Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/365

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severall, sundred them againe, and preferred another to the Diocesse of Coner, desirous rather to discharge his cure, then to enlarge the fruites, while he preached, a woman fell at his feete, and besought his prayer, for that she had now gone with childe fifteene moneths and twenty dayes, nor could by any meanes be delivered, which done, the newes of her delivery was reported before the assembly brake up. Hee threatned vengeance to a Captaine, unlesse he would turne away the Concubine he kept, the same being also his brothers Concubine. The Captaine tooke it disdainefully, and within one houre, was slaine by a conspiracy of women, whose Daughters and servants he had defiled. There dwelt in Lismore a notable Clerke, of conversation upright, but corrupt in judgement of religion, this fellow advancing his doctrine, offered disputation to the Bishop, before the multitude, when he was forced to silence with the waight of truth, yet he cavilled maliciously, that not the cause nor learning, but the countenance and credit of Malachias had wonne the victory. To whom the Bishop answered, our Lord compell thee, even maugre thine owne willfullnesse to acknowledge thine errors. At these words the Clerke and intending to fly the sight of men, was prevented with a mortall infirmity, and beseeching the Bishop of his peace and communion, died immediately, reconciled to God and holy Church. Being demaunded of his Brethren, the Moncks of Banchor, where and when hee would wish to dye, and be buryed, if it lay in his choyse, hee answered: If in