Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/339

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had the Brittaines an elder right to the Realme of Ireland, then hy the conquest of Henry the 2. which title they never surceased to claime, & somtimes prevailed, as in the dayes of King Arthur, to vvhom the Irish Princes agnized their tribute and apparance, made at his Parliament in urbe Legionum, vvhich I take to be Westchester, called of old Carleon, as divers other citties vvere, vvherein the Romanes placed the legions. Again the Kings of Britain vvere then Lords of the place whence this people came, so as their vvinnings must have beene the Kings Dominion.

To all this when their owne free assent, the dedition of other Princes, lawfull conquest and prescription is adjoyned, it forceth an invincible title. But to prosecute our purpose. Those Iberians being substantially ayded of Gurguntius, enjoyed the Lands, bestowed themselves foure brethren into foure parts thereof, untill their pride and ambition armed two against other two, Hibeius and his brother against Hirimon and his. In this conflict Hirimon slew Hiberus, and raigned quietly. At this time the countrey was first named Ibernia, as I have declared in the third Chapter. The King to avoyde obloquie and slaunder, purged himselfe to his subjects, that neither maliciously nor contentiously, but for his necessary defence and safeguard he had borne armes against his brother. And to witnesse how farre he was from desire to rule alone, he nominated speciall Captaines to be Kings