Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/217

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rebells, there is an abatement to be made thereout of 400. or 500. plow-lands, as I estimate the same, the which are not to pay the whole yearly rent of 40 s. out of every plow-land, like as the escheated lands doe, but yet shall pay for their composition of cesse towards the keeping of soldiers, 20 s. out of every plow-land, so as there is to bee deducted out of the former summe 200 or 300 1. yearly, the which may neverthelesse be supplied by the rent of the fishings, which are exceeding great in Ulster, and also by an increase of rent in the best lands, and those that lye in the best places neere the sea-coast. The which eighteen thousand pounds will defray the entertainment of 1500. souldiers, with some over-plus towardes the pay of the victuallers, which are to bee imploved in the victualling of these garrisons.

Eudox. So then belike you meane to leave 1500. souldiers in garrison for Ulster, to bee payde principally out of the rent of those lands, which shall be there escheated unto her Majestic The which, where (I pray you) will you have them garrisoned?

Iren. I will have them divided into three parts, that is, 500. in every garrison, the which I will have to remaine in three of the same places, where they were before appointed, to wit, 500. at Strabane and about Loughfoile, so as they may holde all the passages of that part of the countrey, and some of them bee put in wardes, upon all the straights thereabouts, which I