Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/907

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V? i6 < =2 Ch 28* (cf. RS s<!m - 1 - 47,i!!, " lw1 - 490 ); 7?*? '3? .IBB* rwg 2 K 2 3 9 ; ch? e.g. nij?:un b IIo 4 13 , n(V)3J by Je i9 13 32 w , twabn by Is 65', D*Vm by v 7 ; c. b of deity, Hon 2 Je i v ' + 14 1. Je (+ 19 13 32 s8 supr.), Hb i 16 2 K 22 17 23 s 2 Ch 25 14 2 8 ;i 34 s5 Qr (>Kt Hipb.), to the brazen serpent 2 K i8 Pu. Pt. *» "to m.KpO Ct s 6 fumi- gated withmyrrh, etc. (Aq. 53 Schlottm rrjfcjJD). Hiph.,, Pf. 3 ms. -Vl?j?n Lv 9 10 + ; 2 ms. rpopn Ex 29 1318 - 25 , etc.; Zmp/. 3 ms. T^PP Lv 4 26 16 25 , iPi?!l Ex 40 s7 + , etc.: Imv. ms.iepn 2 K 16"; Inf. abs. TCpn 1 K g 25 ; cs<r. "VBfn|> Ex 3 o 20 + ; Pt. TtppO Je 33 18 + , etc. 1. make sacri- fices smoke, van. a. in worship of  : abs. 1 K 12 33 13 1 2 Ch29 n ; c. ace. abn Lv 17 6 Nu

17 1 S 2 15 - 16 , nby 2 K 16 1315 2 Ch i 3 ", nfs 

Ex 30 20 Lv 2 11 Nu i8 17 , nmD Je 33 18 ; BX"i, etc., LvS^n-iSJK Lv2 16 , Q-D^n »^PI Lv6 5 ; mtip 1 S 2 28 ; on i K 9 :s v. Klo Benz ; place is nam by Lv 4'°+ 5 1., nnaian Ex 29 131825 + 23 1. Lv, Nu s 26 (all P); c. nat'en ( aC c.) Lv 6 8 ; niraa 1 K 3 3 ; Din p NVQ 2 Ch 28 s . b. less oft. in worship of other gods, pVibtO (gods of Sol.'s wives) 1 K 1 1 8 , Wt6 (of Moab) Je 48 s ; Dnb (Baalim) Ho 2 15 ;- 2 Ch 34 s5 rd. Qr QaL 2. cause incense to smoke, offer incense abs. 2 Ch 2 5 26 181819 ; c. ^ of altar 2 Ch 26 16 Ex 30 7 40 27 ; ' c. ace. nsytjp: 3 o 7 - 8 , D'OD mt3p 30 7 40 27 2 Ch 2 3 , Ten mop Ex 30 8 , map 'pn Nu 1 7 s 2 Ch 29 7 . 3. make smoke upon (by) both altars (of burnt- offering and of incense) 1 Ch 6 34 , cf. also 23 13 . Hoph. be made to smoke as a sacrifice : Impf. 3fs.^pnLv6 ,5 ,POOP : DMali"(EwKeal.[Ges • m *]; WeNowrd. nnjKPD^b'D; butv.lBpO). t-t3p(01 sl82 °) n.f. incense;— Je 4 4 21 (on gender v. Albr ZAWl " (189,, ' 10(l , who reads nnk for Dnjc, and so Kothst*" 1 Gie ; Gie also npi>). t[~tf£p?D, "H2j3Q] n.m. place of sacrificial smoke;— cstr. rvibp ICpr? naiO Ex 30 1 altar, place of offering incense (SS Kau Buhl ls al. n. act. burning). tltipo n.111. incense; — abs. 'd Mai 1" (Thes Hi Marti K *» GASm Kb'"' t3m ). tpi^pn n.f. censer; — 'd abs. 2 Ch26 19 ; rf. ta")BpDEz8". t[rr>tTp?p] n.f. incense-altar; — pi. abs. nVuppe 2 Ch 30". -(■II. [TPp] vb. dubious word; si vera 1. appar. = shut in, enclose (£ "rt?p :) Syr. ;^tf bind, O^Z chain);— Qal Pt. pass. pi. niixn nilCp Ez 46 s2 enclosed courts (cf. interpr. in Levy 1 ™? 8 , and JL&*> J£S PS 3589 ), but rd. prob. niHBp small, © <& Co Toy Berthol Krae. t p"lt2p in Zebulun Ju I 30 , K^ur, AX(p()w; =riEp Jos 19 15 ? site unknown. Zebulun Josig'^Karara^ A Karrad, @L Korratf ; — V. pIBp. tj^p No 2 * "" 1 " 1883 *' 539 ] vb. vomit up, spue out, disgorge (NH id., Hiph.; As. kd'u, spit Meissn 8uppLIB ; Ar.'li vomit; Eth. [+,£&] $h: vomit);— Qal Pt. f. ™p T Lv 18 s9 , but read prob. nNjJ, //. 3 fs. (Di Baen); Impf. (Qal or Hipb.) 3 ms. »E5 Jon2 n ; sf. UK^I Jb20 is ; 3 fs. K'pl? Lv 18 28 2o~, Kp!?! 18 25 ; ' 2 ms. sf. njS'pn p r 238; Hipb. Pf. sf. consec. fowpm 25 16 ; all vomit up: — c. ace, lit. Pr23 a 25 16 Jon 2 11 ; fig. of land casting out inhab.Lv 1 S 25 - 28 - 28 20 22 (all H); of disgorging riches Jb 20". T [i^p] n.[m.] what is vomited up, vomit (v. Ba NB79 );— sf. iKp Pr 26 11 (of dog). ttOj? n.m. id. (v. Ba 1 ™ 80 );— abs. 'p Is 28 s ; sf. i^p Is 19 14 (rim.); fig. Je 48^ (of Moab). t [Il^p] vb. vomit (si vera l.=N'p, Ges 576h Ko" 1 - 586 );— Qal Imv. mpl. *T? Je 25 w Qr (Kt Upl), be drunken and vomit (1 err. for Wp1). "$&*$ v. nop. Cp, nrpp v. Dip. ©iCp v. Wep. Pp (v/offoll.; d.Ar.^i fit together, fabri- cate (make artificially), forge (cf. Wetzst 8,r - I)rMCh - ufei (iot) »7^ wnelice *^j worker in iron. As. iznai (Meissn ZAT " 1(1893, ■ 82 ), k n^p, Syr.ULo, Palm. K^'p (pi.) metal-worker, cf. BH ^p ?aVl ; also Ar. illj slave-girl, and woman-singer, lute- player (fr. skill); cf. Eth. "PL: song, singing, Syr. Ik'-L.o, hymn, elegy; Ar. vb. lv Dozy; NH n3'p=BH; cf. also Bu 2 ^"" 882 28 ). t 1 - [rp] n -[ m -] spear © and most ; — sf.^'p 2S2i 16 ;<rd.iyaip (cf. ISI7 38 ) KloBu HPS al. fn. J"»g 1. gent. (v. Sta 0lra '- Mey Bnw.hun.1j5. cf _ fa J15; Nab. Sin. et. f. yp; tribe of smithst); — tribe of Moses' father-in-law JU4 11 (cf. '^p i 16 ), Kaiva, ©L Kdv; akin to Midian (Nu io" P), settled among Amal. in S. of Canaan (v. *?$);

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