Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/174

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upon Pheagh Mac-Hugh and the Cavanaghes, and 1000 upon some parts of Connaght, to be at the direction of the Governour.

Eudox. I see now all your men bestowed, but what places would you set their garrison that they might rise out most conveniently to service? and though perhaps I am ignorant of the places, yet I will take the mappe of Ireland, and lay it before me, and make mine eyes (in the meane time) my schoole-masters, to guide my understanding to judge of your plot.

Iren. Those eight thousand in Ulster I would devide likewise into foure parts, so as there should be 2000 footemen in every garrison; the which I would thus place. Upon the Blacke water, in some convenient place, as high upon the river as might be, I would lay one garrison. Another would I put at Castle-lifter, or there-abouts, so as they should have all the passages upon the river to Logh-foyle. The third I would place about Fermanagh or Bundroise, so as they might lye betweene Connaght and Ulster, to serve upon both sides, as occasion shall be offered, and this therefore would I have stronger than any of the rest, because it should be most inforced, and most imployed, and that they might put wardes at Balls-shanon and Belick, and all those passages. The last would I set about Monaghan or Balturbut, so as it should fronte both upon the enemie that way, and also keepe the countreys of Cavan and Meath in awe,