Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/380

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82 campion's historie him detained prisoner three yeares, ne would in any wise pay ransome or accept the liberty promised him, but if the conditions were loyall to the Crowne, and to his person no dis-worship. Lastly by the mediation of David Bishop of S. Davids, the third brother; and of Fitz Gerald, and at the instance of Mac Murrough whom the Prince entertained in that distresse, Fitz Stephens was conditionaly delivered, that he and his brother Maurice, should the next spring, while Stronghow provided his army, assist the Irish out-cast, who in consideration thereof assured them an estate for ever in the towne of Weixford, and two Cantreds adjoyning. Thus much firmely concluded on all sides, the King stale secretly home, and wintered closely among the Cleargie of Femes. According to covenant came Fitz Stephens, with 30. Knights of his blood, 60. Squiers, & 300. footemen Archers, to whom at his landing, Dermot sent in aid his base sonne Duvelnaldus, and five hundred speares. The towne and suburbes of Weixford marched forth against him : But when they saw Souldiours in array, diversly dighted and weaponed, furnished with artil- lery, barbed horses and harnesse, they retyred to their walles and strengthned them, burning the villages thereabouts, and all the provision they could not carry. The assault lasted 3. dayes, in the 4. certaine Bishops resciant there, tooke up the variance, pacified the