Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/778

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hv regulative, by comes to denote the norm or standard (cf. Germ, 'auf die Art'; W A0 "-s rai ): t lie transition may be seen in a passage like Ex 24 s the covenant which '< made with you on the basis of (?J) or in agreement with, all these words (cf. '3 by 34 s7 ), Nu 35 s4 D'BSSTDn by r6sn, Dt 17" Je3o 18 the palace shall sit (i.e. he inhabited : v. 3E") iCEC'D by in accordance with its manner, (r 94 20 who frames mischief P^by in accordance with a law, , , , *B 7J? ace. to the mouth (i.e.command, Gn 45 21 4- oft., evidence Dtiy 6 19 15 , sentence 21 5 ) of...; ...wby ace. to the name of . . . (mostly with cull, be called) G11 48" Ex 2S 21 2 S i8 ls + , cf. 1 Ch 23 14 ; Ex 6 M 1 2 51 DTKO? by ace. to their hosts (usu. b), Nu i 18 Dnnaefo by (usu. b), v 52 2 234 .7 3 (b), Dt 1 8 s (prob.); »TJ ^ ace. to the hands (direction) of Je 5 31 33 13 al. (v. p. 391 h); ^ 1 io 4 'D ^rnrn by a /^ r the manner of M.; Pr 25" (prob.) a word spoken V3SK ?y i'» accordance with its circumstances = appositely ; of the tune ace. to which a song is to be sung (RV. set to) yfr 6 1 (1 Ch 15 21 ), 8 1 9 1 12 1 45 1 46 1 (1 Ch 1 5 20 ) niDP5T?y (perh., however, in the manner of maidens = for 'sopranos'), 53 1 56 1 60 1 69 1 8 1 1 84 1 88 l (cf. in Syr. ? Jli^^). (6) The basis being conceived as involving the ground, ?JJ denotes the cause or reason, on account of, because of, Gn 20 3 lo thou shalt die nt?Nn ?y on account of the woman, 21 12 2 6 7,9 27 41 42 21 Lv4 328 5 18 i 9 17 26 18 - 2428 Dt 9 18 24 16 fathers shall not be put to death D^2~by on account of children, 3 1 ,8 Jos 9 20 Je 1 I6 5' Ez 1 8 26 D'T^P (II 33 19 D ??)> Pr 2 8 21 V39 ,s 5o 8 +oft.; V'44 23 U!"i'n 'JvV ore </ty account are we slain all the day, 69 s Je 15 16 ; in the phrases by . . .tot, ninix by, ntft by and nj by ow this account, TO by on. what account? J?"^y = therefore (v. "n - !, n^K, etc.); before an inf., as Ex 17 7 "'TIS DniD: by] and on account of their trying '», Am 1 3 DW by on account 0/ their threshing = because they threshed, v 6 - 91113 , etc., Je 2 ffi Tp.OK by 6«caws« o/thy saying, 9 12 i6 18 + ; and as a conj. both with and without Tt?K or '3 (v. infr. III). And so often of the ground or cause of fear, grief, delight, or other emotions, e.g. Ex i8» 32" (Dm repent : so oft.), 1 S 4 18 30" 2 S i= 6 3 8 1 K 2 1 4 2 K 6 11 Je 10" Am 6 6 . (c) Somewhat more strongly, on behalf of, for the sake of, Gu 19 17 escape "]t?B3 by for thy life; Ju9 17 2K10' by DOJ« (usu. b); 1 K 2 18

will speak on thy behalf to the king, v" 

(2 K 4 13 b); Est 4 16 ; 4 8 7 7 ; 8 n 9 16 Dn 12 1 -my by stand up (in late Heb.) on behalf of; by bbsnn intercede for (usu. nyl) Jb 42" Ne I 8

Ch 30 18 ; 29 s ' Ezr 8 35 ; and very often with 

IS? (q. v.) make atonement for. (Not very common with other verbs.) (d) Sometimes it acquires almost a final force, for; Ex 1 2 4 29 s6 30 16 Dt 2 7 13 there shall stand nbbiprrby (||v 12 ?n:ib), ^8 9 48 tc^h-io-by DT^nj|T^ n*n3 unto w h at vanity hast thou created, etc. ! Pr 29 s b 2 Ch 23 18 Ec 3 17 . («) Of a condition, or attendant circum- stances (rare; so Jl£, -W AO " S59 '): ^50* bg ! n2T T upon, with sacrifice, 92 4 '131 "Wy by with a ten-stringed instr., with a harp, with sounding music on a lyre ; 3 , "3 by upon occasion of& law- suit EX23 2 Ez 44 24 , nio av by 1S25 9 (cf. ^^a- ^Lc at a lime of . . . Qor 28 14 ), Ne 12 22 (?rd.Ty BeRy), Is 18 4 lix "by njf Dfa at time of sunshine, 64 11 n^N by, Je 8 18 ffcj by a t time 0/ sorrow, 16' (but Gie b3K by <o) : with abstr. substs. to form a periphr. for adverbs, Lv 5 s2 and swear TjJB* ?y wpon. falseness = falsely, Je 6" = 8 11 to heal a wound n?p_i by lightly, easily, ^3i M "•'TJ ^ = abundantly, Is 60 7 pY} by = acceptably (cf. s jj j.i = iot'^ delight). (/) It hence acquires the force of in spite of, notwithstanding (so JiJ., W AG " SS "), Jb 10' l^f? ?y in spt<e o/thy knowing, 34S by , DBK'D notwithstanding my right I am to be a liar (Di De Da RV : otherwise Hi RV m ). Cf. below, III c 6. (g) Upon, concerning, with vbs. of speaking, as-iai Jug 3 1K5 13 , TOKJei6 3 27 ,9 (||i?N) 33 4 , hearing Gn4i 15 T?V S *?W& I have heard con- cerning thee, saying, etc., 1 K io 6 Is 37 s (|| 2 K I9 9 ^N), disputing Gn 2 6 21 , telling 1S27" Jo I 3 , commanding 2 S 14 8 1 K 1 1 10 , being vexed 21 4 2 K 6", crying 8 s , confessing ^ 32 s Ne i 6 ; of the object of a prophecy or vision 1 K 2 2 8 Is 1 l a 1 ; and often with similar verbs. {h) In a somewhat weaker sense, in the matter of, as regards, Gn 41 32 Dibnn nfaB'n by), Ex 2 2 8 Ru 4 7 Lv 5* M Dn 9 14 b Ne 9 s3 ; by Nan Lv 4" (|| H3 v 23 , cogn. ace. v 28 ), 5 6 Nu 6" Ne 13 s6 ; • • • TOT."bj? in the matter of, Nu 25 18 31 16 .