Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/269

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sheriffe may not have the like power of life, as the marshall hath, and as heretofore they have beene accustomed; for it is dangerous to give power of life into the hands of him which may have benefit by the parties death, as, if the said loose liver have any goods of his owne, the Sheriffe is to seize thereupon, whereby it hath come to passe, that some who have not deserved iudgement of death, though otherwise perhaps offending, have beene for their goods sake caught up, and carryed straight to the bough; a thing indeed very pittiful and horrible. Therefore by no meanes I Mould have the Sheriffe have such authority, nor yet to imprison that lozell till the sessions, for so all gaoles might soon be filled; but to send him to the Marshall, who, eftsoones finding him faultie, shall give him meete correction, and ridd him away forthwith.

Eudox. I doe now perceive your reason well: But come wee now to that whereof wee earst spake, I meane, to religion and religious men; what order will vou set amongst them?

Iren. For religion little have I to say, my selfe being (as I said) not professed therein, and it selfe being but one, so as there is but one way therein; for that which is true onely is, and the rest is not at all; yet, in planting of religion, thus much is needefull to be observed, that it bee not sought forcibly to bee impressed into them with terrour and sharpe penalties,