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abroad in the common Cauſe of Liberty; and that, as this ſeems to be the laſt Effort to overthrow the Proteſtant Religion; is it any wonder Proteſtant Powers ſhould join together to defend us? Our Intereſt, as to Religion; is the ſame with theirs; and the Preſervation of it depends upon the Defeat of this wicked Deſign.

Of all Wars, a Civil War is the moſt dreadful; in which Countrymen ſhed the Blood of their Countrymen, Children riſe up againſt their Fathers, and thoſe of the ſame Houſe are divided againſt each other; Laws are ſilent, Juſtice baniſhed, and Violence is unſtrained. Such is the dreadful War the Rebels have kindled in this Nation.

If they ſhould be defeated, as we truſt in GOD they ſhall, they may be ruined; but Scotland is in no Danger, as they pretend it is who are already engaged in this wicked Attempt, that they may involve others in the ſame pernicious Scheme:——But, on the contrary, our Country will be preſerved from Ruin.——Few have joined them on the South-Side of Tay, notwithſtanding their boaſted Victory at Preſton:——The moſt conſiderable Clans, in the Weſt and North-Country, continue faithful to their Duty, and zealous in defending the Government: The great Property of the Nation is in the Intereſt of the King and Government; and that of the Rebels bears but a very inconſiderable Proportion to it. What then have the Well-affected in Scotland to fear?——What may they not hope, from a Sovereign who has been ſo mild to his Enemies?——And what can be the Effect of the Deſtruction of Jacobitiſm; but the Security of Our Religion, the Eſtabliſhment of our Peace, and the increaſing the Value of our Property?

Loud Complaints are made, of inſufferable Grievances, and Encroachments upon our Liberties, under the benign Adminiſtration of our preſent gracious Sovereign; to redreſs which, is the pretended Deſign of this wicked Rebellion. But how is this heavy Charge made out? Do our Enemies pretend to produce any one Act of lawleſs Power, ever done, or ſo much as attempted by his preſent Majeſty, or his Royal Father, through the whole Courſe of their Reigns? No: but inſtead of this, they tell us of ſome Things which are of a doubtful and diſputable Nature; and about which the wiſeſt, the beſt, and the freeſt Men, have different Apprehenſions and Views:——Things are mentioned as Encroachments, which were never done at all; but barely propoſed; and after being for ſome time canvaſt by theLegiſlature