Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/622

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t ^TIO ( van d. H *3TJt) n-V*- m - Mordeoai (perljfr. n. div. Marduk (}f«5), Zim ZAWlll,n,r -; cf. further Wild (citing Jensen) 00 "" - *""") ;— 'D Ezr 2 s Est 2 s + ; $n$ Est 2 M + ;— 1. com- panion of Zerub., ace. to Ezr 2* = Ne 7 7 . © Mapa^x<"or, MapSoxaior, etc. 2. cousin and adoptive father of Esther Est 2 s ' 710 + 55 1. Est. © yiap8oatos. F|T"G v. «|*n, rm. tl~H?!2 vb. be contentious, refractory, T T - rebellious (NH id., Hiph.; Ar. ^ m. dis- pute with; Syr. «Zjo Pa. contend withy, — Qal Pf. 3 ms. mo i K 13 26 ; f. nrno Ho 14*; nrno Je 4 17 ; 2 ms. nno i K 13*'+ nt. pf.; Inf. abs. no La i 20 ; Pt. mb 2K14 26 (but rd. ID, Vino, Krap 1 "" Wn id' "3); niio Dt2i 18 +3t.; f. njno Zp 3 1 (rd. mb; metapl. form ace. to Ges

  • 75BM ); pi. Dnb Nu 20 10 ; — be disobedient, re-

bellious : 1 . rrpt "nte ?3 Dt 2 1 18M stubborn and rebellious son (towards father). 2. elsewhere towards God : nno* miD "ft ^78"; 'omiD 3) Je 5 s3 ; "Vyn fi!>KMl rwnto Zp 3 1 ; B*^BtJ Nu 20 10 ye r«6«Zs (P) ; abs. Is 50 5 63 10 La i 2020 ; || |KO Is i 20 ; yt?B La 3 42 ; c. 3 pers. Ho 1 4' 1// 5", elsewh. ace. pers. Je4 17 ; '<'s words ^ 105 28 ; *B (m) rnB Nu 20 24 27" (P), 1 S 12 15 1 K 13 2126 (D 2 ) La i 18 . — In Ho 4 4 rd. perh. *3 no /i«ue rebelled against me (for MT "?nD3), so RS Pr0Dh -" D - 8 Che (for other views v. an). Hipb. Pf. 3 mpl. lion x/,106 33 107 11 ; Impf. ITjp Jos i 18 ; f. 10W Ez'5 6 ; 2 ms. 1BPI (as if -/mo) Ex2 3 21 , rd. ion Dial.; 3 mpl. ! no:V'io6 43 + 6t.; sf.innD:^ 7 8 40 ; 2 mpl. Vion 1 S i2 14 + 3 t.; /»/. cstr. nvtc£ Is 3 8 f 78 17 ; sf. Dnnon (Ges^ 20 ) Jbi7 2 ; A pi. DnOD Dt9 7 + 2 1.; — shewdisobedience,rebellious- ness, always toward God : abs. Ne 9 26 (|| T1D), yfr 106 7 ' 43 Jb 17 2 ; c. 3 pers. Ex 2 3 21 Ez 20 81321 ; DV Dt 9 724 3 1 27 ; elsewhere ace. of God or his commands: Is3 8 Ez5 6 ^,j8» MM 107"; mon 'B m Dt i 26 - 43 9 s3 Jos i 18 1 S 12 14 (D 2 ), inwm ^ 106 33 (cf. Eph 4 30 ); perh. 139 20 (v. ">PK 1). "Mo n.m. Frl7U rebellion ;— *Tf Is 30" + iot.; , lbNui7 25 -(-9t.;sf.1!"!ODt3i 27 ; DnoNe g 1 ';— rebellion Dt 3 1 27 1 S I S 23 Ne 9 17 Jb 2 3 2 DV no rebellious peojile IS30 9 ; ne(il) 1V3 rebellious house (referring to Israel) Ez 2 56 - 8 3 9 - 26 - 27 1 2 213 - «•» if* 24', rcn omitted (restored by Co) 2 7 44«; no 'JS rebellious sons Nu 17° (P); with omission of t? (or abstr. for concrete), Tin ?ti

eno nj2 [be not a rebellious person Ez 2 8 ; &PT no*]K $H a rebellious man seeketh only evil Pr 17 11 . trnO"; 1 Ch 7 36 a chief of Asher. © l/Juiprj, A Icppa, ©L Upfipa. mo, me, mo v. i. -no. T T ' T T T nib v. rrf Hiph. Pt., and II. mto p. 435. [iVTQ] v. in. "Pino v. n«. t[ni"1»] n.[m.] dub., only cstr. T|2$ B*«? Lv 2 1 20 ; v either mo ri*6 = a rubbing away of the testicle ; or nn 6e roomy, enlarged = en- largement (read then nno); v. further Di. Di-ra v. on. T tttfHD only in DnD '•D Jos 11 s7 waters of Merom, in N. Canaan ; = Lake Hule, ace. to Rel and many, but dub., cf. Di Bad p "- 3259 GASm " "- 481 Buhl 060 * 1 - 1 ". iVlES v. inotf. ynp , 1. [nsiia] v. pn . 11. nsno v. pr> . [O^VTO] v. I. p-io . tjTTlO in (Shephelah of) Judah Mi i 12 ; form attested by © obivat (-/ mo). nna v. nn. tlFnD] vb . mb (nh id.; Aram. (Talm.) r0C; cf. Ar. f'S anoint, smear); — Qal Impf. ^Tfdrfhi WW] &;m nba-n W«^ Is 38 21 let them take a cake of figs and rub it upon the erup- tion (D'?' in || 2 K 20 7 ). — On ITPD v. supr. amo, itstot, am. t : v ' t ! - : v prno v. pm. ■ntfrno v. tym. t[Z2")Q] vb. make smooth, bare, bald; scour, polish (NH id.; pull out, off (feathers, hair); Aram. t*l», BID id.; Ar. L^i Aave ZiHZe hair, >JZ pluck out hair) ;— Qal Impf 1 s. nB-lDKI Ezr 9 3 , sf. 3 mpl. D!?1»?} Ne 13 26 ; /«/. cstr. nB-]» Ez2i 16 ; P<. pi. V>V~p Is 50 6 ;

>as«. f. nonb Ez 2i l4 +2 t.; — 1. make bare

nenp finS'bs Ez 29 18 every shoulder is laid bare (fr. chafing of burden; || mpo E^-rb); the cheek (by plucking out beard) ^DJ 'I? Q»D"ibb »Tlb*i D»H?S Is 50 6 ; c. ace. pers. Dp1 D ?J Ne 13 26 (both acts of violence); of hair and beard *}W "'B'XI "iyf» n ?1 D ?J Ezr 9 s (sign of grief). 2 . scour, polish, a sword, only Ez 2 1 :