Page:A Seasonable Warning and Exhortation of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.pdf/11

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ing the Proteſtant Religion, whoſe Conſcience is ſubject to a foreign Power; and who is under prior Engagements to his ſpiritual Sovereign, the Pope of Rome, to deſtroy it?

Tho' the Pretender's Son would ſeem to acknowledge ſome Miſcarriages in former Reigns, is it not evident, that he treads in the Steps of the late King James, by levying Money in an arbitary Manner as he did, immediately after his Acceſſion? Has he not treated the Country as a Conquered Nation, by enforcing his exorbitant Demands with the threatening of military Execution? If ſuch Things are done whilſt he courts a Crown, what may we not dread, if he ſhould be poſſeſt of it?

What Abuſes might not be expected from the Army he employs to raiſe him to the Throne? a great Part of which is made up out of the barbarous Corners of this Country? many of whom are Papiſts, under the immediate Direction of their Prieſts, train'd up to the Sword, by being practiſed in open Robbery and Violence; void of Property of their own; the conſtant Invaders of that of others; and who know no Law, but the Will of their Leaders.

Whilſt our moſt gracious Sovereign treated them with the greateſt Indulgence and Clemency; and did every Thing to encourage them to honeſt Labour, and to render them uſeful to the Country: And whilſt, as a true Father of his People, he yearly beſtowed a conſiderable Sum, for inſtructing ſuch of his Subjects as live in Places where Ignorance and Popery prevail, in the principles of true Religion; a juſt Share of which Sum was beſtowed for their Inſtruction, they, as reſtleſs Diſturbers, have riſen in open Rebellion againſt their only lawful Sovereign and bountiful Benefactor.

But, to complete our Deſtruction France and Spain, the avowed Enemies of our Country; not only of our Religion, but of our Trade and Commerce, are called in to their Aſſiſtance: Who, whilſt they are preparing to invade us at home, are diſtreſſing our Trade abroad; with whom we are at Open War, on the ſame Principles on which the War was waged in the Reign of Qeeen Anne. The Pretence of calling in ſuch dangerous Allies, is the Aſſiſtance given us by the Dutch; and ſaid to be expected from Danes, Heſſians and Swiſs. Let it be conſidered, that theſe are Proteſtant States; that the Dutch are obliged to aſſiſt us, by Treaty made for their and our ſafety; that ſuch Aid was called in, when our Army was employedabroad