Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/279

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of England; which now doth but sucke and consume the treasure thereof, through those unsound plots and changefull orders, which are dayly devised for her good, yet never effectually prosecuted or performed.

Eudox. But in all this your discourse I have not marked any thing by you spoken touching the appointment of the principall Officer, to whom you wish the charge of the performance of all this to be committed: Onely I observed some fowle abuses by you noted in some of the late Governours, the reformation whereof you left of for this present place.

Iren. I delight not to lay open the blames of great Magistrates to the rebuke of the world, and therefore their reformation I will not meddle with, but leave unto the wisedome of greater heads to be considered; only thus much I will speake generally thereof, to satisfie your desire, that the Government and cheife Magistracy, I wish to continue as it doth, to wit, that it be ruled by a Lord Deputy or Iustice, for that it is a very safe kinde of rule; but there-withall I wish that over him there were placed also a Lord Lieutenant, of some of the greatest personages in England, [o 1] such a one I could name, upon whom the eye of all England is fixed, and our last hopes now rest; who being intituled with that dignity, and being here alwayes resident, may backe and defend the good course of that government against all maligners, which else will, through their cunning working under

  1. such a one I could name, &c] Meaning the Earl of Essex. Todd.