Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/232

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ritance. Another hundred I would have placed at Castle Mayne, which should keepe all Desmond and Kerry; for it answereth them both most conveniently: Also about Kilmore in the county of Corke would I have 2. hundred placed, the which should breake that nest of thieves there, and answere equally both to the county of Limericke, and also the county of Corke: Another hundred would I have lye at Corke, aswell to command the towne, as also to be ready for any forraine occasion: Likewise at Waterford, would I place 2. hundred, for the same reasons, and also for other privy causes, that are no lesse important: Moreover on this side of Arlo, near the Muskery Quirke, which is the countrey of the Burkes, about Kill-Patricke, I would have two hundred more to be garrisond, which should skoure both the White Knights country and Arlo, and Muskery Quirk, by which places all the passages of theives doe lye, which convey their stealth from all Mounster downewards towards Tipperary, and the English Pale, and from the English Pale also up unto Mounster, whereof they use to make a common trade: Besides that, ere long I doubt that the county of Tipperary it selfe will neede such a strength in it, which were good to be there ready before the evill fall, that is dayly of some expected: And thus you see all your garrisons placed,

Eudox. I see it right well, but let me (I pray you) by the way aske you the reason, why in those citties of Mounster, namely Waterford and Corke, you rather