. (cf. Ar. JLI excite hostility, irritate, J.ZS break open, of a wound) ; — Hiph. priok, pain Pt. T'NDD Ez 28 24 ; f. nn.NOp Lv i3 51 + 2 t.;— of thorn 'O fib Ez 2 8 24 (fig. of oppressors of Isr., || 3N3D pp); elsewh. of leprosy (nJT|)= malignant t Lv 1 3" 52 1 4" (all P ; but Sam. in all these has riNTlD, -/fOD = ™ be obstinate, cf. Thes 816b Di).