Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/79

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ynN 55

2 °; fDKJosi 6 ; )£« Dt 3 i 7 + 3 t.; <X»KDt 3 i 6 

+ 2t - — 1« be strong, of a people Gna5*(J); of personal enemies 2 S 22 1B =f 18 18 ; ^ 142 7 (all sq. JO of compar.) ; also (without p) prevail 2 Ch 13 18 . 2. /mi), be bold (alw. || pgj, ^PTH) Dt 3 i 723 Jos I"-"; (|| fcL+WWr^K] *?*$«) Dt 3 1 6 ; || id. + nnn iw p3?n4x) j os i»- (|| id. + wnn tyvrtm $») j OS io 25 i Ch 2 2 !3 28 20 2 Ch

2 7 . Pi Pf j*BK Dt 2 30 etc.; Impf. J** Am 

2" etc.; W7BW Is 44" 3 f s . s f. 3 nis. ttBWH V^ 22 ; is. sf. D3SDXN Jb j6 6 etc.; W f?«  Na2 2 ; W««Is35 , j "SQXDts 28 ; /»/ s f.toBK 7T^;Ptrin^TT2^;—.makefirm,strengih- en, sq. ace, of giving clouds their place Pr 8 ffi (subj. '») ; of repairing temple 2 Ch 24"; of physical vigour Pr3i 17 'Krn ,T3n» rtJQ fTWI

n'njfrir (subj. i>Tl nsfc); f strength for war

nb s Na 2 2 (|| D?:rie pjri) A m2 " (subj. ptn) ; c f. Pr 24 s ; of royal power 2 Ch 11 17 (|| pWl); c f. rtbp d^ 3 'n is 35 3 ; rfeni 'a n Jb 4 « (both II n*1 On; PRO fig. of encouragement; so 'N alone Dt 3 s8 (|| p?n) Jb 16 5 (|| -|B>n q . v .) ; yj, gg 22 (subj. '< yi-it); of support IS41 10 (subj. *j || "W, IDn;— De Che sub 2). 2. assure, secure for one's self, alw. sq. b + st.; of car- penter appropr. tree Is 44"; cf. of '> appropri- ating Isr. under fig. of bough + 8o 16 ; under fig. of chosen man v 18 . 3. sq. 2$ harden, make obstinate Dt 2 30 (subj. '<; || "inn HE-pn) Dt 15 7 (of unkind man); 2 Ch 36 13 (of king Zede- kiah, || 13-ijrm nvpn). Hithp. Pf j»Dxnn

K 1 2 18 = 2 Ch 1 o 18 ; Impf. tt^NW 2 Ch 1 3 7 ; Pt. 

nSQNno E u ,». !. strengthen oneself , of con- spirators 2 Ch 1 3 7 (sq. &»). 2. cora/frm onese^/ in a purpose, 6e determined Ru i ,8 (sq. 5> + Inf.) 3. ma&e oneself alert, make haste 1 K i2 18 =

Ch io 18 (sq. !>4-Inf.) Hiph. Impf. Juss. 

exhibit strength, be strong pOK^I, ^A '{01 pin ^27", so also 3 1 25 . ty^N »-[ m -] strength, fig. I'D* D?T-inD H? x Jb 17 9 <Ae clean of hands increaseth strength. TrTOpN n.f. strength, fig. Zc 1 2 s , but sense difficult, cf. Wr 2ech - »■ 585 ; Sta ZAW1881 ' " prop. HNSDX

  • 3f^*{> (after © $) may 7 6« sufficient for . '

« t yiCN father of Isaiah ^follow- ing) Is i 1 2 1 13' 20 2 ; 37 2 - 2I 38 1 =2Ki9 2a, 20 1 ; Ch26 22 3 2 20 - 32 . ^tV^N] adj. strong, only pi. D'JtOK of horses Zc 6 s - 7 (in v 7 perh. rd. QWK, c f. v',&Hi; see another view in Lag B!ta ). tpSH (JBH) adj. mighty-'* abs. 2S I5 ,2 + 2 t.; cstr. Jb9 4 + 2 i.—miqhty, of Absa- lom's conspiracy 2 S 15'=; elsow'h. of persons; as subst., instrum. of" 1 (i.e. Assyrians) Is 28* (II PIC); W '*<= valiant, conqueror Am 2"; of ' nb 'to aa> ojn Jb 9 4 ; c f. "k nb v " (v Di & RV), nb 'n is 4 > (ii vite ai). t^SCM 1. a Levite 1 Ch 6 S1 . 2. man of priestly line Ne 1 1" (not in || 1 Ch 9"). ^JsON, iTSCN ('» has been mighty) . i . king of J ud., son of Joash, father of Azariah; WJBJj 2 K ^"-^St. 2 K 14; i 5 » iCh 3 12 ; 2Ch24 27 25 1 +i5t. 2Ch2 4 ; 26 1 "; n;?fpt< 2K12 22 13 12 14 8 15*. 2. -TttW, a Simeonite 1 Ch 4 s4 . 3. t'tZ., a Levite iCh 6*. 4. priest of Bethel, under Jerob. II, Am f' 1 "*,

  • [y?Np] n.[m.] power, strength, force,

pi. cstr. nb-"spxo Jb 36 19 . iDtt 6287 vb. utter, say (MI PiODK, Aram. ION, Eth. ft<n>& I. 2 s/ieto, declare, Ar. Ill cow- mand; perh. -/nDX org. = beor makeprominent, hence Hithp. infr., "I^DX; Sab. 1DN to/iy, epith. of king JHMordtm ZMQW6S7 ; cf. Dl rr28 who thinks orig. mng. hell, sichtbar sein, whence As. amdru, see, & shew, declare, say) — Qal Pf. 'N Gns 1 -!-, etc.; Impf. iDtf Gn 3 i 8 -(-; noN'l Gn i 3 + ; ip_^l Gn 14 19 + ; in Jb alw. -iax>!Jb 3 2 + ; 3fs.iP^Gn2i 12 +; iDKnPri 21 ; is."i»NGn2 2 2 + ; iTJp^K^42 10 ; nptO Gn20 ,3 +; ipiSJNe2 717 - 20 ; 3 m. pi. XTQ* Ex 4' + etc.; sf! ^no^ I39 2o ; 2mpl.npri2Si9 ,4 (cf. Ko 1 -"- 385 ); Imv. ION pDK) Gn 45 i7 + , etc.; Inf. abs. "nON Ex2i 5 + ; cstr. lbs Ez25 8 + ; ibN(n) Jb 34 18 but rd. lONn © 33 Di, or better ibxri /«/ a j«. c. n interrog. cf. Ew t328d ; sf. ^DK Jos6'°+; D3-10X JC23 38 ; D3"lDNMali 7 + ; 1bN^Gni !B +' etc.; P<. ac«. ION Gu 32 10 + , etc.; pass. "I'DKH Mi 2 7 , but this grammatically indefensible, rd. niOXn, Inf. abs. c. n interrog., v. Dr Klpo, "° r ' A,lr "' CT, ML . ^ay (subj. God Gn3*+or man 32 s , serpent 3 1 , ass NU2 2 58 , horse nxn nps> Jb 39 ffi etc.; inanimate things, personif. Jb28"cf. v 22 etc.; so in allegory or fable Ju 9" 2 K 14' etc. ; esp. in narrat.,ipN»1etc, Gn 4 6 + very oft.) : mostly sq. thing said, either subst. Je 14 17 (c. cl. app.) Dt 2 7 ,6f - Jui2 6 ; pronoun Gn 44" 2 K 20 14 -)-; or (usually) clause Gn i 3 3 1 37 20