Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/443

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OP IRELAND. 145 Macbanons, Ogaghnraghte, Manus Mac Mahowne, all the Captaines of Thomond, and all this in three moneths. The Cleargye of Divelin twice every vveeke in solemne procession praying for his good successe against these disordered persons, which now in every quarter of Ireland, had degenerated to their olde trade of life, and repyned at the English. Lieutenants to Henry the sixt over the Realme of Ireland were Edmund* Earle of Marche, and lames Earle of Ormond his Deputy m Iohn Sutton Knight, Lord Dudley, and Sir Thomas Strange, his Deputy n Sir Thomas Standley, and Sir Christopher Plonket his Deputy ° Lyon Lord Welles, and the Earle of Or- mond his Deputy, P James Earle of Ormond, the Kings Lieutenant by himselfe, Iohn Earle of Shrewesbury, and the Archbishop of Divelin, Lord Iustice in his absence. Richard Plantaginet^ Duke of Yorke, father of Edward the fourth, and Earle of Vlster, had the office of Lieutenant by letters Patents, during the space of ten yeares, who deputed under him at severall times, the Baron of Delvin, Roland Fitz Eustace knight, lames Earle of Ormond, and Thomas Fitz Morrice Earle of Kildare. To this Richard then resciant in Divelin, was borne within the castle there, his second 1 An. 7. m An. 12. • An. 10. • An. 22, p An. 20. U - An. 27.