Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/359

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were exceeding horrible: further he added, that the faste is rated more or lesse, according to the quality of the penitent, and that the place seemed to him scarcely able to receive sixe persons.


The Jrish Saints.

Though my search thereof in this my haste out of the land be very cumbersome, yet being loath to neglect the memory of Gods friends, more glorious to a Realme then all the victories and triumphs of the world, I thinke it good to furnish out this chapter with some extracts touching the Saints of Ireland, namely those that are most notable, mentioned by authors of good credit. Cambrensis telleth, that in S. Patricks time flourished S. Bride the virgin, and S. Columbe in Doune, where their bodies soone after the conquest, and also S. Patrickes body were found, Sir Iohn Courcye being then President of Vlster. In viewing of the sepulture hee testifieth to have seene three principall Jewells, vvhich vvere then translated as honourable monuments vvorthie to be preserved.

Of S. Columbe[1] it is doubted, whether he lived in that age. Brigide was base Daughter of Dubtachus

  1. Ex Vitis sanctorum Hiberniæ.