Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/303

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Limericke hath In it the Knight of the valley, William Burcke, Mac-Ibrine Ara, part of the white Knights Lands, Cosmay, Obrenes, and upon the edge of Kerrie the greene Knight, alias the knight of Kerrie.

Leinster butteth upon England, Mounsterand Connaght upon France and Spaine, Vlster upon the Scottish Hands (which face with Hebrides) scattered between both realmes; wherein at this day, the Irish Scot Successour of the old Scythian Pict or Redshancke dwelleth.

The spirituall Jurisdiction [1] is ordered into 4. Provinces whereof the primacy was euer given (in reverence toward Saint Patricke their Apostle) to the Archbishoppe of Ardmagha, now called Ardmagh, which custome was since confirmed by Engenius the 3. who sent withall 3. other prelates to be placed, one at Dublin, one at Cashell, & the last at Tuam. To these are suffraganes in right 29. and all they inferiour to the Primate of Ardmaghe : under his province are the Bishopprickes of Meath, Deny, Ardagh, Kilmore, Clogher, Downe, Coner, Clonmacknoes, Rapho, and Dromore.

Vnder Dublin [2] (whereunto Innocentius 3. united Glandelagh) are the Bishop of Elphine, Kildare, Femes, Ossorie and Laighlein.

  1. Bishops, in Ireland. Bern, in vka Malach. An. 1148.
  2. Dublin, an. 1212. S. Pat. booke of Recordes.