Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/740

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M 9", ® A/38(«)ia. 5. a Levite I Ch 9 16 

(II «^?? Ne II 17 ), ® A06>.a, A 0/38m, ®L A|3ca. 6. aGadite chief 1 Ch 12 9 , ® A£8(€)«a. 7. a prince in time of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 1 7 7 , ® Afi(8)uiv. 8. priestly companion of Ezra Ezr 8 9 Ne IO«, ® ASita, AP(a)8(e)ta, @L Ap&tov, AjSuw. 9. a doorkeeper Ne 1 2 25 , N 0/38iat, ®L A/SSias. t ["Dy?p] n.[m.] work (late form ; BAram. layi?) ; — p i. g f. Dnnsyo Jh 34 2S . t 7"0^/ vb. be thiok, fat, gross (NH Pi. H3y maA« thick, and deriv. ; Syr. |aA swell up, pt. pass, sivollen, thick, dense, stupid, and many deriv.; Ar. ^i 6e dense, stupid, { jM dense foliage; Eth. 6-fl?: 6« ^reo< Di 985 );— Qal Pf. 3 ms. '3X "pnep 'V *|Dg 1 K 12 10 my little finger is thicker (stouter) than, etc., = 2 Ch io 10 ; be thick, gross, of rebell. Isr. under fig. of highly fed beast, 2 ms. ^V? n<ay n?DB> Dt 32 15 . t^ny n.[m.] thickness;— cstr. V33D '3J 'V Jb 15 26 the thickness (stoutness) of the bosses of his shields (in fig.) ; sf. r2$ its thickness, of the molten sea 1 K 7 26 =2 Ch 4 s ; of pillar Je 5 2". — 2 Ch 4 17 v. foil. — Under fOJJ belongs perh. also IJJfn 3J?3 Ex 19 9 (rd. "3J!? 1) in the thickness of the clouds, cf. Bu ThU ^ ;3) - IB Ko" 1 ' 86 . TrQJWp n. [m.] si vera 1., thickness, com- pactness; — n 91^ n3 $£> 3 iKf in the compactness of the soil, i.e. clayey ground or clay mould = 2 Ch 4 17 (where 1IT 'n '3y3); but read doubtless in both np'IK rnfypa at the ford ofAdamah, v. GFM Ju7 ' 22 Benz< TTO.V v. nay. LD 2,^ (perh. -/ of foil.; cf. As. ubbutu (n.of B3K [ = B3y?]) be pledged Dl 1 "™ 6 ; Aram. (Talm.) nB»3J) pledge, C3JJ Ithpe. 6e <o£m M»

/e%e; but We Jo2 - 7 thinks Stag Aram, loan-

word, and cp. Ar. WL* hold, keep, guard). TWOS* n.[m.] pledge, article pledged as security for debt;— abs. 'y Dt24 llis ; sf. itshj? v 10 (as ace. cogn.), v 12 . t WtSIV n.[m.] intens. weight of pledges, heavy debts;— abs. "S vbv T3ao Hb 2 6 . ' [l3?3?] vt - denom. take or give a pledge ;— Qal Inf. cstr. Ba$£ Dt 24 10 to take possession of a thing pledged (c. ace. cogn.) ; Imp/. 2 ms. give a pledge Bayn Dt 15* (i.e. borrow). Hiph. Pf. 2 ms. D<31 B*l nB?p v 6 and thou shalt cause many nations to give pledges (i.e. lend to them); Impf. 3 ms. sf. + Inf. abs. ttD'ajNFI Bajjn v 8 thou shalt surely lend to him (lit. as above). Pi. Impf i'B35P J02 7 hardly makes sense (lend on pledge ss inter- change?); most rd. pnajT; fVfiJP We, cf. Now DrGASm; Gr. |«E. Zy ( /of foil. ; cf. poss. Ar. jic 6e bulky, stout; Pun. n. pr. bay Lzb 335 ). "7Hiy, 1. hyy n. pr. gent. Arabian people, descended from Joktan ace. to Gn io 28 (®L ra./3aX); = ^y. 1 Ch i 22 (®L H/9r,A). On loc. cf. Glaser 8 " 1 ™"- 426 . . bTV v. biy supr. •f-n. 7l' , y gent, name in Edom, Gn 36™ (® r<«^X),= 1 Ch i 40 (® rai/3,X, A rao^X, ®L O^aX); ace. to Glaser 8kto,H - 426 poss. = foregoing (cp. with name of (god) Bel, Wj,] Gesch. Iir. 120; Alttest. Cuters. 117 f. fm. hy*}} Ebal, the mt. of cursing, N. of Shechem (Nabulus), and opp. Mt. Gerizim (mt. of blessing, S. of Shechem), Dt 11 29 , also JOS8 30 - 33 (D); @ rai/3aX (connex. with above -/dub.; on » = Bel, cf. Gray Pro,,N - mn„. n dreir.J._ on Ebftl y _ Rob BB 11. 275 «T. GA g m Qeogr.Ch.Tl. J)jDtll,29 J^j.^- J$ ( JI , »1.(1898).2OT V*JjJ/ f*/of foil.; meaning unknown). TV392 n -P r - 1- m - Jabez, a man of the Calebites, i Ch 4 9 ■ 9,1 ° (where interpr. as akin to 3Xy J on position of this family cf. Mey ]M ° n(hum " 8 ) ; ® Iyafii)s, A layPr) S , Tafjrjs, GL Ia£iris, Ia|3r;X, la/9«r. 2. loc. in Judah,appar. near Bethlehem

Ch 2 a (cf. V M ); ® Taper, A ra/Sijt, ®L Ia/3u. 

"I^y vb. pass over, through, by, pass on (NH = BH ; Zinj. -Qy Haph. Lzb 336 Cook 88 , perh. also Nab. lay Id'"-; X lay, Syr. iii. id.; As. eberu, id. D1 HWB1 °, and deriv.; Ar. ^It id., and de"riv.; Sab. n3y = Heb. "O? 1. Mordt s»bDenkm49. ^^y passage, march through DHM zmq nix (1875). 6» a | 30 lank or neighbourhood of a stream SabDenkm' 19 ); — Qal 165 Pf. 3 ms. 'y Gn 1 5 17 + , sf. iiajj Je 23"; 1 s. W)3J 1 S 1 5* + ;

mpl. Drnaj? Gn i8 6 + ; 1 pi. «1?V Jos 2 4 ,7 + • 

etc.; Impf. 3ms. lay; Am8 5 + ,"9y;Gn33 14 + , sf. 3 ms. unay: is 33 s1 35 s , in;nay: j e f, tfjp Gn I2 6 +; is. 13JIS Am 5 17 + , cohort, rnajj^