Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/386

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88 campion's historie incontinently all Mounster submitted themselves to his peace. There the men of Wexford to feede the surmises of Henry conceived against the gentlemen, betrayed their Lord Fitz Stephens, and him delivered to the King. The King to gratlfie them, for a while tremely chained and hampered the prisoner, quarrel - lino- with him, notwithstanding the inhibition he had proceeded in atchieving the conquest of Ireland, but shortly bee enlarged him, and ratified the grants of Wexford above-mentioned. These Princes of the South sware fidelity and tribute to Henry. Dermot Cartye King of Corke, Donald Ohrene king of Limericke, Donald and Omalaghlien, puissant Lords of Ossory, and in briefe, all the states of Mounster, from thence hee journeyed to Dublin, where in like manner all the Captaines of Leinster, and Oroi'icke king of Meth, and Rodericke Oconor, king of Connaght, and of all Ireland for himselfe, and the whole Hand, humbly recognized his sove- raignety : finally, no man there was of name in the land (except them of Vlster) but they to him bowed and sware obeysance. All which he feasted royally with a dinner of Cranes flesh, a fowle till then utterly abhorred of the Irish. Merlin had prophesied, that five should meete, and the sixt should scourge them. This sixt they now construed to be Henry, in whom the five pettie King- domes were united. Of the same conquest prophesied