Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/209

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vice, but that returning, whether maymed, and so unable to labour, or otherwise whole and sound, yet afterwards unwilling; to worke, or rather willing- to set the hang-man on work. But that needeth another consideration; but to this which wee have now in hand, it is farre from my meaning to leave the souldiour so at randome, or to leave that waste realme so weake and destitute of strength, which may both defend it against others that might seeke then to set upon it, and also keepe it from that relapse which I before did fore-cast. For it is one speciall good of this plot, which I would devise, that 6000. souldiers of these whom I have now imployed in this service, and made throughly acquainted both with the state of the countrey, and manners of the people, should henceforth bee still continued, and for ever maintayned of the countrey, without any charge to her Majestie; and the rest that are either olde, and unable to serve any longer, or willing to fall to thrift, as I have seene many souldiers after the service to prove very good husbands, should bee placed in part of the landes by them wonne, at such rate, or rather better then others, to whome the same shall be set out.

Eudox. Is it possible, Irenæus? can there be anv such meanes devised, that so many men should be kept still in her Majesties service, without any charge to her at all? Surely this were an exceeding great good, both to her Highnes to have so many olde souldiers alwayes ready at call, to what purpose soever she list