Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/918

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N"lp perfection V' 1 1 9 96 ; 'P PS «o «»d, of peace Is 9", iniquities Jb 22 s , toil Ec 4 8 , D^BD ni'cj; X2 12 . 2. end, in space, njfj5 Ji?tp 2 K 19 s3 i<« remotest lodging-place =ls$f*(y. J^O p. 533); "p P«, of multitude Ec 4".— Je 50 26 v. n$f$ 3. Ty'Iip (l'r. above V 1); — only in 'P pEJ? in Benj., Jos i8 :l , A/iacao-eis, etc. ' [P^PJ a *U- at tne end > outermost; — fs. Hjlfp, of curtain (np;) Ex26 410a = 36 1117 *; ins. also prob. 26 ,0b = 36 17b so Kit (in Di) Baen. tpXp], I. "ISD (Ges*" c Sta' 384 ' 2 ) vb. be short (NH "IS|J g/ to rf, ">Sp shorten; Ar. >-«j shorten, ~ej be short, c. ^S come s/tor< 0/7 J Aram. isp be short);— Qal #! 3 ma. -«p T IS28 20 Mia 7 (SS "fifp, f r . adj. -nfij); 3 f s . rmp T IS50 2 59 1 ; 7mp/. 3'fs. ispn Jb2i 4 + , 3 fpl. nrpfpn Pr io 27 ; In/. afa. "i^P, Is 50 2 ; Pi. pass. fpl. rfnvp Ez 42 s ;— 6e s/ior<, of bed Is 28 20 (fig.), of nto^p EZ42 5 ; esp. (fig.) of * Tj, i.e. be ineffective, powerless Nu 1 1 23 (JE), c. JO comp. IS50 2 ( + inf. abs.), 59 1 ; c. E'BJ, nri ) = 6<; im- patient (opp. [V$] Hiph. 1 (c)): Dyn B *?? 'i 51 ? 1 - Nu 2 i 4b ( JE), of utter discouragement, cf. (of DVI) Jb 2 1 4 ; it??? 'pni Ju 16 16 i.e. he was worn out (by importunity), so of proph. (representing '*) Zc 11 s (3 pets.) reach limit of patience with, endurance of; of '1 Ju io 16 (a rei); " 0V1 'p Mi 2' (v. supr.); 'p of time +Pr io 27 (years of wicked). Pi. shorten P/. 3ms. , OJ ISp ^io2 24 . Hiph. id., Pf. 3 ms. '131 V, ?"]??? + W- t[-«j3] adj. short;— in phr. TTSfg 2 K 19 2 ' short of liand, feeble, = Is 37 s7 ; fig. iSJ5 n"B« Pr 14 7 = impatient, so tJO njfp v 29 (opp. CTBK -11X); of time M* ^p+Jb^'s/wrt-Zwed. T"l!Jp n.[m.] shortness; — cstr. 0*1 'p Ex 6 9 (P) = impatience. fll. [H^p] vb. reap, harvest (Nil id., also " ,, ¥ij harvest ; cf. As. lcasdru,join together, collect; v. Dl"" 1 Zehnpf B ' AS1M3 (not Syr. 4* &md, Eth. <feJU: ["feed:] constringere, v. No ZM °i><if»», M ));-Qal Pf 3 pi ™$ Je 12", etc.; /»»/>/. 3ms.1^ Isi7 5 Ecii 4 + Pr2 2 8 Kt(Qr~isp^); 3 mpl. jrixp? Ru2 9 etc.; 7m». mpl. «J|J Ho io 12 +; /»/ cs<r. lVp> 1 S 8 12 + ; sf. ^Xp Lv 23 s , D?-iVp i 9 » zs 22 ; Pt. nxip Je 9 21 + , etc.:— reap, c. ace. of crop : ace. cogn. TSjJ 1 S 6 13 8 12 ( + enn), Lv 19 9 23 10 - 22 (all H) Dt 24"; ace. of grain Is 17 s (fig.; || «|DK), Jb 24" (Qr ; Kt vid. Hiph.), cf. Lv 2 5 5 (H), v» (P; + JTiJ), so (obj. om.) 2 K 1 9 s9 = Is 37 30 , Mi 6 ,s (opp. 5HJ), Lv i9 91, 23 22b Ilu2 9 Ecii 4 (+5n]); obj.D ,, SpJei2 ,s (opp. VTJ) ; Pt. = reaper Am 9 13 ( + S^), Je 9 21 (sim.), V 129 7 (|| "tt?$JO), + Is 17 5 (for "VXp,, so Buhl 16113 Marti); pi. 2 K 4 18 Ru z 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 714 ;' fig. of reaping fruits of righteousness Ho io 12 ( + V1), of evil Ho 8 7 (both + STJJ), 10" ( + EH?), Jb4 8 ( + B'in, jnj), Pr22 8 ; f 126 6 they that sow (VI]) in tears sliall reap in joy. Hiph. Imp). rWip 1 Jb 24 s Kt(< Qr *%!£, v. supr.). fl."V»Sp a.m." 820 harvesting, harvest(cf. Lag*" 73 ); — abs. 'p Gii45 6 +, cstr. 1"?? Ju 15' + ; sf. THi? Lvi9 9 + , etc.;— harvest : 1. process of harvesting, Gn 45 s (E; +E""]£), Ru 2 21 . 2. w/bz< is reaped, harvested, crop, spec, of grain: Gn8 22 ( + 5 r lJ; J), Is 17 11 (fig.; cf.iu; II W!.), "^ 'P 23 s (|| id.) i.e. exported grain of Egypt; D ; t?n 'p Ex 34 s2 (JE), ins. also 2 S 24 15 (© ThWeDr al.), 'P BpJ Lv i 9 9b 2 3 22b ; 'p as eaten Je 5 17 Jb 5 s (but rd. here TIS^ ® Me Bu al., cf. Bev jph "-" V, ' 3(M ); as ace. cogn. OXJJ 1 S 8 12 Dn 24 19 Lvi9 9 *23 I010 - 22a 'P D'BD Lv2 5 5 (allH), D'tpn 'p 1 S 6 13 ; of ripe grain Is i 11 (n* 'p), 4 13 ('? -'?' 3 ); fig. of punishment Ho 6"; of vintage Is 16 9 (|| fS; rd. prob. 17? as || Je 48 32 , Buhl Lex 13 ). 3. time of harvest, Ex 34 21 ( + &V JE), 2 S 21 10 (23 13 rd. TWT) as || 1 Ch 11", so ®L ThWe and most), Is 9 2 (sim.), 18 5 (fig.), Je 5 24 , || TS. 8 20 Pr 6 8 10 s 26 1 (sim.); opp. *$ 20 4 ; 'p '0> Jos3 21 (JE), 2 S 2i 9 ", 'p DV Pr 25 13 (sim.), 'P(H-)n». Je5o 16 5i M (fig.); of wheat- Jiarvest, D^Dil 'P "») Gn 30 14 (J), Ju 1 5', without V. Ru 2 23b , DVn 'n-'p Kibn i S 12 17 ; barley harvest, D , lV'B'(n) 'p 2 S 2 i 9b Ru i 22 2 23 *; T fl> Dh Is 18 4 ; 'pn ;n Ex 2V 6 (E). On harvest in Pal. v.Vogelst Land " lrtb " ch ' 57ff ' Hayman Sm ' tllI)BAoE " :; "' Tl ' EB . — Isi7 s rd.1?fp, v. 1SP t . fn.T'jJp n.m. l!27 '" usually coll., boughs, branches (connex. with above v dub.) ; — abs. 'p Jb 14 9 ; sf. T?$ Jb 29 19 (in fig.; || &p), h>sp i8 16 (fig.; II id.); iTVXp Is 27"; pi. sf. rpr*? V' 8 ° 12 - n^P v. I. nxp. J3, l'p v. I. Tip. ip v. I. I^p. I. ^"1 D vb. call, proclaim, read (NH id., read aloud, read; Ph. X"lp caK/ Ar. lis read aloud, recite (the 'Koran'), ,jlyiJI th» %or'an; Aram. tOP : , }ie call, etc., so OAram.