Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/66

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^N 42 •w De o» in. «( cf . f/3aaMa( postB.Heb. nsn?NHWB ; Aram. *brn CWB); so De following Fl in De

    • .*» cf M y a . PS & W$H possibly

connected ; ?t? = leader, lord, fr. VP1S 6e t» >ron<; so N6 MBAkl8M - 7 ® r; 8EAkl88a - 1TOf . 3. a. PS & D'npS connected, & both fr. a -/nps (=«&) to which is assigned mng. strong; so Ew !146d ' ITSblv. «]so JihrbOchisrd.blbl.Wltt. X. 11, Blbl. Tl'ieol. I1.SSU). jj ^S fr. -/nps strong (not nPS), & D'nPS expanded from PS, cf. pi. ninDK fr. nes etc. ; so Di on Gn I 1 ; he supports rnng. strong by ref. to phrase TJ Psb I* Gn 31 29 al.; c. similarly, PS, being very early & common Shemitic word, formed pi. D'nPS, fr. which sing. niPS was afterwards inferred, N es Th, ' 0, : 8,ud '-7< lrtt:;i882 m (criticized by No 8BAlc ). 4. PS (niPS, DWS disregarded) fr. vn,N stretch out to, reach after (cf. prep. PS, 'PS, also HPS swear), God as <Ae on« lohom men strive to reach, ' das Ziel aller Menschensehnsucht und alles Menschen- strebens,' Lag 0r -"- 3iON1882 ' TO -" M .— Cf. Spurrell B.b. T«. of on.. A P p. u wnere a]1 tnege viewg are gtated somewhat more fully, & briefly criticized ; on the use of PS & nPS in Shemitic languages vid., exhaustively, No MBAk - SBAk - '•"•). II. Sn n.m. (also, in PS, ?S; Sam. PS, Ph. ps, }PS (i.e. prob. PB), Sab. ps, DHM Or.Co n ,r.L«.d.n.l883 i Ag ^ ppr. perhaps als0 Ar., Aram. cf. No 1 " - ; on goddess DPS Ph. Palm. Nab. Sab. (alsonnps) DHM U -, Ar. i^'l (pi. i~,Uil) Fl 1 "- 8 ""- 1 - 154 , As. iJZafe Jr 66 , Syr! IL'i^r, cf. also Bae^ 15860 ' 97271297 ) god, but with various subordinate applications to ex- press idea of might; — hardly ever in prose exc. with defining word (adj. or gen.); its only suff. is

  • — ; — tl. applied to men of might and rank,

D13 PS mighty one of the nations Ez 3 1 " (of Neb.; @ ap K wv ;8v*>v, P'S some MSS. Co); D^S mighty men Jb4i 17 (D'P'S, many MSS. Di); Dni33 "^ mighty heroes EZ32 21 (^S MSS. Co); H? n V* Ez 17 13 2 K 24 15 (Kt *ym); Bfy$ Ex I5 1S (prob. pi. of in. b% q.v.) These readings are uncertain because of an effort to distinguish these forms from the divine name. 1133 PS mighty hero (as above) or divine hero (as re- flecting the divine majesty) Is o 6 . f2. angels, D'?S '33 ^ 29 1 89 7 =D'r6sn "33. f3. gods of the nations, DvS PS God of gods, supreme God Dn 1 1 3 *; D?S3 roba 13 who is like tjiee among the gods Ex 15"; idols Is 43 10 44 10 " 17 46"; 'D D'OEO PS wAa< 6W m heaven Dt 3"; "** PS another god Ex 34 14 (J); 11 PS foreign god 1^ 44 2, 8i 10 ;i33PsDt32 12 Mal2 11 ^8i 10 . t4. A nnn ps #Z AvtA Ju 9" (=nn3 PJJ3 Ju 8 s3 9 4 ) cf. also 6 (/) infr. +5. as charac- terizing mighty things in nature, PS 'Tin mighty mountains ifr 36' (lit. mountains of El) ; also V'SQ 10 01 Bi Che v. sub II. f)pS; PS 'PS mighty cedars yfr 80 11 ; PS '3313 lofty stars Is 1 4 13 . 6. God 217 , the one only and true God of Israel : (a) b$n the God, the true God Gn 3 1 13 35 1 - 3 4 6 3 (E) 2 S 22 3L33 - 4S {=+ i8 31SU8 ) V^S 20 - 21 77 15 ; I9HP P*?? the faithful God Dt f; psn brOTl <A« jrrati (?od Dt io 17 = Je 32 18 Dn 9 4 Ne i 6 9 32 ; BHpn bun the holy God L55 17 ; ban mrv the God Yahweh Is 42 s ^ 85'. t(6) 78 my God Ex 15 2 (poet.) + 18 3 22 2211 63 s 68 25 89 s7 102 25 118 28 140 7 Is 44 17 . (c) cstr. PS m PS <^e (jorf of Bethel, who had his seat there Gn 35 7 (E); T3K PS God of thy fathers Gn 49" (poet.); PS1E" PS V68 36 ; 3JJJT PN ^ 146 5 ; ba D'OCn </te (7oi of heaven ^ 136 26 ; 'PPD PN the God who is my rock ^ 42 10 ; "tpi nn»B> ?N <Ae Corf icAo is the joy of my exultation i/' 43"; 'SO PS i/te (roc? w/10 lets himself be seen Gn 16 13 (J); TOSH PS (*« Corf of glory -f 29 s ; niyn PS the all-knowing God 1 S 2 3 (poet.) ; u?V PS ?A« everlasting God Gn2i 33 (J); VunE" PS Is 12 2 ; » A VJ^»f 43*; riOSPSf 3i 6 =H31DS PS Dt 32 4 (poet.); D1DP3 PS V' 94 11 ; niPC? PS Je 51 56 . (rf) ins PX orae Corf Mai 2 10 ; PH3 PS a ^r-eaC Corf Dt 7 21 ijr 77 14 95 3 ; -innDD PS a Corf At'rfmjr /rfm- self Is 45 15 ; Dim PS a compassionate God Ex 34 6 (J) Dt 4 31 ^ 86 15 ; SE>3 PS a forgiving God ^ 99 s ; |*in pS a gracious God Ne 9 31 Jon 4 2 ; S3p PS a jea^OM* Corf Ex 20 6 34" (J) Dt 4 24 5 9 6 15 Jos2 4 ,9 (D) = si3p PS Na I 2 ; 'n b« a living God Jos 3 ,0 (J) H02 1 ^42 3 8 4 3 ; pnvpsls 4 5 21 ; yen fan ps sp + 5 5 ; ps sp Dt32 21 (poet.) Is

3 Ez 28 2 - 2!) ; 1103 PS nS Mi 7 18 (cf. Ex 15"). 

(e) God (the only true God, needing no article or predicate to define him) Nu 12 13 (E id. PS Di) always in poetry, Jb 5 8 + (55 t. Jb), yfr 7 12 io .12 l6 l , 7 6 IQ 1 52 3.7 ggSO g^ 73 11.17 ?4 8 77 10 7 g7.8. ,819 - 34 - 41 82 1 8 3 2 9 o 2 104 21 io6 14 - 21 107 11 1 1 8 s7 1 39 1723 149 6 150 1 Is 40 18 43 ,2 45 14 ■ 20 4 6 9 La 3 41 Ho 1 1 9 1 2 1 Mai i 9 ; PSUBJ? God is with us, as name of child in prediction Is 7. 14 cf. 8 810 . (/) El, a divine name PS1B" 'npS PS Gn 33 20 (E) ; 'nps PS mmin Nu i6 22 (P=nmnn 'nps mtr Nu 27 16 ); fW D'nPS PS Jos 22 s2 (P) f 50 1 . This is pro- bable also in the ancient poems, Nu 23 819 - 22 - 23 24 <3.i6.23 ( poet> Ba j aam || *& & p^yj Dt 32 i 8 33 2s