Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/337

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now Compostella. [1] The remnant passed with him into Ireland, where the Barbarians highly honoured him, for his cunning in all languages, who also greatly perfected and beautified the Irish tongue, taught them letters, sought up their antiquities, practised their youth in martiall feates, after his Greeke and Ægyptian manner. Finally so well he pleased them that to gratifie such a Benefactour, they were content to name the Hand after him Gathelia, and after his wife Scotia. Truely that Scotia is the auncient appellation of Ireland, all Chroniclers agree, as it shalbe more plaine, when wee touch the Scottish pedigree. A brute there is in Ireland but uncertainelie fathered, that in remembrance of Pharao, their good lord, the Kerne pitching his Dart, cryeth of courage faro, faro; but the learned thinke that to bee taken from the Spaniard, who in his Ioco dicano exclaymeth fabo, fabo.

The people left in the coast of Spaine, founded the city of Bayon, now part of Gascoigne, and replenished all the shore towards Africk, [2] and the edges of Portugall, Castile, Galaecia, towardes the sea Cantabricum, well nigh 200. yeares, after which time some of them began to minde another travaile, because they were pestered with Inhabitants, and whether they ever sped to Ireland, it is unknowne, at the

  1. Hector. Boeth. lib. 1.
  2. Ann. mundi 2642.