Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/766

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■way pt. f. nj!?y Ct i 7 as subst., one wrapping (a veil about her), i. e. a mourner ; > a harlot (cf. Gil 38") ; but rd. perh. njgto wandering woman, v. nyc. — B$»!l etc., v. also D'j>; "BVO, v. DTD. Hiph. Pf 2 ms. n^a vby n'oyn ^ 8 9 46 (of '*) thou hast wrapped shame upon him (enwrapped him in shame); Impf. 3 ms. ITjto HD^ ni3")3 ^ 84' ear/?/ ratw enwrappeth (it, N? 3 ? P9? v*) with blessings (© Saxm, as if from Ar. *Ji_c , Lie in, iv. give, cf. Ne Mlr8 "); read prob. also 'JDJf Is 6 1 10 (for MT >JD£, v. DJP) with a robe of rightness he envelopeth me, so Brd Di Ry K * u Du; > Qal Pf. »»$ Klo Che Hpt - r[nt0yiO] n.[m.] wrap, mantle; — only cstr. fig. n?nn ntpyo Is 61 3 a mantle of praise. fll. [J1UT] vb. grasp (Ar. ^kc, (Li 1, vil. take with hands); — Qal Inf. abs. + Pt. act. sf. nty ^<~V) Is 22 17 Tie shall grasp thee forcibly, cf.'Ges c ° mm - Hi Ew De Che 0omm - Di Gu "»; >Thes RobGes Buhl L « (13) fr. I. nt3V {he shall wrap, roll thee tight together) for this vb. not trans. tF)^i> n.[m.] bat (quadrilit, Ges »* w gta } 2 «,8. NHtA/ Ph. o5oXoi3a8 Ges Hon - ph - 391 ; Lewy rremdwl7 cp. arrcAfjStir, name of a locust in N.Africa Herod "• m ) ; — ']> abs. Lvn 19 (H), =Dt 1 4 18 (unclean creature); pi. D*B?DJJ Is 2 20 . P (vV foil.; NH ?»y /*** olives into vat or press, or in vessel ; Ar. ^—v* put skin into tan). t[pipy] n.[m.] prob. pail, bucket (NH r?V» vessel for olives) ;—^ w5>» VJ-CJ? Jb 2 1 24 fo's />ai'Zs are /mZZ of milk. fl. ['lP^] vb. turn aside (Syr. .a^ fum, return; Ar. 1 a.k^ incline, bend) ; — Qal Impf. 3 ms. ^tojjl tern aside (so Ew Di De Bae K * u al.), Jb 23' he turneth aside to the right (]"1p) ; || in'cp Ssto'f), rd. prob. 1 s. «|b»K Me Bu Du, / <wra . . . and do not see him (and || lRE^a / fe>). f II. [*1P^] vb. envelop oneself (Arama- ism) (NH id.; Aram. 10^, -a^p*; Eth. Oiir^*.; covered, also n. wei, texture); — Qal Impf. 3 ms. "*!??- ^73*; 3 mpHBtpy: 65 14 ; — envelop oneself: V' 65" </(« valleys cover themselves with corn (|| «^); to 1 ? con n'r-'v: 73 s <%pw< o»/or themselves (each) a garb of violence. t [nDtSX^] n.f. overtunic (so Ar. (_IL.iL., Aram. l&X&Jh, U^);— pi. abs.niBByo Is 3 2 -. fill. pltfl^T] vb. be feeble, faint (Ba ES » cp. Ar. ,JLkp perish, flag); — Qal Impf. 3 ms. f)b«: ,/, 102 1 , liBV! Is 57 16 ; Inf. cstr. *P9. ^6i 3 ; PL pass. (Ges sco ' f ) pi. D'BBy. Gn 30 42 , ' VpOg, La 2 19 ;— lit. be feeble Gn 30 42 "(J ; opp. 0*3*$); 3y-j3 D'MDjjn La2 19 ; fig. T. 'ista rrn L357 16 </ie spirit would faint before me ('*) ; ,3 ? lb^3 ^ 61 3 , ioi 2 (title). Niph. Inf. cstr. Vfr 1Bg$ La 2 11 wAen infants faint (for 'VO 3 ; but read perh. *|bjJ3 Qal, so Buhl). Hiph. Inf. cstr. fKSn ^tpyns Gn 30 42 when the flock shewed feebleness. Hitlip. Impf. 3 fs. H^™ ^ 77 4 , wn i 43 4 , *|tsynn 107 5 ; 7w/ cs<c. *|Bpnn 142 4 Jon 2 8 , sf. DStsynn La 2 12 ; — faint, faint away, La 2 12 (??"? Hke <^e wounded); subj. nVl ijr^ 4 142 4 ( + ">¥, v. ^ II 1 d), 143 4 ( + id.); subj. BfcJ Jon 2» T ( + td.), f 107 6 ( + Qn?). t["iP^] vb. surround (NH id., and deriv.; Ph. TOW ivreath, 1t2y Pi. denom. crown Lzb 339 ; Aram. "i^y ; As. eteru, spare, rescue); — Qal Impf. 2 ms. sf. B^DfB jiST H3S3 ^ g M as with a shield, with favour wilt thou surround him; Pt. pi. TYr^l ^^ 1 S23 26 Saul and his men were surrounding (closing in) upon, David. j-i. miay n.f. crown, wreath; — abs.']} Ez 21 31 Cts^cstr. TYlDj} 2 S I2 30 + i7t.; pi. TfOQV Zc6" Jbsi^nnog Zc6 14 ;— crown: 1. of idol- image (Milcom, ©We Klo Dr Kit Lohr HPS) 2 S I2 30 = 1 Ch 20 s ; golden, IB '» V 21 4 ; 'V D3J1"lKBri of king and queen, Je 13 18 the crown of your splendour ; cf. Ez 2 1 31 ; weddiiig-ciown Ct3". ' 2. 3nt'y Est 8 15 (of Mordecai); of silver and gold Zc 6 1114 ; ITJKBri 'y crown of splendour, on personif. Jerus. Ez 16 12 (in alle- gory), Jerus. and Samaria 23 42 ; 'y as appos. (— :sim.) Jb3i M . 3. fig. of honour, etc., Jb i 9 » (|| ni33) La 5 16 ; i^p 'V ^n TVfr p r i 2 4 , cf. 14 24 17 6 ; Ttyffl V 16 31 (of H3V) ; gift of wis- dom 4 9 ; fig. of Jerus. Is62 3 (|| n^O T??), cf. mq ']} 28 13 fig. of Samaria ; fig. of ' ^f 'V v s (|| iVjNDri nTBS). tn. rnzpy i ch 2 26 , Arapa. t [l^J}] vb. denom. crown ; — Pi. Pf. 3 fs. ? rnt3ys Ct 3" with which his mother crowned him (v. 1. fTJoy 1); elsewh. fig.: 2 ms. n?f rnisy iri3to i^. 65 12 <Aom ('») Aas< crowned the year of