Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/396

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98 campion's hstorie sprang parties and disdaine, and to the knights that hardiest were and readiest of i fort, to the enemies a spurre. hardiest were and readiest of courage no small discom- With the brute of his arrivall at Waterford, the Kings of Thomond, Desmond and Connaght, put themselves in the bravest manner they could, to meete him and to submit their countries to his Grace, before them came the Irish Franklyns with rich presents, (and as they are very kind hearted where they list to shew obedience,) made unto the Childe, their Lord, the most joy and gladnesse that might be, and though rudely, yet lovingly, and after the custome of their country, offred to kisse him, with such familiarity as they used towards their Princes at home. Two of the Guard, Normans, pickthankes, shooke and tare the Clownes by the glibs & beards unmannerly, and churlishly thrust them out of the presence, whom they should have instructed curteously, & born with. The Irish thus rejected, went against the fore-named Kings, opened the rebukes and villanyes done to them, for their meekenes, that their Lord whom they thought to honour, was but a Boy, peevish and insolent, governed by a sort of flatterers, younglings and prowlers : That sithence to them that buxome were and tractable, such despite and dishonour (that terme they have borrowed of the Spaniards) was proffered so soone, little good should the states of Ireland looke for in continuance, when the English had once yoked and penned them in their douches.