Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/250

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by which they pole and utterly undoe the poore tennants and free-houlders unto them, which either thorough ignorance know not their tenures, or through greatnes of their new lords dare not challenge them; yea, and some lords of countryes also, as great ones as themselves, are now by strong hand brought under them, and made their vassals. As for example Arundell of the Stronde in the County of Corke, who was aunciently a great lord, and was able to spend 3500. pounds by the yeare, as appeareth by good rccordes, is now become the Lord Barries man, and doth to him all those services, which are due unto her Majesty. For, reformation of all which, I wish that there were a commission graunted forth under the Great Seale, as I have seene one recorded in the old counsell booke of Mounster, that was sent forth, in the time of Sir William Drurie, unto persons of speciall trust and judgement to inquire thoroughout all Ireland, beginning with one county first, and so resting a while till the same were settled, by the verdict of a sound and substantiall iury, how every man houldeth his land, of whom, and by what tenure, so that every one should be admitted to shew and exhibite what right he hath, and by what services hee houldeth his land, whether in cheife or in soccage, or by knights service, or how else soever. Thereupon would appeare, first how all those great

    certaine dayes in each quarter of a yeare, to finde victualls, and lodging, and to pay certaine stipends to the kerne, galloglasses, and horsemen.

    Sir James Ware.