Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/157

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them purchase great lands, and build faire castles upon the same. Of which abuse if any question be moved they have a very seemely colour and excuse, that they have no worthy ministers to bestow them upon, but keepe them so bestowed for any such sufficient person as any shall bring unto them.

Eudoox. But is there no law nor ordinance to meet with this mischiefe? nor hath it never before beene looked into?

Iren. Yes, it seemes it hath, for there is a statute there enacted in Ireland, which seemes to have beene grounded upon a good meaning, That whatsoever Englishman of good conversation and sufficiencie, shall bee brought unto any of the bishoppes, and nominated unto any living, within their diocesse that is presently voyde, that he shall (without contradiction) be admitted thereunto before any Irish.

Eudox. This is surely a very good law, and well provided for this evill, whereof you speake; but why is not the same observed?

Iren. I thinke it is well observed, and that none of the bishops transgresse the same, but yet it worketh no reformation thereof for many defects. First there are no such sufficient English ministers sent over as might be presented to any bishop for any living, but the most part of such English as come over thither