Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/334

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partakers of the commodities then chiefly found in that soile. These are also supposed to have invented the distribution of shires into Cantredes, every Cantrede or Barony, conteining an hundred Towneships, wherewith the name and use of hundreds, well knowne in England, might seeme to accord.

Variance for the chiefty set the foure brethren at a lovve ebbe, and then Slanius perched over them all, encroached every way round about the middle stone certaine miles for provision and furniture of his owne houshold, which plot in time obtained the name of one generall part, and now maketh up the fift, Media. Meth it was called either for moytie of Cantredes, being but sixteene, vvhereas the rest comprised thirty tvvo apeece, or for the site thereof in the navell of Ireland. This hee assigned to the Monarch a surplus over and above his Inheritance, vvhich notvvithstanding grevv to a severall Kingdome, and allovved thereof certaine parts by composition. Not long after dyed Slanius, & vvas buried in a mountaiue of Meth that carrieth his name. Thirty yeares the Monarchy vvas possessed in this order, but shortly the Princes ovving fealty, beganne to stomack the Intrusion of Slanius, & vvhen he vvas once rid, they disdained his successour, whereupon ensued everlasting Battels. The Monarchy was laide downe, then fell they at debate for the land of Meth, which strife could never be appeased. In the necke of those troubles came over a new army of Scithians, who claymed also from Nemodus their fore-