Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/689

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ttofij ^RJ Is44 !0 47" EZ3 1 ' 21 14 s0 33 1 '; c. JO from Mi 5* + 2 5 t. ; I'D from the hand or power o/Gn 32" Ex 2" (J) + 57 t.; T nnnD Ex 18 10 -123 (E) ; 1 13P 2 S I4 16 19 10 22 1 = f 18 1 , 2 K 20 6 = Is 38 s , 2 Ch 32 11 Ezr 8 31 . +b. from death Pr 1 1 6 1 2"; niBO Jos 2 13 (J), + 33" 56 14 Pr 10" = 1 1 4 ; b^KfO f 86 13 Pr 23 14 . t*. deliver from sin and guilt (in late writings), 'yB'B'bllD ^r 39 s from all my transgressions; , '?'TO i/>- 5 1 lc /row bloodguiltiness; Wntforrfy IB?] C^JRl i/f 79* deliver us and cover over all our sins; prob. also *?!^¥B 'irnoNs ^, n 9 >7». tHoph. P«. ^sp ;_ nsn^o bxo "iiks Am " as a brand plucked out of the burning; V$V Zc 3 i /rom the fire. tHithp. Dnr n ? ^PW Ex33 8 (E) awi </»«;/ stripped tliemselves of their ornaments. tnb-Srf n.f. deliverance Est 4 14 (old Sem. Inf. in V ace. to Ba 1 "" ; Inf. also Sta" 21 * cf. Ges t85 ° Kb 11 ' 1 ' 402 ; prob. here by Aram. infl.). []•£]] v. II. pH. fl. (VStt] vb. shine, sparkle (NH flfl ; akin to Ar. |_^l5 sparkle, flash, % NJW) ; — Qal Pt. Tfm pjJ3 D^Sbl Ez i 7 (of cherubim) ;— Perles AMU5 prop. OT^i their plumage (') || form of nfO), cf. Ew. tfSfiW n.[m.] spark;— Is 1" (fig.). fi. [y2] n.m. only sf. Htt Gn 40 10 , v. foil. tn-2W n.f. blossom (perhaps fr. above -/, blossom, flower, as shining amid leaves) ; — abs. '3 of vine Is 18 5 (|| TIB ; = berry-cluster ace. to Di Kit Che""' cf. J.' Derenb ZAW " 1886,301 '- : ,Kiaw.»>t); g f. frltt Jb 15 s3 (of olive) ; read also WW? Gn 40 10 (of vine) for MT ?«?, cf. Di Hoiz. t I]??] n -[ m -] id - on, y p l B ^? ct2 ,s . t [V22] vb. denom. bloom, blossom (NH id.; Jewish- Aram. J*?? id.); — Hiph. P/. 3 pl. «?.0 Ct6" (no dagh.,' v. Kb'- 381 Ges 1 "- ••"•") the pomegranates have put forth blossoms, so 7 13 ; Impf. 3 ms. P&W Ec 1 2 s the almond-tree wears blossoms. II. V¥2 (vV foil.; cf. Ph. DXr"N t'sZe (coast) of hawks, Lzb 213 ' 325 ; Syr. )Jj hawk; £KX? (cf. Me chr " t241 )). s 58, * 1:1 . fn. y2 n.m. a bird of prey, generic name, incl. hawk and falcon (Tristr 1 ™ 8 ; accipiter Bo Hleroz. it. 266 ff. ; ed. Rosenm. Hi. Off. ~c ~Kqw Arch - L ll6 • un- clean bird, Lv n 16 (P), Dt 14" (varieties, Wrap); bird of passage Jb 3 9 M . fl. [*)X^] vb. watch, guard, keep (NH id., observe; As. nasdru, watch over, protect; OAram. nyj protect Lzb 325 Cook 83 ; Palm, in Vog 150 ' 4 Cook 124 ; Aram. "WJ, ^j (cf. Wetzst in De' ob(2) on 27 18 ); Ar.^kS look at, consider, examine (Tj»U, overseer is Aram. loan-word Fra 138 ); Sab. TOfTOjr6 <o aid them Hal E.».Mm.iT<i896).n ; ftth. li& spectare, intueri, etc., Di 701 ;— cf. also itn);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. arm? + 119 129 ; 1 s . to ^ II9 22 - 66100 ; 3 mpl. rWJ Pr22 12 ; 7»y>/. "*! PT3 1 ; sf. tW (Ges • **-»•) Dt 32 10 ; f. sf. n3n>'^i Pr 2 11 (Ges i s. "WK f 119 69 ; fTWK f ng 34114 1 19 145 ; 'sf. 11*? Is 42 6 V9 8 (Ges Bo Ew al. from ■*)i n ^M Is2 7 3 ; 3 mpl. Hfj Pr20 S8 ; r&£ Dt33 9 (on forms v Ges' 66 ^ 8 - 1 )-!- 15 t. Impf.; Imv. "W? V'34 M +3 t -; n 1V? f 141* (d. f. dirim. Ges* 20 - 2 "); sf. rrw? Pr4 13 ; 7n£ ais. 11S3 Na 2 2 ; crtr. "*} Pr 2 9 ; Pt. Tfr Pr 2 8 7 ; "WJ Ex 34 7 +7 t.; sf. Ktfi Is27 3 ; pl. BT|to 2 K 17 9 18 8 , etc.; pass. "WJ Ez 6 12 ; pl. BKJWJ Is 65 4 (© eV To<r (nrijXiu'oit, HT^^g) ; cstr. ^sj (Kt *1^ only here) Is 49'; f.'mw: Is i 8 (Di rds. Hp% Niph. PtVl«); cstr. niW Pr 7 10 ; pl. ni-i3H Is 48" (Che rds. Tfnft), . Watch, guard, keep, a vineyard Jb 27 18 (cf. Wetzst in De ,ob(2) ' d,oc ), Is 2 7 33 , fig-tree Pr 2 7 18 , fortification Na 2 2 ; D'lp watchmen Je 3 1 6 ; '3 7^30 <ower of watchmen 2 K 1 7" 1 8 8 ; in ethical sense of men, guarding the mouth Pr 1 3 3 , the wayPri6 17 ,3^Pr4 23 ; the tongue JHO ^34"; c. ?y, over the door of the lips ^141'; of God D"1Nn 1S3 Jb 7 20 (thou) watcher of men (iron.). . Guard from dangers, preserve, c. ace, subj. God or his attributes Dt32 10 V'25 21 31 24 40 12 6 1 8 Is'26 3 42 s 49 8 Pr 2 8 20 28 22"; 0$ "q3 Pr24 12 ; c. ace. and |0 from which ^I2 8 32 7 64 s 140". In WisdLit. subj. is abstr. : riDSn Pr4 s ; Ktan Pr2 u ; HfTiV Pri3 6 ; ^E^ n«3 Is 49 s preserved of Israel. . Guard with fidelity, keep, observe: of, troh6 IDn 1S3 Ex 34 7 (J) ; elsewhere of man observing the covenant Dt33 9 (poem) V'25 10 , the divine law *78 7 1 05^1 1 9 »-»-"."-".«.ioo.ii«»."..