Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/389

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OF IRELAND. 91 In absence of King Henry, Ororick King of Meth, surnamed Monoculus, required conference and parley with Hugh de Lacy, in which communication the King had trayterously murdered Lacy, had not Fitz Gerald rescued him. Then stept out an ambushment of the Irish, but Griffin a Gentleman of the bloud royall in Wales, flighted the Kyrneghes, and slew Ororick. The English perceived such practices daylie sought and attempted, tooke from the Irish as farre as they durst, all trust of government, fenced themselves with garrisons, made Captaines, Keepers and Constables, wheresoever they wanne the better. But King Henry was so affrighted with his sonnes rebellion, and grew into such envye both at home and abroad for the death of Thomas late Archbishop of Canterbury, that he had no will to mind his proceedings in Ireland. Ever his jealousie increased towardes the Earle Strongbow, whom he supposed easie to bee carryed away with any light occasion of tumult. The Earle was a man of great birth, but not of great port until this good marriage befell him, & knowing himselfe neither to be brooked in sight, nor trusted out of sight, kept still one certaine rate in all his doings, bare but lovve saile, fed no quarrells, shunned all suspicious con- ference. • While they stood thus in a mammaring, and Letters tame daylie over, how faintly the States and Princes