Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/445

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OP IRELAND. 147 And like it you to wit, that sith I wrote last unto the King our soveraigne Lord his Highnes, the Irish enemy, that is to say, Magoghigan, and with him three or foure Irish Captaines, associate with a great fellowship of English rebells, notwithstanding, that they were within the King our Soveraigne Lord his power, of great malice, and against all truth, have maligned against their legiance, and vengeably have brent a great towne of mine inheritance, in Meth, called Ramore, and other villages thereabouts, and murdered and brent both men, women, and children, without mercy. The which enemies be yet assembled in woods and forts, wayting to doe the hurt and grievance to the Kings subjects that they can thinke or imagine, for which cause I write at this time unto the Kings Highnes, and beseech his good grace for to hasten my payment for this land, according to his let- ters of warrant, now late directed unto the Treasurer of England, to the intent I may wage men in sufficient number, for to resist the malice of the same enemyes, and punish them in such wyse, that other which would doe the same, for lacke of resistance in time, may take example; for doubtlesse, but if my payment bee had in all haste, for to have men of warre in de- fence and safe-guard of this Land, my power cannot stretch to keepe it in the Kings obeysance. And very necessity will compell mee to come into England to live there, upon my poore livelode, for I had lever bee dead, then any inconvenience should fall thereunto in hiv default ; for it shall never bee chronicled, nor re-