Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/655

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m Hiph. 2). tHithpo'l. Inf. cstr. DDfonnb. •OSD jf 6o 6 tn. order to take flight before the bow (soVrss Hup-Now Che Bae al.). tHiph. Pf. D'3n Ex 9 20 ; Imp/. Kf?, Dt 3 2 30 + Ju 7 21 Kt (Qr «^J Qal); /m/. csir. D"3n!> Ju 6";— 1. ^«< to flight, sq. ace. Dt 32 30 (||sp"l). 2 - *we hastily to a safe place Ex 9 20 , sq. ace. + "?K. 3. cause to disa]>pear, hide Ju 6" (no obj. expr.) ■t »J»D. + Di3Q n.m. Am2 - 14 1. flight. 2. place of escape, refuge;— abs. '» Am 2" + 5 1.; sf. W 2S22 3 Jei6"; — X.flight, acc.cogn.cD13 Je46 6 . 2. {place of) escape; |D 'D "13K escape perished from, = there was no escape for, Am 2" Je 2^ Jb 1 1 20 ^ 142 s ; of' 11 as a re/u^e 2 S 22 3 (|| aa'tro ; '151 D13D not || >//■ 1 8 3 ; txt. disputed, Kit Bu retain in Sm, Klo Bae LohrDu ins. in ^; < del. in Sm DeHup-NowHPS cf.Che),*59 w (||w*.); Je 16 19 (IItjuivo). tnD^Q n.f. flight;— 'o Is 52" (||PTfin); ainTIWD Lv 26 36 =flight from sword, ace. cogn. c. DM. t J^ J vb. quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter (NH Pilp. V?V? shake, Aram. 5?*3 waver, stagger (rare); Ar. c.y, clj bend (of boughs), v. commotus fuit (of id.), so Kam Frey ; also change, cp kind, species, variety; Di cp. Eth. Wm: hunt);— Qal Pf. W3 Jb 2 8 4 + ; W31 Am

8 + 2 t.; Impf. WJl Is v 2 ; 3 fs. 5?«n Is 24™; 

15^ 2 S 15 20 Kt (but rd Qr Hiph q.v.); WJ ^ 109 10 ; PW) f 59 16 Kt (so rd.; not Qr Hiph.), etc.; Inf. abs. »U Is 24 20 + 109 10 ; etfr. JW Ju 9 9 + 3 1.; pia Is 7 2 ; Pt. Vi Gn 4 1214 ; la'?} Pr 22"; niVJ 1 S l' 3 :— 1. wave, of trees, sq. by JU9 91 ' 13 ; sq. ijlBO of cause Is 7 2 ; quiver, vibrate, of lips 1 S i 13 ; swing (to and fro) of miners Jb28 4 (|| ^1) ; stagger like drunkard, of mariners in storm ^ 107' 27 (|| Mn), cf. Is 29" (||-OB>); hence be unstable, fig. of ways of harlot Pi'5 6 ; tremble, of doorposts, Is 6 4 (sq. JO caus.), idols 19 1 (sq. 13.SO), earth Is 24 20 (||YTl3nn), people Ex 20 18 (E); fig. of heart Is 7 2 . 2. totter, go tottering (faint and uncertain) La 4 14 v 15 fllfU), Am 8 12 (|| DOW); as beggars * 109 10 {bw), cf. 5 9 16 ; Am 4 8 sq. "?§ ; pt. vagabond Gn 4' 214 (both ||"I3); fig. = err, sin, Je I4 1U . Niph. Impf ?i3i Am 9 9 be tossed about (of corn) in a sieve ;

  • !?& id., of bulwarks as fig-trees Na 3 12 (H^aa).

Hiph. Pf. 3 fs. W*h 2 K 19 21 = Is 37 12 ; 'niwm Am 9 »; Impf. tfJJ Zp 2 16 ; juss. 39] 2K23"; IS^K 2 S i5 20 Qr (cf.Qal); |^J) * io 9 25 + 59" Qr (rd. Kt Qal q.v.), etc.; Imv. sf. tojhfj ip- 59 12 ; — 1. toss about Am 9" subj. '», obj. Isr. sq. D^aa (cf. Niph.). 2. shake, cause to totter: =-set me tottering Dn io 10 on my knees and hands; esp. shake or wag the head, in mockery 2 K 19 s1 = Is 37 s2 (|| 111, 3j£) cf. V' 2 2 8 I09 25 ; sq. •by Jb 16 4 p toa [Ges* 119 «]), also La2 16 (|| jn&), Zp 2" 1tJ (|| id.), [v. also Ecclus 1 2 18 1 3 7 p3)j. . (shake), disturb, bones of dead 2 K 23 18 . . cause to wander NU32 13 (J); 2S 15 20 (sq. nafc);*59 B (|| , rwi, for which Lagft.pb.owi. """•prop. T3n). tn5*p in Zebulun ; n^pn J0S19 13 . © Aofa, A Avvova, @L Nova ; site unknown. tni'i a daughter of Zelophahad (of Manasseh), Nu 26 s3 27 1 36" Jos 17 3 , © Nova. '[yiVl'Ci] n.[m.] appar. a kind of rattle, only DiJHJttpai 2 S 6 5 , in list of musical instru- ments; © Kv/iflaXa, but this usu. ( 1 2 1.) =DVipirD ; 33 sistra; the sistrum (Gr. o-f'io-rpov, fr. o-eiw) was much used in Egypt ; it was a small metal frame with loose metal bars carrying loose rings, borne and sivung or shaken in the hand, v. Wilkinson Anc. Egyptians (1S78), 1. 197 B. JJqW *"*' 27S BenZ Arcl1 ' 278 We i^ Eng. Trans, p. 233 TFT&Q v. tg>. t :~ I. Wtj] vb. move to and fro, wave, besprinkle (NH Hiph., Pilp. wave, blow, fan, cf. >"ID3 sift, nsj n. sieve (as BH) ; X Aph. as BH ; Syr. .aJ bend, wave, shake; Di cp. Eth. quadril. }<?}&: distil, drop like dew; Jit?: sift); — Qal Pf. i s. '«i ">b -asE'p ins? p r 7 17 / Aa™ 6e- sprinkled my couch with myrrh, etc. Po'lel Impf. 3 ras. "131 in IT t|B3» Is io 32 he brandisheth his hand toviard the mt. (on ace. ">n cf. Ges iiis f. Da s^t.i69,E2^ Hiph- pf 3 ms cj-an Jos8 31 -|-, 2 ms. riwrj Ex 20 !5 (Ges 472k ), )?S3ni Ex 2 9 24 -r 3 t.; 1 s. "n'SUn Jb 3 1 21 ; Impf «|3»1 Lv 8 W Nu 8 21 , sf. Siyn Lv 8 a ; 2 ms. T?" Dt < 23 26 + 2 t., etc.; Imv. mpl. ^S^n Is 13 2 ; Inf. cstr. «p?n Is io 15 + 2 t.; nsjn^ Is 30 28 (Ges' 72 ' BA nb» T v alg0 nnjq), e tc; P*. V» Is 19 16 Zc 2 13 , etc.; — swing, wield, wave: — 1. uneld, move tool to and fro in using it, c. "v? of material: n^V riB3n ^jain 1? Ex 20 25 (E^i.e. over stone, so Dt 27 s Jos 8 31 (D), and Dt 23 26