Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/450

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152 campion's historie shortly both the Earles of Kiklare and Desmond were restored to their bloud by Parliament. Sir Rowland Eustace, e Knight, sometimes Trea- surer, and Lord Chauncellour, and lastly, Lord Deputye of Ireland, founded Saint Frauncis Abbey besides Kil- cullen bridge.

Edward, f a yeare before his death, honoured his younger son Richard the infant, Duke of Yorke, with the title of Lieutenant over this Land. But his un- natural Vncle Richard the Third, when he had mur- dered the childe, and the elder brother called Edward the 5. He then preferred to that Office his ovvne sonne Edward, whose Deputy was GtTald Earle of Kildare, and bare that office a while in Henri/ the 7- his dayes. To whom came the wylie Priest, Sir Richard Symonds, & presented a lad his scholler, named Lambert, whom he fained to be the son of George Duke of Clarence, lately escaped the towre of London. And the child could his pedegree so rea- dily, and had learned of the Priest such princely behaviour, that he lightly moved the said Earle, and many Nobles of Ireland tendering the Seed Royall of Richard Plantagenet, and George his sonne, as also maligning the advancement of the house of Lan- caster, in Henry the seventh, either to thinke or make the world weene, they thought verily this childe to bee '14701 ■ 1481. -