Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/212

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live upon, in such sort as shall become good subjects, to labour thenceforth for their living, and to apply themselves to honest trades of civility, as they shall every one be found meete and able for.

Eudox. Where then a Gods name will you place them in Leinster? or will you finde out any new land there for them that is yet unknowne?

Iren. No, I will place them all in the countrey of the Birnes and Tooles, which Pheagh Mac Hugh hath, and in all the lands of the Cavanaghes, which are now in rebellion, and all the lands which will fall to her Maiestje there-abouts, which I know to be very spacious and large enough to containe them, being [o 1] very neere twenty or thirty miles wyde.

Eudox. But then what will you doe with all the Birnes, the Tooles, and the Cavanaghes, and all those that now are joyned with them? Iren. At the same very time, and in the same very manner that I make that proclamation to them of Ulster, will I have it also made to these, and upon their submission thereunto, I will take like assurance of them as of the other. After which, I will translate

  1. very neere twenty or thirty miles wyde.] This carrieth no fit proportion for the transplantation intended by the author, considering the large extent of Ulster, and the narroyv bounds heere limited. Sir James Ware.